

广东园林 2022年6期

专题:自然保护地体系建设 Topic: Construction of Natural Reserve System

国家公园中地役权保护模式及支撑体系研究/ 邓毅 邢成玥 黄金玲*(1-02)

Easement Protection Mode and Support System in National Parks/DENG Yi,XING Cheng-yue,HUANG Jin-ling*

省域自然保护地群建设意义与构建方法探讨/ 何凯琪 闫法领 黄金玲*(1-07)

Significance and Methods of Provincial Protected Areas Groups Construction/ HE Kai-qi,YAN Fa-ling,HUANG Jin-ling*

海口五源河下游蜂虎保护小区自然教育场域设计探索/ 蒋华平 王威*张梦真(1-11)

Natural Education Site Design for Wuyuan River Bee-eater Reserve in Haikou/ JIANG Hua-ping,WANG Wei*,ZHANG Meng-zhen

田头山自然保护区林地土壤理化性质与重金属相关性研究/ 窦苗陶玉柱*高瑶瑶(1-16)

Correlation between Physicochemical Properties and Heavy Metals in Forest Soils of Tiantou Mountain Nature Reserve/ DOU Miao,TAO Yuzhu*,GAO Yao-yao

专题:诗意的风景园林——山水之间 Topic: The Poetic Landscape Architecture: between Mountains and Waters

贵港君子垌客家传统聚落山水空间营建研究/ 陈欣怡 廖宇航*(1-22)

Landscape Space Construction of Traditional Hakka Settlements in Guigang Junzidong/ CHEN Xin-yi,LIAO Yu-hang*

从《紫钗记》与《牡丹亭》管窥明代女性园林香境/ 陈施妤 陈意微*梁芷晴(1-28)

Smell Artistic Conception of Female Garden in the Drama ofThe Legend of Purple HairpinandThe Peony Pavilionin the Ming Dynasty/ CHEN Shi-yu,CHEN Yi-wei*,LIANG Zhi-qing

基于文化接受者的明清时期中欧文化交融背景下的岭南私家园林简析/ 田靖雯 张秦英*(1-33)

Lingnan Private Garden under the Background of Cultural Integration between China and Europe during the Ming and Qing Dynasties Based on Cultural Receivers/ TIAN Jing-wen,ZHANG Qin-ying*

专题:“碳中和”与大湾区绿地建设 Topic: Carbon Neutrality and Green Space Construction in the Greater Bay Area

基于碳中和视角的深圳光明科学城中心区生态设计探讨/ 颜佳 孙芝倩 王玉萍(2-02)

Ecological Design of the Central Area of Shenzhen Guangming Science City Based on the Perspective of Carbon Neutrality/ YAN Jia,SUN Zhiqian,WANG Yu-ping

城市绿地建设中碳减排和碳增汇的实施路径/ 陈修康 邓建忠(2-07)

Paths of Carbon Emission Reduction and Carbon Sink Increase in Urban Green Space Construction/ CHEN Xiu-kang,DENG Jian-zhong

人本视角下广州白云山的山城边界景观策略研究/ 刘为 古亚宁(2-11)

Landscape Strategy of Mountain-city Interface in Guangzhou Baiyun Mountain from the Perspective of Humanism/ LIU Wei,GU Ya-ning

基于CiteSpace软件的国内外风水林研究历程分析/ 汤海宁 宋希强 梁怀月*(2-18)

Analysis of the Research Progress of Fengshui Forest at Home and Abroad Based on CiteSpace Software/ TANG Hai-ning,SONG Xiqiang,LIANG Huai-yue*

专题:美丽宜居乡村建设 Topic: Construction of Beautiful and Livable Villages

耦合公众参与的传统聚落雷州青桐村景观保护性规划研究/ 邓卓迪 陈琨 麦湘颖(2-24)

Landscape Conservation Planning of Qingtong Village in Leizhou City,a Traditional Settlement Coupled with Public Participation/ DENG Zhuodi,CHEN Kun,MAI Xiang-ying

“渔业+”理念下汕尾渔村文化景观再生策略/ 李小琦 郑琪 赵建华*(2-29)

