Role model of the times—Zhang Guimei时代楷模


疯狂英语·新策略 2021年12期

On June 29,2021,Zhang Guimei was awarded the highest honor of the CPC—the July 1st Medal in the Great Hall of the People.This tough,devoted and selfless woman once again came into the public's view.

Born in 1957,Zhang has put down roots and built a life in the frontier for more than 40 years.In 2002,Zhang was a rural teacher in Huaping County in Yunnan.When she went to the mountains to visit her students'homes,she found that there were so many girls of school age who could not attend school because of poverty and ignorance.She felt very shocked and confused.

In the end,she made a conclusion that only by providing them with free education could all this be changed.When she first put forward the proposal to build a high school for girls,people around her either thought she had a mental problem or laughed at her for being too unrealistic.However,Zhang Guimei really started to take action.In order to prepare the school's money,she even went to the streets of Kunming to beg and collect donations,but it was far from enough.With the care and attention of the CPC committees and governments at all levels,and the support and help of all sectors of society,Huaping High School for Girls became a reality in August,2008.

However,half a year after she established the school,nine of its 17 teachers resigned because of the poor conditions.She didn't lose heart.Together with the rest of the teachers,Zhang managed to help all 94 students of the school's first intake be admitted to universities three years later.Due to years of heavy work and stress,Zhang suffers from more than 20 diseases,relying on a lot of medicine every day,and sometimes she feels so painful.But she never gives up.She often says,“People always have to do something while they are alive.”Under her leadership,over the past 12 years,the school has helped more than 1,800 impoverished(赤贫的)girls realize their dreams to further their studies at university,creating an “educational miracle” in the mountains.Through Zhang's tireless efforts,the school has been ranked the city's top school.Now,with great determination and perseverance,she is still striving for an unfulfilled wish—her students can be admitted to Tsinghua University or Peking University.

A person devotes all of her energy to one thing—the thing that benefits others.This is already commendable(值得赞扬的)!Zhang Guimei deserves the award!Let's show our respect for teacher Zhang Guimei!

Activity A Reading for understanding

Ⅰ.Text-centered chunks

be awarded the highest honor被授予最高荣誉

come into the public's view进入大众视野

attend school上学

put forward the proposal提出建议;发表提议

take action采取行动

be far from enough远远不够

due to years of heavy work and stress由于多年繁重的工作与压力

suffer from遭受……;患有……(疾病)

strive for为……奋斗;争取……

Ⅱ.Text-centered sentences


In the end,she made a conclusion that only by providing them with free education could all this be changed.最后,她得出结论,只有给她们提供免费的教育才有可能改变这一切。




Under her leadership,over the past 12 years,the school has helped more than 1,800 impoverished girls realize their dreams to further their studies at university,creating an “educational miracle”in the mountains.在她的带领下,这所学校在过去的12年里帮助超过1,800名贫困女孩实现了上大学的梦想,创造了山区里的“教育奇迹”。

【点石成金】此句中的 the mountains是非谓语短语作结果状语,其逻辑主语是前面的整个句子。




Activity B Reading for writing

假定你是李华,你想以“The person I admire most”为题,给Crazy English写一篇短文,介绍你最敬佩的一个人。内容要点:







The person I admire most





What is the text mainly about?



Fill in the blanks according to the text.



(一)语言学习活动的核心表达 awarded the prize for被授予……奖;获……奖

2.come out in front名列前茅

3.spare no effort to do sth不遗余力地做某事

4.have a gift for对……有天赋 deeply influenced by深受……的影响


1.Thanks to/Owing to/Due to his unique _______,he won numerous awards in his lifetime.由于他独特的_______,他一生中获得了无数奖项。

2.Having graduated from high school,he majored in _______at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,after which he entered Harvard University for further study.高中毕业后,他进入麻省理工学院攻读_______专业,之后进入哈佛大学深造。

3.So distinguished an _______is he that he is known as the _______.他是如此杰出的一个_______,以至于他被称为_______。

4.His gentle manner,his eloquence in conversation,and his ability to make all the people feel at home surprised me very much.他温文尔雅的举止,口若悬河的谈吐,以及那种令人宾至如归的能力令我大为惊叹。


_______(人名),born in _______(时间),is recognized as one of the most outstanding_______in the world today.

He/She is popular with people of all ages.I admire him/her because he/she has made great contributions to _______.(原因)It is his/her contributions that make _______possible for us to_______.(贡献)Every time I see the pictures in which he/she spared no effort to ________,I cannot help being moved by him/her.

He/She is so _______(优秀品质)that he/she deserves all the respect from others.




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