Yulin’s Tigers: Capturing the Spirit beyond Form
曾参加中国美协举办的《2006 年全囯中国画作品展》《鑫光杯全国中国画精品展》和在中国美术馆举办的《2010 年百年百虎精品展》、厦门美术馆举办的《全国中国画名家邀请展》、上海美术馆举办的《虎年画虎全国中国画邀请展》以及各省市重大展览。
已由西泠印社出版画册《江南国画名家黄玉琳》和《2010虎年挂历》《2013 十二生肖挂历》,中国美术出版社出版有《黄玉琳》画集。2008年,在杭州西湖新天地举办《黄玉琳动物画展》。2009年,在杭州恒庐美术馆举办《黄玉琳迎虎年画展》。2013年,在厦门九朝汇宝博物馆举办《黄玉琳国画作品展》。2021年, 在杭州吴山品悦艺术馆举办《黄玉琳寅年画虎作品展》。2010 年,参加杭州市文化交流访问团并参访中国台湾。
Huang Yulin is the deputy secretary-general of Hangzhou Jiangnan Calligraphy and Painting Academy, contract painter with the Dynasty Treasure Museum in Xiamen and member of the Zhejiang Artists Association. Huang is specialized in painting four-footed animals, tigers in particular. Wang Bomin (1924-2013), a renowned art historian, once said that Huang is “one of the best tiger painters”. Among the inscriptions for Huang’s works are those from Wu Shanming (1941-2021), a celebrated painter from Zhejiang (“Each and every tiger is full of vigor”), from Song Baisong, another well-known Zhejiang painter (“One specialty is roaring in the woods”) and from Ren Daobin, professor at the China Academy of Art (“Dynamic and vivid, both in form and in spirit”).
Huang’s works have been featured in various national exhibitions, including the National Chinese Painting Exhibition in 2006, the 100 Years and 100 Tigers Exhibition in 2010, the Painting Tigers in the Year of the Tiger Exhibition, and major provincial and city exhibitions.
So far, Huang has published such painting albums as Huang Yulin: A Renowned Jiangnan Painter, 2010 Year of the Tiger Wall Calendar and 2013 Chinese Zodiac Animals Wall Calendar, as well as five desk calendar albums featuring Chinese zodiac animals the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, the Pig and the Tiger between 2015 and 2021.