Cultural Landscape Regeneration Strategy of Shanwei Fishing Village under the Concept of “Fishery+”/ LI Xiao-qi,ZHENG Qi,ZHAO Jian-hua*

红山村公共空间优化策略研究/ 陈晓玲(2-34)

Optimization Strategy of Public Space in Hongshan Village/ CHEN Xiao-ling

中国南方水乡乡村聚落空间结构研究综述/ 黄颖 资惠宇 佘美萱*(2-38)

Research Review of Rural Settlement Space in Water Area of South China/ HUANG Ying,ZI Hui-yu,SHE Mei-xuan*

专题:城市生物多样性Topic: Urban Biodiversity

加拿大素里市城市生物多样性保护规划经验及其启示/ 黄俊达 黄金玲*(3-02)

Urban Biodiversity Conservation Planning Experience and its Implications in Surrey,Canada/ HUANG Jun-da,HUANG Jin-ling*

如何在超大城市的中心绿地营造特色生态微栖息地景观?——以深圳中心公园为例/ 钟兰 苏洪林 林石狮*(3-07)

How to Create a Landscape of Characteristic Ecological Micro-habitats in the Central Green Spaces of Mega Cities?——Take Shenzhen Central Park as an Example/ ZHONG Lan,SU Hong-lin,LIN Shi-shi*

广东连南板洞省级自然保护区鸟类多样性初步调查/ 吴书德 唐刚佟富春*(3-13)

A Preliminary Investigation on the Bird Diversity of Bandong Provincial Nature Reserve/ WU Shu-de,TANG Gang,TONG Fu-chun*

基于CiteSpace分析国内树洞研究文献及发展趋势/ 王玲 郑伟 徐晓丹*(3-17)

Analysis on the Research Literature and Development Trend of Tree Hole in China Based on Cite Space/ WANG Ling,ZHENG Wei,XU Xiao-dan*

专题:碧道设计研究与实践 Topic: Research and Practice of Ecological Belt

广州碧道水生态设施标识系统优化设计初探/ 资惠宇 胡子灵 佘美萱*(4-02)

Optimal Design of Water Ecological Facilities Identification System in Guangzhou Ecological Belt/ ZI Hui-yu,HU Zi-ling,SHE Mei-xuan*

广东万里碧道公共服务供给模式研究——以广州市为例/ 楚建乐余广丰 资惠宇*(4-08)

Public Service Supply Mode of Ecological Belt in Guangdong: a Case Study of Guangzhou/ CHU Jian-le,YU Guang-feng,ZI Hui-yu*

广州市滨水绿地的规划及政策管理发展历程(2000—2020)/ 付一鸣 冯娴慧*(4-12)

Development History of Planning and Policy Management of Waterfront Green Space in Guangzhou (2000—2020)/ FU Yi-ming,FENG Xian-hui*

专题:风景园林与公共健康 Topic: Public Health and Landscape Architecture

面向自闭症谱系障碍儿童的疗愈花园设计策略研究/ 汤辉*冯思懿(4-19)

Strategy of Healing Gardens Design for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder/ TANG Hui*,FENG Si-yi

家庭康养花园设计与实践案例——以嗅觉体验为主的芳香植物应用/黄业钦 王文恩 王彩云*(4-25)

Design and Practice of Domestic Wellness Garden: Application of Aromatic Plants Based on Olfactory Experience/ HUANG Ye-qin,WANG Wen-en,WANG Cai-yun*

健康城市导向下的社区微花园设计治理/ 侯晓蕾*刘欣 姚莉莎(5-02)

Design and Management of Community Micro Garden under the Guidance of Healthy City/ HOU Xiao-lei*,LIU Xin,YAO Li-sha

遵生·营境·正念——应对高密度城市信息过载的园林康养设计实践研究/ 高伟*徐玉洁(5-06)

Landscape Design for Health Cultivation and Mindfulness: Practice Research on Garden Therapy Design for Information Overload in High Density City/ GAO Wei*,XU Yu-jie

近十年康复景观研究热点辨析与趋势展望/ 李贝 孙正海*(5-12)

Analysis and Trend Prospect of Healing Landscape Research at Home and Abroad in Recent Ten Years/ LI Bei,SUN Zheng-hai*

