
Beijing Review 2022年2期


Zhang Yimou, 72, won Best Director at the 34th Golden Rooster Awards for his thriller Cliff Walkers. This is his 10th Golden Rooster trophy since 1985, when he won Best Cinematography for Yellow Earth.

The movie marked Zhangs first foray into the spy genre. Set in 1930s northeast China, in the lead-up to World War II, the film follows special agents from the Communist Party of China as they try to complete a secret mission.

“A director is just a craftsman. Thank you to the great actors and scriptwriters who help us accomplish the directorial task,” Zhang said.

Zhang, one of Chinas most renowned directors, also unveiled the first-ever winner of the Golden Rooster inaugural international film award: French director Florian Zellers The Father.

Dating back to 1981, the prestigious awards are given out annually. This years ceremony took place in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Tutoring in Disguise?

Qianjiang Evening News January 4, 2022

As winter vacation is around the corner, many worry that despite the new policy easing the burdens of excessive homework and additional training for students in compulsory education issued in 2021, tutoring will still emerge in new forms that might dodge the current restrictions.

But why does the demand for additional coaching linger? The root cause is that senior middle schools and universities both recruit students based on their academic performance. As long as overall scores remain the fundamental requirements for entering the “good” schools, off-campus tutoring, in one form or another, will keep popping up.

The only way out of this conundrum is for schools to continuously improve their educational quality and after-class services. Teachers must devote themselves to their students by carefully reviewing their homework and helping them understand any content they may be struggling with. When supply meets demand, the need for after-school tutoring will naturally evaporate.

Meanwhile, education watchdogs should also remain alert for any cloaked tutoring undertakings to make sure students get some real rest and relaxation over the winter vacation period.

Courier Insurance

Workers Daily January 4, 2022

Several provinces in south China have recently adopted new policies demanding their express delivery companies offer their couriers work-related injury insurance.

Gu Ailing, 18, claimed two victories within three days at the World Cup competition, launching her self-styled “Beijing girl” breathtaking freestyle skills into Chinas digital stratosphere.

On January 1, Gu claimed the gold in the second half-pipe competition at the 50th FIS Freestyle Ski World Cup in Calgary, Canada, with 92.8 points, beating out local athlete Rachael Karker and American skier Hanna Faulhaber.

This was Gus second win in Calgary, following her victory in the first half-pipe competition on December 30, 2021.

Gu, known as Eileen in the U.S., was born in San Francisco to a Chinese mother and American father. She has been competing for China since 2019. With the Beijing 2022 Games just around the corner, Gu is maintaining top momentum, ready to pursue her Olympic dream.

“The United States should abandon its hypocritical double standards and stop interfering in Chinas domestic affairs in the name of freedom.”

Zhao Lijian, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, on December 30, 2021, in response to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinkens slanders of Hong Kongs press freedom

“In the past 30 years, Kyrgyzstan and China have successfully established their comprehensive strategic partnership; their cooperation in various fields has yielded remarkable achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.”

Kyrgyz President Sadyr Zhaparov in a congratulatory message celebrating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties on January 5

“As the most important platform for building international consensus, addressing global challenges and practicing true multilateralism, the role of the UN has become even more irreplaceable than ever before.”

Zhang Jun, Chinas permanent representative to the UN, on January 4, extending his congratulatory remarks to UN Secretary General António Guterres for starting his second term on January 1

“China is our key market and the hub of our supply chain. Its also an integral part of the global aviation industrial ecosystem, a country with talented people, innovation vitality and good potential.”

Michel Tran Van, Chief Operating Officer of Airbus China, in a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency