李景海,翟国亮,刘清霞,宋 蕾,蔡九茂
李景海1,2,翟国亮1,刘清霞2※,宋 蕾1,蔡九茂1
(1. 中国农业科学院农田灌溉研究所/河南省节水农业重点实验室,新乡 453002;2. 安阳工学院土木与建筑工程学院,安阳 455000)
为了对砂滤层过滤性能进行分析,该研究以粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种砂滤层为研究对象,以黄河泥沙作为原水杂质颗粒,采用激光衍射粒度分析仪测量了人民胜利渠泥沙粒度分布,得到了泥沙粒度分布的密度函数,并以兰考县黄河泥沙对泥沙粒度分布规律进行了验证。采用工业CT对3种砂滤层进行扫描,利用计算机图像处理技术,采用像素点覆盖法,自编程序计算了3种砂滤层横截面特征参数,孔隙率均值分别为0.421、0.431和0.439,计盒分形维数均值分别为1.695、1.709和1.726,截面最小孔径与最大孔径比分别为1/17、1/18和1/21,拟合了孔隙率与计盒分形维数的相关关系,分析了砂滤层分形理论适用性。建立了砂滤层过滤概率分形模型,计算了3种砂滤层孔隙直径范围,分别为59.5~1 002、66.9~1 220和72.9~1 503m,计算了原水中100m以上杂质颗粒通过砂滤层的概率,对于人民胜利渠泥沙,分别为0.67%、0.81%和0.93%,对于兰考县黄河泥沙,分别为0.62%、0.80%和0.91%。从理论上证明了表层过滤的存在性,分析了表层过滤的机理及其对反冲洗频率的影响。同时,为了减轻表层过滤,粒径范围为>1.4~1.7 mm的滤层更适宜作为砂过滤器的滤料。研究可为砂滤层内部结构的研究和滤料选型提供基础理论与数据参考。
0 引 言
笔者在前期的研究中[24-25],以西北地区普遍采用的粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种砂滤层为研究对象,采用激光衍射粒度分析仪对黄河泥沙粒度特征进行测量,确定黄河泥沙粒度分布的密度函数。采用工业CT扫描技术对砂滤层进行扫描,利用计算机图像处理技术,采用像素点覆盖法,自编程序计算砂滤层横截面孔隙率、计盒分形维数和截面最小孔径与最大孔径比值,在此基础上,拟合孔隙率与计盒分形维数的相关关系,对砂滤层分形理论适用性进行分析。建立滤层过滤概率分形模型,对过滤效果进行分析,从理论上证明表层过滤的存在性,以期为微灌砂滤层内部结构的研究和滤料选型提供基础理论与方法参考。
1 材料与方法
1.1 砂滤层扫描与泥沙样本粒度测量
为了获得砂滤层自然堆积状态下的横截面,分别将粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm石英砂滤料盛入容积为600 mL、直径为95 mm的烧杯中,采用工业CT扫描设备(C16M3201,洛阳腾达检测服务有限公司)对滤料样本进行立体扫描,从扫描结果中截取滤层横截面(示例如图1),每种滤层随机截取3个横截面。
由人民胜利渠采集黄河泥沙样本,样本数为7。由兰考县黄河段采集黄河泥沙,样本数为1。使用激光衍射粒度分析仪(Mastersizer 3000,丹东百特仪器有限公司)采用湿法对所采集的2种黄河泥沙样本粒度分布进行测量,得到不同粒度颗粒的体积占比。
1.2 砂滤层横截面计盒分形维数计算方法
[1,(1+1)]×…×[mδ,(m+1)] (1)
1.3 砂滤层分形理论适用性判别方法
1.4 砂滤层过滤概率分形模型
2 结果与分析
2.1 砂滤层横截面分形参数计算结果分析
表1 滤层截面图像处理结果
由式(15)可得滤层截面孔隙率,结果见表1。由表1知,粒径范围为1.0~1.18 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面孔隙率分别为0.419、0.421和0.423,均值为0.421;粒径范围为>1.18~1.4 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面孔隙率分别为0.428、0.432和0.434,均值为0.431;粒径范围为>1.4~1.7 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面孔隙率分别为0.436、0.440和0.441,均值为0.439。
根据图像计盒分形维数的像素点覆盖法,将(δ,N)绘入双对数坐标系,用最小二乘法拟合得到网格数目与网格边长之间的线性关系曲线,曲线斜率即为滤层截面孔隙的计盒分形维数。由表1知,粒径范围为1.0~1.18 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面的计盒分形维数分别为1.692、1.696和1.697,均值为1.695;粒径范围为>1.18~1.4 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面的计盒分形维数分别为1.704、1.710和1.715,均值为1.709;粒径范围为>1.4~1.7 mm的滤层所对应的3个截面的计盒分形维数分别为1.723、1.727和1.728,均值为1.726。
2.2 滤层横截面孔隙分布规律与分形理论适用性分析
2.3 计盒分形维数与孔隙率的相关性分析
绘制滤层截面孔隙率与滤层截面孔隙计盒分形维数的倒数1/D之间的散点图(图3),拟合得到滤层截面孔隙率与截面孔隙计盒分形维数D之间的经验关系,由图3知,截面孔隙率与截面孔隙计盒分形维数D之间相关性较高,决定系数2为0.980 9。
孔隙率可以通过注水法[25]测出。在孔隙率已知的情况下,由式(16)可计算出截面计盒分形维数,结果见表2。与像素点覆盖法相比,粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种砂滤层截面计盒分形维数计算误差分别为0.01%、0.21%和0.65%,最大误差仅0.65%。
