

重庆与世界 2022年2期

Chongqing has become one of the most popular tourist destinations nationwide in 2021. Following the strategy of “going global” and “bringing in”, the Municipality launched a string of high-quality events in the past year to expedite its effort of building Chongqing into a world-renowned cultural tourism destination, and to further enhance interactions between culture and tourism sectors home and abroad.

Giving full play to the platforms including Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism, and Chongqing International Exchanges Center of Culture and Tourism, Chongqing has accelerated in building itself into a Center for International Exchanges in Central and Western China. Marketing and promotion capabilities were developed by training a tiered talent pool serving international culture and tourism with differentiated focus, so as to constantly improve the international development of the culture and tourism in Chongqing.

● The Chongqing-China Cultural Center (Mexico) Cooperation Project kicked off both online and offline. The Project has presented the Mexican people the unique and attractive Bayu culture in various ways including singing and dancing, Chinese folk art, acrobatics, musical instrument performances, seminars and online exhibition, receiving compliments from the Chinese Embassy in Mexico

● During the Chongqing-Minsk TV Week, Chongqing Broadcasting Group signed a triangular friendly cooperation agreement with Capital Television of Belarus (CTB) and Minsk Truth News Agency.

● 1月—12月,重庆—墨西哥中国文化中心部省对口合作项目以线上线下相结合的方式开展,通过歌舞、曲艺、杂技、器乐、讲座、“云”展览等形式,向墨西哥民众呈现巴渝文化独特魅力,并获我驻墨西哥大使馆表彰。


● An online celebration for the Chinese New Year by the communities from Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR and Chinese mainland was held, demonstrating Chongqing’s rich cultural and tourism resources and traditional custom of the Spring Festival via mainstream medias.


● Themed as “Exploring the Four Seasons & Embracing the Nature”, Nature Exploration Competition, included in a series of events for public benefits, was held for teenagers in Chongqing, Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR to conduct exchanges on nature and culture in various ways.


● A World Earth Day event themed “Biodiversity: Stories of Nature Conservation in China and Canada” was unfolded with the Consulate-General of Canada in Chongqing as a co-host.

● The Educational Workshop on Nature and Ecology was held with the theme of “Joining Hands in Planting Young Forest for Carbon Neutrality”. The Workshop was attended by Japanese, Ethiopian and Cambodian consular officials in Chongqing.

● 与加拿大驻重庆总领馆共同主办“生物多样性:来自中加自然保护地的故事”世界地球日主题活动。

● “共植少年林·同创碳中和”自然生态专题教育实践活动,邀请日本、埃塞俄比亚、柬埔寨等驻渝领事官员参加。

● 2021 China Wuling Cultural Tourism Summit was held in Chongqing. The Summit was attended by representatives from the Consulate-General of Poland in Chengdu, the Consulate-General of Hungary in Chongqing and the Consulate-General of Malaysia in Kunming.

● The International Mountain Tourism Day 2021·World Heritage Mountain (Jinfo Maintain) Summit received delegates at invitation from the Embassies of Laos, Peru, Sri Lanka and Moldova in China, the Consulates-General of Japan, Cambodia and Hungary in Chongqing, and the Consulate-General of Austria in Chengdu.

●  “From Danube to Yangtze” Chongqing Festival Orchestra Debut Concert was held with success. American Tenor Fan Jingma and his team participated in the planning and performance of the Concert. Chinese Rhapsody – My Loved Motherland, an original symphonic poem by Belgian composer and conductor Peter Ritzen, premiered on the Concert.

● 2021中國武陵文旅峰会,波兰驻成都总领馆、匈牙利驻重庆总领馆、马来西亚驻昆明总领馆代表受邀参加。

● 国际山地旅游日世界遗产名山(金佛山)峰会,老挝、秘鲁、斯里兰卡、摩尔多瓦等国家驻华大使馆,日本、柬埔寨、匈牙利驻重庆总领馆,奥地利驻成都总领馆等驻华外交机构代表受邀参会。

● 美籍男高音歌唱家范竞马及其团队参与策划并参与演出的“从多瑙河到长江”大型交响音乐会携重庆节日交响乐团首秀。比利时作曲家兼指挥皮特·利兹为此音乐会创作了原创交响诗《中国随想曲》并首唱。

● Chongqing undertook the 2021 “Feeling Beautiful China with Heart” Online Tourism Promotion hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the PRC (MCT). The event was attended by Zhang Xu, Vice Minister of MCT; Edward Yau, Secretary of Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, the Government of Hong Kong SAR; and Lei Wai Nong, Secretary of Economy and Finance, the Government of Macao SAR.

● The 7th Western China Tourism Industry Expo and 2021 Chongqing International Cultural & Tourism Industry Expo was unfolded. The event received exhibitors from nine diplomatic missions posted in China including the Consulates-General in Chongqing, and cultural and tourism enterprises from 30 provinces, cities and regions nationwide.

● Chongqing took part in the 17th Strait Travel Fair and the 7th China (Xiamen) International Leisure Tourism Expo, and successfully held the Chongqing Culture and Tourism Promotion (Xiamen) themed as “A Land of Natural Beauty, A City with Cultural Appeal”.

● Together with the Publicity Department of the CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee and other relevant departments, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government held the “2021 Foreigners Having Fun @ Chongqing | City Exploring Activities”. Foreign friends were invited to a district of Chongqing to explore intangible cultural heritage, visit popular scenic spots and celebrate Chinese traditional festival.

● 承办文化和旅游部2021“美丽中国·心睇验”线上推介会,文化和旅游部副部长张旭、香港特区政府商务及经济发展局局长邱腾华、澳门特区政府经济财政司司长李伟农出席活动。

● 第七届中国西部旅游产业博览会暨2021重庆国际文化旅游产业博览会,邀请9个外国驻渝总领馆及驻华代表机构,全国30个省市和地区的文旅企业参展。

● 参加第十七届海峡旅游博览会和第七届中国(厦门)国际休闲旅游博览会,并成功举办“山水之城·美丽之地”重庆文化旅游推介会(厦门站)。

● 6月—12月,与市委宣传部等部门联合举办2021年老外@Chongqing耍得巴适城市体验活动,邀请外国友人走进重庆区县体验非遗教学、打卡网红景点、过传统节日。

● Representatives from Chongqing participated the 9th Macao International Travel (Industry) Expo, where the “Chongqing Culture and Tourism Week” Themed Promotion was held successfully.

● 参加第九届澳门国际旅游(产业)博览会,并成功举办“重庆文化旅游周”主题推介活动。

● Chongqing participated the 5th China-Arab States Expo, where intangible cultural heritages such as Rongchang pottery was displayed, so as to promote culture and tourism interactions with Arab countries.

● In the Parallel Session on Smart Tourism of China-SCO Forum on the Digital Economy Industry, Chongqing officially launched the China (Chongqing) – Shanghai Cooperation Organization Smart Tourism Center.

● Chongqing set up the Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture and Tourism, and held a string of international exchange activities, including the Mid-Autumn Festival | Hungary Rubik’s Cube Friendship Invitational Competition and the Supreme Craftsmanship – Japanese Traditional Craftwork Exhibition.

● 參加第五届中国—阿拉伯国家博览会,重点展示荣昌陶器等非遗文化,进一步深化重庆与阿拉伯国家文旅交流。

● 在渝举办中国—上海合作组织数字经济产业论坛智慧旅游分论坛,挂牌成立“中国(重庆)—上海合作组织智慧旅游中心”。

● 挂牌成立“重庆国际文旅之窗”,先后举办“庆中秋·匈牙利魔方友谊邀请赛”、“匠心之致—日本传统工艺展”等国际交流活动。

● Qin Dingbo, Deputy Director-General of Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, was invited to attend the 2nd Forum of Heads of Regions of the SCO Member States, where he promoted Chongqing’s cultural and tourism resources.

● 市文化旅游委副主任秦定波受邀出席第二届上海合作组织成员国地方领导人论坛并作重庆文旅推介。

● Chongqing undertook the Lancang-Mekong Tourist Cities Cooperation Alliance Conference & Lancang-Mekong Mayor Forum on Culture and Tourism hosted by Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the PRC. Themed as “Sharing New Opportunities for New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor (ILSTC) and Promoting Great Development of Lancang-Mekong Culture and Tourism”, representatives from the six countries in the Lancang-Mekong region discussed how to promote the recovery and high-quality development of culture and tourism in this region.