专题:风景园林与自然教育 Topic: Landscape Architecture and Natural Education

自然教育理念融入儿童乐园设计与营造的实践探究/ 孙芝倩*王玉萍 颜佳(5-19)

Natural Education Concept into the Practice of Children’s Paradise Design and Construction/ SUN Zhi-qian*,WANG Yu-ping,YAN Jia

广州动物园“自然笔记”项目探讨/ 莫嘉琪*许建琳 陈足金(5-24)

Operability and Influence of the “Nature Notes” Program in Guangzhou Zoo/ MO Jia-qi*,XU Jian-lin,CHEN Zu-jin

专题:广东地域性植物与应用 Topic: Guangdong Zonal Vegetation and Its Application

广东榕属古树分布及历史文化研究/ 魏丹 代色平*(6-02)

Relationship between the Distribution of Ancient Banyan Trees in Guangdong and Its History and Culture/ WEI Dan,DAI Se-ping*

广东省乡村古树资源分析及保护对策探讨/ 魏玉晗 杨佐兵 魏丹*(6-06)

Analysis of Rural Ancient Tree Resources and Discussion on Protection Counter Measures in Guangdong Province/ WEI Yu-han,YANG Zuobing,WEI Dan*

广州地区乡土树种筛选与园林价值综合评价/ 陈志晖 罗连 廖文波*(6-12)

Comprehensive Evaluation of Selection and Landscape Value of Native Tree in Guangzhou Region/ CHEN Zhi-hui,LUO Lian,LIAO Wen-bo*

广州滨水绿地自生植物群落调查与园林应用潜力分析/ 邱园 冯志坚 翁殊斐*(6-18)

Analysis of Spontaneous Vegetation and Potential Landscape Use on Waterfront Green Space of Guangzhou/ QIU Yuan,FENG Zhi-jian,WENG Shu-fei*

广州市城市公园板根树种地理成分及其景观应用分析/ 王桢珍 范体凤 翁殊斐*(6-23)

Geographical Elements and Landscape Application of Trees with Plank Buttresses Roots in Guangzhou Urban Parks/ WANG Zhen-zhen,FAN Ti-feng,WENG Shu-fei*

湛江高桥红海榄群落样方遗传相似性特征研究/ 谢秀琴 黄剑坚*(6-27)

Genetic Similarity Characteristics ofRhizophora stylosaStand Community Quadrat in Gaoqiao,Zhanjiang/ XIE Xiu-qin,HUANG Jian-jian*

园林古建研究 Ancient Garden Architecture Research

仪征巴氏朴园考/ 薛青 胡运宏*(3-48)

A Textual Research on the Pu Garden of Ba’s Family in Yizheng/ XUE Qing,HU Yun-hong*

清代桂林环碧园平面复原研究/ 李一 郑文俊*(3-53)

Plane Reconstruction of Guilin Huanbi Garden in the Qing Dynasty/ LI Yi,ZHENG Wen-jun*

广州三元宫道观园林审美文化特征/ 袁月 徐应锦 唐孝祥*(3-58)

The Aesthetic Cultural Characteristics of Taoist Gardens in Guangzhou Sanyuan Palace/ YUAN Yue,XU Ying-jin,TANG Xiao-xiang*

风景园林研究 Landscape Architecture Study

钱泳履园复原及造园理念初探/ 丁庆跃 胡运宏*(2-44)

Restoration of Lv Garden and the Landscape Concept of Qian Yong/DING Qing-yue,HU Yun-hong*

上海城市公园花展可持续发展研究/ 张廷华(2-50)

Sustainable Development of Flower Show in Shanghai Urban Parks/ZHANG Ting-hua


The Real Scenery of Stacked Stones and the Fantasy Land of Mountains and Forests: Discrimination and Analysis of Spatial Scale of Hangzhou Guozhuang Mountain Building/ HUANG Yu-hao

林兆璋“旅游设计组”时期园林建筑创作观解析/ 李沃东(4-36)

Analysis of Lin Zhaozhang’s Concept of Landscape Architecture Design in the Period of “Tourism Design Group”/ LI Wo-dong

城市韧性模型构建——以巴塞罗那为例/ 张思凝(4-43)

