What it means to go green绿色意味着什么


疯狂英语·新策略 2021年12期

四川 柏春梅

Our bodies bear a lot every day,so we should work hard to ensure a good environment.Switching to more eco-friendly practices means taking a personal stand to be part of the change to achieve green living.

Going green means caring for the environment by making an effort to be part of the change.It is about limiting your footprints on the environment and also encouraging others to follow your example.However,going green is not limited to recycling,but living a sustainable lifestyle.Going green is about making small adjustments in your daily life to achieve this goal.

Going green has huge effects on our bodies,minds,relationships,and the world around us in many ways.A stressful environment causes anxiety which in turn raises blood pressure,muscle tension,and heart rates and going green reverses these effects.A natural environment is a stress reliever.It heals you and makes you feel better emotionally and contributes to your physical well-being.This is because trees,water,plants and other natural elements distract us from pain and discomfort.

Making environmental decisions can seemintractableat first.However,by changing our habits and just paying more attention to our choices,we can make a difference.If one individual chooses to throw a recyclable plastic bottle in the garbage instead of giving it away for recycling,it is no big deal.However,when millions of people do the same,it becomes a big issue.

Going green creates a healthy living environment and also improves lifestyle.The process begins with an individual making a decision that affects others.Our actions can encourage other people to go green,which is a major step in achieving environmental goals.Your behaviour can also influence oth-er people's decisions.Therefore,teach them about the benefits of eco-friendly practices—leading by example.If we accept these changes,we'll live in harmony with our neighbors,family,and friends.It will give us satisfaction and peace of mind.

As human beings,we make daily choices that affect the environment,the climate,and other species.We have the power to decide what we do,but it is our duty to engage in some activities to maintain a greener environment.



1.Why can the natural environment help reduce pressure?

A.It can provide fresh air and peaceful conditions.

B.It can make people forget what troubles them.

C.It can help people to keep a stable heart rate.

D.It can create a good atmosphere to make friends.

2.What does the underlined word “intractable” mean in paragraph 4?


3.What's the main procedure for achieving environmental aims?

A.Keeping a peaceful mind.

B.Developing recycling habits.

C.Changing your present states.

D.Encouraging others to go green.

4.Which column of the newspaper is the text probably taken from?




Text-centered chunks

ensure a good environment确保好的环境

switch to转到;转变成

care for the environment关爱环境

make an effort to do sth努力做某事

follow one's example效仿某人

make small adjustments做出一些小的调整

have huge effects on对……有巨大的影响

in turn相应地;转而

make a difference起作用;有影响

live in harmony with与……和谐相处

engage in从事;参与


A gift I treasure
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