● Chongqing undertook “Discovering China · Trip to Chongqing” event hosted by Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the PRC, welcoming diplomats posted in China from 11 countries, including Thailand, Malta and Chile to investigate the Municipality.

● 承办文化和旅游部“澜湄旅游城市合作联盟大会暨澜湄市长文化旅游论坛”,澜湄六国围绕“共享陆海通道新机遇·共促澜湄文旅大发展”主题,共商疫后澜湄区域文化和旅游业复苏提振办法,共促澜湄区域文化旅游高质量发展。

● 承办文化和旅游部“发现中国之旅·重庆行”活动,泰国、马耳他、智利等11国驻华外交官受邀赴重庆考察调研。

● On the signing ceremony of the 14th China – LAC Business Summit, Chongqing Jiazuo Film Culture Media Co., Ltd. and the national TV stations of Ecuador, Honduras and Bolivia jointly signed a contract on broadcasting popular Chinese films and TV programs as well as a cooperation agreement on film & television, culture and tourism.

● The project launched by Chetian Township of Youyang County to reduce poverty systematically through “well-conceived plans, trials, cultural promotion, wide engagement and reforms” has been the only project from Chongqing listed in the newly-issued 2021 World Tourism Alliance (WTA) Best Practices of Rural Revitalization Through Tourism.

● On the 15th Wu Shan International Red Leaves Festival, diplomats in China from Laos, Singapore, Italy, Thailand, the Netherlands, Japan, Pakistan and the UK at invitation addressed online remarks.

● 第十四届中国—拉美企业家高峰会签约仪式上,重庆佳左影视文化传媒有限公司与厄瓜多尔、洪都拉斯、玻利维亚国家电视台,成功签署中国优秀影视作品播映合同以及影视文旅合作协议。

● 《2021年世界旅游联盟—旅游助力乡村振兴案例》发布,酉阳县车田乡“规划发动、示范带动、文化驱动、融合联动、改革推动”五大扶贫系统工程,成为重庆市唯一入选的案例。

● 第十五届中国·重庆长江三峡(巫山)国际红叶节,老挝、新加坡、意大利、泰国、荷兰、日本、巴基斯坦、英国等国駐华使节受邀线上出席并发表视频致辞。

● During the Macao Week in Chongqing, tourism communities of the two sides co-hosted a culture and tourism promotion and exchange activity to boost the common development of the tourism sectors, and catalyze interactions between Macao SAR and the Chinese mainland.

● Chongqing co-hosted “Discovering Eclectic Chongqing”, a series of tourism promotion events, with Tourism Australia and the Southern China Office of Tourism Malaysia.

● Exploring the Enchanting Mountain City – A Probe into the Youngest Centrally Administered Municipality in China was selected as one of the “potential products for Chinese Mainland Study Tour in 2021” by the Chinese Mainland Study Tour Alliance of Teenagers in Hong Kong SAR and Macao SAR.

● On Chongqing Day of China Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai UAE, cultural and tourism enterprises of Chongqing and relevant villages under Chongqing’s pairing-assistance program for poverty alleviation took part in the exhibition and performance.

● “重庆澳门周”期间,渝澳两地旅游业界开展“渝澳一家亲”文旅推介及洽谈交流活动,振兴两地旅游产业,促进澳门与内地交流合作。

● 与澳大利亚旅游局、马来西亚旅游局华南区办事处,联合举办“渝”见不同系列旅游推介活动。

● 《走进魔幻城市、山水之都—探究中国最年轻的直辖市》研学产品入选港澳青少年内地游学联盟“2021年度港澳青少年内地游学潜力产品”。

● 2020迪拜世博会中国馆“重庆日”,组织市内文旅企业、对口帮扶村参展参演。

Photo/The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development  Editor/Yang Yan

图片/市文化旅游委提供  编辑/杨艳


文化和旅游部公布第二批国家全域旅游示范区名单 云南3地区上榜
文化和旅游部部署 国庆节中秋节文化和旅游假日市场工作