Urban Resilience Model Construct: a Case of Barcelona/ ZHANG Si-ning

眼动分析技术在国内景观领域的应用研究进展/ 李祥 金荷仙*(4-48)

Research Progress of Eye Tracking in Landscape Architecture in China/LI Xiang,JIN He-xian*

琉球王国的王族园林初探/ 杨欣宇(5-28)

Royal Garden of the Ryukyu Kingdom/ YANG Xin-yu

海南儋州东坡书院理景及文化史迹遗产保育研究/ 王昊 梁怀月*李丹(5-32)

Landscaping Techniques and Conservation of Cultural and Historical Heritage of Dongpo Academy in Danzhou,Hainan/ WANG Hao,LIANG Huai-yue*,LI Dan

海南岛黎苗文化生态区域格局研究/ 王振恺 许先升*(5-38)

Ecological Regional Pattern of Li-Miao Culture in Hainan Island/WANG Zhen-kai,XU Xian-sheng*

基于Cite Space的生态校园脉络研究与趋势分析/ 胡子灵 资惠宇佘美萱*(5-44)

Context Research and Trend Analysis of Ecological Campus Based on Cite Space/ HU Zi-ling,ZI Hui-yu,SHE Mei-xuan*

基于WorldPop数据的广东省自然保护区人口分布情况分析/ 杨志刚*徐期瑚 黄金玲(6-32)

Population Distribution Analysis of Nature Reserves in Guangdong Province Based on WorldPop Data/ YANG Zhi-gang*,XU Qi-hu,HUANG Jin-ling

文化重构视野下广州城市公园的建设与发展/ 谭燕珊 岑文诺 程晓山*(6-37)

The Construction and Development of Guangzhou Urban Park from the Perspective of Cultural Reconstruction/ TAN Yan-shan,CEN Wen-nuo,CHENG Xiao-shan*

基于文献考证的清代苏州潘氏凤池园平面复原研究/ 陈慧敏 徐瑾*(6-43)

Plane Restoration of Pan’s Fengchi Garden in Suzhou in the Qing Dynasty Based on Textual Research/ CHEN Hui-min,XU Jin*

海口新旧沟文化景观鉴析/ 钟慧敏 赵书彬*(6-48)

Analysis of Cultural Landscape of Xinjiugou in Haikou/ ZHONG Huimin,ZHAO Shu-bin*

美国城市公园使用评价指标ParkIndex 的开发应用与启示/ 邱宇欣 丛艳国 杨文越*(6-52)

The ParkIndex System in USA and Its Inspirations/ QIU Yu-xin,CONG Yan-guo,YANG Wen-yue*

生态修复措施对广州流花湖水质的净化效果研究/ 蓝伟 黄正联*谭广文(6-58)

Purification Effect of Water Quality in Liuhua Lake by Water Ecological Restoration/ LAN Wei,HUANG Zheng-lian*,TAN Guang-wen

昆明捞渔河国家湿地公园使用后绩效评价研究/ 潘圆月 陈桔*(6-62)

Post-use Performance Evaluation of Laoyu River National Wetland Park in Kunming/ PAN Yuan-yue,CHEN Ju*

风景园林实践 Landscape Architecture Practice

基于适应性景观策略下的珠海大门口水道湿地公园设计/ 王兴(1-38)

Design of Zhuhai Grand Gate Waterway Wetland Park Based on Adaptive Landscape Strategy/ WANG Xing

2021年扬州世界园艺博览会深圳园“共生家园”/ 来雨晴*张雪葳朱子卿(1-44)

Shenzhen Garden “Harmonious Home” of the International Horticultural Expo 2021 Yangzhou/ LAI Yu-qing*,ZHANG Xue-wei,ZHU Zi-qing

大型装配式立体绿化“同心圆”立体花坛/ 康毅全 王美婷 周琼(1-48)

Large Prefabricated Three-dimensional Greening: “Concentric Circle”Mosaiculture/ KANG Yi-quan,WANG Mei-ting,ZHOU Qiong

广州市装配式立体绿化景观综合评价分析/ 明丽红 林嘉蓓 奚如春*(1-52)

Comprehensive Evaluation of Prefabricated Three-dimensional Greening in Guangzhou/ MING Li-hong,LIN Jia-bei,XI Ru-chun*