表2 计盒分形维数经验公式法与像素覆盖法计算结果对比
2.4 黄河泥沙粒度分布特征分析
表3 黄河泥沙样本参数计算结果
表4 滤层参数计算结果
由表4知,粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种砂滤层孔隙直径范围分别为59.5~1 002、66.9~1 220和72.9~1 503m,对于人民胜利渠泥沙,100m以上杂质颗粒通过砂滤层的概率分别为0.67%、0.81%和0.93%,对于兰考县黄河泥沙,100m以上杂质颗粒通过砂滤层的概率分别为0.62%、0.80%和0.91%。结果表明,砂滤层截面孔径范围比较大,但对杂质的过滤能力极强,100m以上杂质颗粒通过的概率不到1%,说明砂过滤器几乎能够将黄河泥沙中易于造成堵塞的杂质全部滤除。
由图4知,人民胜利渠泥沙和兰考县黄河泥沙中100m以上杂质颗粒占比均达到60%以上,砂滤层截面高效的过滤能力,使原水中的泥沙大部分截留到了滤层表面,当大的杂质颗粒累积到一定程度,造成滤层表面孔隙直径的进一步减小,从而使小的杂质颗粒也在滤层表面迅速累积,导致了严重的表层过滤现象。而表层过滤由于表面颗粒堆积较快,堵塞也加快,影响滤速,同时增加了反冲洗次数,造成反冲洗用水的浪费和过滤效率降低。显然,在3种滤料中,粒径范围为>1.4~1.7 mm的滤层表层过滤现象相对轻微,更适宜作为砂过滤器的滤料。
3 结 论
1)采用工业CT技术,对粒径范围为1.0~1.18、>1.18~1.4和>1.4~1.7 mm的3种砂滤层进行扫描,得到滤层横截面图像。在此基础上,采用像素点覆盖法,自编程序计算了滤层截面孔隙率和孔隙计盒分形维数,3种滤层截面孔隙率均值分别为0.421、0.431和0.439,孔隙计盒分形维数均值分别为1.695、1.709和1.726,并拟合了孔隙率与计盒分形维数的相关关系。根据截面计盒分形维数和孔隙率,计算了截面孔径比,分析了砂滤层分形理论适用性。
3)建立了砂滤层过滤概率分形模型,根据砂滤层过滤概率分形模型,得到了3种砂滤层孔隙直径范围分别为59.5~1 002、66.9~1 220和72.9~1 503m,对于人民胜利渠泥沙,100m以上杂质颗粒通过砂滤层的概率分别为0.67%、0.81%和0.93%,对于兰考县黄河泥沙,100m以上杂质颗粒通过砂滤层的概率分别为0.62%、0.80%和0.91%。结果表明,原水中的泥沙大部分截留到了滤层表面,导致表层过滤现象严重。为了减轻表层过滤现象,粒径范围为>1.4~1.7 mm的滤层更适宜作为砂过滤器的滤料。
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Suitable particle size range of sand filter layers based on fractal dimension characteristics
Li Jinghai1,2, Zhai Guoliang1, Liu Qingxia2※, Song Lei1, Cai Jiumao1
(1.,-,453002,; 2.,,455000,)
This study aims to evaluate the filtration performance of sand filters using fractal dimensions. Three kinds of sand filters were also selected with particle size in the range of 1.0-1.18, >1.18-1.4, and >1.4-1.7 mm. The Yellow River sediment in the people's Victory Canal was collected as impurity particles in the raw water. The distribution of particle size in the Yellow River sediment was measured using a laser diffraction particle size analyzer (Mastersizer 3000, Dandong Baite Instrument Co., Ltd). It was found that the calculated mean values of skewness and kurtosis were 0.12 and -0.01, respectively, for the samples from the Yellow River sediment, indicating an outstanding normal distribution. Additionally, the samples were also collected from the Yellow River sediment in Lankao County, thereby verifying the distribution of particle size. It was found that the skewness and kurtosis values of the sediment sample in Lankao County were -0.11 and -0.23, respectively, where the frequency distribution of particle