基于层次分析法及模糊综合评价法的中山陵景区核心景点设施适老性评价/ 刘灿灿 孙新旺*(1-56)

Evaluation on the Aging-suitability of the Core Scenic Spot Facilities in Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum Scenic Area Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method/ LIU Can-can,SUN Xin-wang*

匠艺视角下广州菊花造型技艺的传承发展策略/ 孙幸阳 程晓山*毛伟才(1-62)

Inheritance and Development Strategy of Chrysanthemum Modeling Technology in Guangzhou from the Perspective of Craftsmanship/ SUN Xing-yang,CHENG Xiao-shan*,MAO Wei-cai

消失的红线—石大路道路红线内外空间一体化街景重构/ 陈坚*吕奕霏(2-54)

The Disappearing Red Line: Reconstruction of the Streetscape of Integrated Space inside and outside the Red Line of Shida Road/ CHEN Jian*,LU Yi-fei

基于全域教育理念下的幼儿园户外景观规划设计/ 昌秦湘 高文鑫郭丽丽(2-60)

Kindergarten Outdoor Landscape Planning and Design Based on the Concept of Comprehensive Education/ CHANG Qin-xiang,GAO Wenxin,GUO Li-li

南昌八一公园的景观演变研究/ 黄子营 鲍沁星(3-64)

Landscape Evolution of Bayi Park in Nanchang/ HUANG Zi-ying,BAO Qin-xing

城市开放空间设计的诠释思维与方法研究——以武汉市紫阳公园为例/ 魏雷(3-69)

Interpretation Thinking and Method of Urban Open Spaces: a Case Study of Ziyang Park in Wuhan/ WEI Lei

深圳清林径水库库区岩质边坡植被恢复技术/ 林瑞君 黄益田*林冠文(3-73)

Vegetation Restoration Technology of Rock Slope in Reservoir Area of Shenzhen Qinglinjing Reservoir/ LIN Rui-jun,HUANG Yi-tian*,LIN Guan-wen

从儿童友好到全龄友好——复合空间视角下的佛山公园改造设计研究/ 芶皓*郭自度(4-54)

From Child Friendliness to Age Friendliness: a Study on the Renovation Design of Foshan Park from the Perspective of Composite Space/ GOU Hao*,GUO Zi-du

澳门民间遛狗文化与城市遛狗公园建设匹配度研究/ 李济泰(4-60)

Matching Degree between Folk Culture of Walking with Dogs and Urban Pet Park Construction in Macau/ LI Ji-tai

天性与包容——境外都市宠物公园建成案例解析与启示 / 欧阳云昊孙新旺*(4-65)

Nature and Tolerance: Cases Studies of Urban Pet Park Outside Mainland CN and Their Enlightenment / OUYANG Yun-hao, SUN Xin-wang*

香港远足径建设管理经验及启示——以港岛径为例 / 方圆(4-71)

Hong Kong Hiking Trail Experience of Construction and Management:Take Hong Kong Trail as an Example / FANG Yuan

思政文化主题园的成功实践——广州文化公园文明苑营造手法和特色 / 毛伟才 孙幸阳(5-50)

Successful Practice of Ideological and Political Culture Theme Park:The Construction Techniques and Characteristics of Guangzhou Cultural Park’s “Civilized Garden” / MAO Wei-cai, SUN Xing-yang

“厕所革命”背景下的山体公园厕所布局优化——以广州越秀公园为例 / 罗秀玉(5-56)

Optimization of Toilet Layout in Mountain Park Under the Background of “Toilet Revolution”: Take Yuexiu Park in Guangzhou as An Example /LUO Xiu-yu

基于AHP法的城市公园景观适老性评价与分析 / 邱雯(5-60)

Evaluation and Analysis of Elderly Suitability Landscape of Urban Park Based on AHP Method / QIU Wen

赏岭南园林文化风采——广州菊花造型技艺的70年 / 黄镇茂 陈逸倩 程晓山*(5-67)

Admire the Style of Lingnan Garden Culture: 70 Years History of Chrysanthemum Modeling Techniques in Guangzhou / HUANG Zhenmao, CHEN Yi-qian, CHENG Xiao-shan*

健康导向下高校药用植物园景观设计研究——以西安交大创新港药用植物园为例 / 薛小书(6-71)

Landscape Design of University Medicinal Botanical Garden Oriented by Health: Taking the Medicinal Botanical Garden of Xi’an Jiaotong University Innovation Harbor as a Case / XUE Xiao-shu

红色文化视角下的深圳葵涌河景观规划设计研究 / 刘学飞 冯梦珂(6-76)

Landscape Planning and Design of Shenzhen Kwai Chung River from the Perspective of Red Culture / LIU Xue-fei, FENG Meng-ke

生态文明背景下广州中心城区滨水公园更新策略 / 宁绮珍(6-81)

Renewal Strategies of Waterfront Park in the Guangzhou Central City under the Background of Ecological Civilization / NING Qi-zhen

基于社区生活圈的口袋公园使用现状与优化策略研究 / 梁一平 柴弋霞 谭广文*(6-86)

General Situation and Optimization Strategy of Pocket Park Based on Community Life Circle / LIANG Yi-ping, CHAI Yi-xia, TAN Guangwen*

第十届花博会广东“粤芳园”的植物应用特色 / 梁冠威*吴斌(6-92)

Plant Application Characteristics of Guangdong “Yuefang Garden” in the 10th China Flower Expo / LIANG Guan-wei*, WU Bin

风景园林植物 Landscape Architecture Plant

“精灵之家”花园的新多年生主义种植设计 / 喇燕菲 戴宇琴 谢锐星*(1-66)

New Perennialism Planting Design of “Elves Home” Garden / LA Yanfei, DAI Yu-qin, XIE Rui-xing*

茂名市区彩叶植物种类及应用调查 / 邱能捷 吴家炜*(1-70)

Investigation on the Species and Application of Color-leafed Plants in Maoming City / QIU Neng-jie, WU Jia-wei*

上海辰山植物园月季园美景度评价 / 王昕彦(1-74)

Analysis of the Rose Garden of Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden Based on Scenic Beauty Estimation Method / WANG Xin-yan

优良地被植物矮生碗柱草的栽培技术及园林应用初探 / 程纹*廖一颖 王美萍(2-64)

Cultivation and Landscape Application of Excellent Ground Cover PlantsCraterostigma pumilum/ CHENG Wen*, LIAO Yi-ying, WANG Meiping

睡莲在园林中的应用及配置手法 / 张肖娟 莫烨犇 徐秋宾(2-67)

Application and Configuration Method ofNymphaeaspp. in Garden /ZHANG Xiao-juan, MO Ye-ben, XU Qiu-bin

姜荷花的形态特征及在白云禁毒主题公园的花境应用 / 陈婉云 李晓东*(2-71)

Morphological Characteristics ofCurcuma alismatifoliaand Its Flower Border Application in Baiyun Anti-drug Theme Park / CHEN Wan-yun,LI Xiao-dong*

苦苣苔科植物在深圳市仙湖植物园的园林应用及展示 / 王虹妍 谢锐星 邱志敬*(2-75)

Landscape Application and Display of Gesneriaceae in Fairy Lake Botanical Garden of Shenzhen / WANG Hong-yan, XIE Rui-xing, QIU Zhi-jing*

朱槿品种资源与分类探讨/ 高筱钰 秦新生 冯志坚*(2-80)

Variety Resources and Classification ofHibiscus rosa-sinensis/ GAO Xiao-yu,QIN Xin-sheng,FENG Zhi-jian*

3种木兰科植物叶片 SPAD 值的分布特征及其与叶绿素含量的关系/贾朋 罗树凯 王方(2-85)

Distribution Characteristics of Leaf SPAD Value and Its Relationship with Chlorophyll Content in Lesves of Three Magnoliaceae Species/ JIA Peng,LUO Shu-kai,WANG Fang

广寄生对广州高校园林树木的危害及安全性影响/ 张绮翠 邵京豫 翁殊斐*(2-90)

Harm ofTaxillus chinensisto Landscape Trees in Guangzhou University/ZHANG Qi-cui,SHAO Jing-yu,WENG Shu-fei*

华中樱桃种子生物学特性研究初探/ 叶小玲 胡晓敏*朱军(3-77)