size also conformed to the normal distribution. An industrial CT scanner (C16M3201, Luoyang Tengda Testing Service Co., Ltd) was used to map the filter layer. The image processing and pixel coverage were utilized to calculate the porosity of cross section, the box-counting fractal dimension, and the ratio of the minimum to the maximum aperture (aperture ratio) in the three kinds of sand filter layers. The results showed that the porosities were 0.421, 0.431, and 0.439, respectively, while the box-counting fractal dimensions were 1.695, 1.709 and 1.726, respectively, and the aperture ratio was 1/17, 1/18, and 1/21, respectively, for the three types of layers. Then, the applicability of fractal theory was also evaluated for the quartz sand filters. Subsequently, a fractal model of filtration probability was established for the sand filters. The ranges of pore diameter in the three kinds of sand filters were 59.5-1 002, 66.9-1 220, and 72.9-1 503m, respectively. In the sediment of the Yellow River from the people's Victory Canal, the probabilities of impurity particles above 100 um passing through the sand filter were 0.67%, 0.81%, and 0.93%, respectively. In the Yellow River Sediment from Lankao County, the probabilities of impurity particles above 100m passing through the sand filter were 0.62%, 0.80%, and 0.91%, respectively. It inferred that the presence of surface filtration was proved theoretically. A systematic investigation was also made on the influence of surface filtration on Backwash frequency. Consequently, an optimal filter layer was achieved to reduce the surface filtration, particularly with the particle size in the range of >1.4-1.7 mm suitable for sand filters. The finding can provide strong support to explore the internal structure of sand filters and the selection of filter material.
sediments; particle size; image processing; quartz sand filter; box-counting fractal dimension; surface filtration; filtration performance; image processing
李景海,翟国亮,刘清霞,等. 基于分形维数特征的砂滤层适宜粒径范围[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(20):162-168.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.018 http://www.tcsae.org
Li Jinghai, Zhai Guoliang, Liu Qingxia, et al. Suitable particle size range of sand filter layers based on fractal dimension characteristics[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(20): 162-168. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.20.018 http://www.tcsae.org