Preliminary Study on Biological Characteristics ofCerasus conradinaeSeeds/ YE Xiao-ling,HU Xiao-min*,ZHU Jun

“山竹”台风对深圳前湾片区5个公园园林树木的影响/ 朱炫熹 谭广文*毛伟才(3-81)

The Impact of Typhoon Mangkhut on Garden Trees in Five Parks in Qianwan District,Shenzhen/ ZHU Xuan-xi,TAN Guang-wen*,MAO Wei-cai

2种基质理化性质分析及对小叶紫花三角梅生长的影响/ 阮沐宁 叶少萍*温鹏花(4-77)

Analysis of Physicochemical Properties of Two Bridge Greening Substrates and the Effect on Growth ofBougainvillea‘Royal Purple’/RUAN Mu-ning,YE Shao-ping*,WEN Peng-hua

3个朱顶红品种的光适应性研究/ 钱瑭璜 戴耀良 黄佰夫*(4-82)

Research on Light Adaptability of ThreeHippeastrumCultivars/ QIAN Tang-huang,DAI Yao-liang,HUANG Mo-fu*

广州夏季花境植物资源调查与评价/ 陈颖 陈园 谭广文*(4-85)

Investigation and Evaluation of Plant Resources of Summer Flower Border in Guangzhou/ CHEN Ying,CHEN Yuan,TAN Guang-wen*

17—19世纪中国植物在英国园林的引种应用研究/ 卢雨奇 董丽*(5-72)

Introduction and Application of Chinese Plants in British Gardens from 17th to 19th Centuries/ LU Yu-qi,DONG Li*

西汉上林苑4种(亚)热带植物考证/ 孙雅伟(5-78)

A Textual Study on Four Subtropical Plants of Shanglinyuan in Western Han Dynasty/ SUN Ya-wei

木兰科植物形态学耐涝性评价体系的建立及应用研究/ 王晶 王亚玲*武艳芳(5-82)

Establishment and Application of Evaluation System of Morphological Waterlogging Tolerance of Magnoliaceae/ WANG Jing,WANG Ya-ling*,WU Yan-fang

樱花新品种‘锦绣’特征习性及园林应用/ 李振权 胡晓敏*陈端妮(5-86)

Characteristic Habits and Landscape Application of A New CultivarCerasus conradinae‘Jinxiu’/ LI Zhen-quan,HU Xiao-min*,CHEN Duan-ni

丰花月季新品种——‘深圳红’的栽培管理及园林应用/ 梁琼芳 谢锐星 陈庭*(5-89)

Cultivation Management and Garden Application Practice ofRosa‘Shenzhen Red’,a New Floribunda Rose/ LIANG Qiong-Fang,XIE Rui-Xing,CHEN Ting*

深圳市福田区社区公园植物景观评价/ 陈侃*赵君 杜奕飞(5-93)

Plant Landscape Evaluation of Community Park in Futian District,Shenzhen/ CHEN Kan*,ZHAO Jun,DU Yi-fei

三角梅绿色嫩梢的花泥扦插繁殖技术初探/ 伍成厚*傅小霞 江奕伟(6-67)

Preliminary Study of Cutting Propagation on Floral Foam of Young Greening Shoot inBougainvilleaspp./ WU Cheng-hou*,FU Xiao-xia,JIANG Yi-wei

风景园林管理 Landscape Architecture Management

重大公共卫生事件下城市绿地防控单元的构建及其运行机制探讨/费文君 黎钟潇(1-79)

Construction and Operation Mechanism of Green Space Prevention and Control Unit under Major Public Health Incidents/ FEI Wen-jun,LI Zhong-xiao

工程总承包(EPC)模式下园林工程项目的问题与对策/ 欧阳高奇李景(1-84)

Problems and Countermeasures of Landscape Engineering Project under Engineering Procurement Construction(EPC) Mode/ OUYANG Gao-qi,LI Jing

微型公共空间的管控路径——广州明珠湾起步区的实施探索/ 韦悦爽(3-85)

Management Approach of Micro Public Space: a Case Study of Pearl Bay Starting Area in Guangzhou/ WEI Yue-shuang

基于公众参与的珠海市最佳观景点评价研究/ 曹亮 欧阳依妮 王智源(3-91)

Evaluation of the Best Viewpoints of Zhuhai City Based on Public Participation/ CAO Liang,OUYANG Yi-ni,WANG Zhi-yuan

风景园林教育 Landscape Architecture Education

生态文明建设背景下华南农业大学校园鸟类资源在教学实践中的利用/ 佟富春*彭友贵 黄子峻(1-88)

Utilization of Bird Resources on Campus of South China Agricultural University in Teaching Practice under the Background of Ecological Civilization Construction/ TONG Fu-chun*,PENG You-gui,HUANG Zi-jun

交通类院校景观生态学课程教学改革探讨/ 赖小红*赵瑞一 余俏(2-94)

Teaching Innovation of Landscape Ecology Course in Colleges of Traffic/LAI Xiao-hong*,ZHAO Rui-yi,YU Qiao

风景园林专业校际联合毕业设计教学经验总结与思考——以UC4为例/ 翁奕城(3-21)

Summary and Thinking on the Teaching Experience of Inter-university Joint Teaching of Graduation Design in Landscape Architecture: a Case Study of UC4/ WENG Yi-cheng

整合与协同视野的风景园林研究生城市设计教学研究——以华南理工大学为例/ 李敏稚*王亭亭 尹亚森(3-25)

Research on Urban Design Teaching Based on the Vision of Integration and Collaboration for Postgraduates in Landscape Architecture: Take South China University of Technology as an Example/ LI Min-zhi*,WANG Ting-ting,YIN Ya-sen

风景园林遗产保护类课程“传统园林技艺”慕课建设与应用/ 李晓雪 李自若 高伟*(3-31)

Construction and Practice on the MOOC of Traditional Garden Craftsmanship as Heritage Conservation Course/ LI Xiao-xue,LI Zi-ruo,GAO Wei*

面向生态文明建设的地方高校风景园林专业特色化发展研究/ 马源江海燕*陈光(3-35)

Characteristic Development of Landscape Architecture in Local Colleges and Universities Facing the Construction of Ecological Civilization/ MA Yuan,JIANG Hai-Yan*,CHEN Guang

历史街区文化景观的智慧治理技术应用研究/ 柯春鹏 喻红刚 叶昌东*(3-39)

Intelligent Management Technology of Cultural Landscape Application in Historical Blocks/ KE Chun-peng,YU Hong-gang,YE Chang-dong*

基于现代信息技术的风景园林规划设计实践教学改革/ 赵伟(3-44)

Teaching Reform of Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Practice Based on Modern Information Technology/ ZHAO Wei

基于反馈意见的《风景园林植物学》教学改革探索——从植物认知到景观营造/ 岳远征*胡宏敏 芦建国(4-90)

Exploration of the Educational Reform of the “Landscape Botany” based on Feedback: From Landscape Plants Identification to Design/ YUE Yuan-zheng*,HU Hong-min,LU Jian-guo

新林科背景下“动物学”课程实践教学改革探索/ 佟富春*彭友贵 潘新园(4-94)

Exploration on Practical Teaching Reform of Zoology Course under the Background of New Forestry Science Construction/ TONG Fu-chun*,PENG You-gui,PAN Xin-yuan

海外风景园林思想 Overseas Landscape Architecture Theory


Artistic Practices and Embodied Design in Landscape Architecture:Dialogue with Suzanne Mathew

古建园林赏析 Ancient Landscape Appreciation

吴江同里退思园/ 陆琦(1-97)

Tuisi Garden,Tongli Town,Jiangsu Province/ LU Qi

如皋水绘园/ 陆琦(2-97)

Rugao Shuihui Garden/ LU Qi

无锡惠山名胜古迹风景区/ 陆琦(3-97)

Wuxi Huishan Scenic Spot/ LU Qi

无锡寄畅园/ 陆琦(4-98)

Wuxi Jichang Garden/ LU Qi

北京故宫御花园/ 陆琦(5-98)

The Imperial Garden of the Forbidden City in Beijing/ LU Qi

承德须弥福寿之庙/ 陆琦(6-97)

Xumi Fushou Temple in Chengde/ LU Qi

