

农业工程学报 2021年19期

郭嘉明,吴旭东,林诗涛,曾志雄,沈 昊,魏鑫钰,吕恩利


郭嘉明,吴旭东,林诗涛,曾志雄,沈 昊,魏鑫钰,吕恩利※

(1. 华南农业大学南方农业机械与装备关键技术教育部重点实验室,广州 510642;2. 华南农业大学工程学院,广州 510642)

蓄冷温控箱利用低温相变材料储存冷量,通过缓慢释放调节并保持箱内温度,目前仍存在冷量释放速率无法控制、剩余冷量预测难等问题,而蓄冷板表面对流换热系数直接影响冷量的释放速率。针对以上问题,搭建了蓄冷板表面对流换热系数测量试验平台,研究不同环境及蓄冷板参数对表面对流换热系数的影响。采用二次回归正交试验设计方案,探究了蓄冷区进口空气流速、进口空气温度、蓄冷板传热面积以及蓄冷板间距对表面对流换热系数的影响,并对结果进行分析,建立了表面对流换热系数二阶预测模型,获得影响表面对流换热系数大小较显著的因素及较优的参数组合。试验结果表明:进口空气温度和蓄冷板传热面积的交互效应最大;通过响应曲面法建立的表面对流换热系数预测模型,得到最优参数组合为:进口空气流速4 m/s,进口空气温度25 ℃,蓄冷板传热面积0.455 m2,蓄冷板间距0.04 m,模型决定系数值为0.927 4,变异系数为5.78%。回归模型计算结果与试验结果吻合,最大误差为3.58%,平均相对误差为2.69%,表明该模型可以快速、准确地预测不同条件下的蓄冷板表面对流换热系数。试验结果为蓄冷温控箱冷量释放速率精准调控及剩余冷量预测提供参考。


0 引 言




1 试验平台


蓄冷区内部采用0.01 m厚亚克力板粘接而成,尺寸(长×宽×高)为0.7 m×0.2 m×0.2 m,为了减少冷量向环境的散热损失,外部使用0.05 m厚聚氨酯板围护保温[26]。通风管道采用内直径为0.11 m的PVC材料,外部采用0.05 m厚聚乙烯棉包裹。

蓄冷区进口空气温度和蓄冷板表面温度采用pt100温度传感器(粘贴型A级、精度±0.15、测量范围−60~180 ℃)进行采集,采用无纸记录仪(SIN-R9600、精度为2%、杭州联测自动化技术有限公司)记录传感器的数值(数据记录频率是1次/s),通过存储器导入计算机进行数据分析。使用调速器控制管道风机(功率6 W、额定转速6 200 r/min、接管口径0.11 m)调节管道内空气流速。通过风速仪(型号Testo 410i、量程0.4~30 m/s、精度±(0.2m/s+2%测量值))对蓄冷区进口空气流速进行标定(相同风速下对蓄冷区进口截面处五个不同位置进行测量,每次测量误差在±0.1 m/s视为标定完成),获得蓄冷区进口流速的范围是0~4.5 m/s,进口空气温度由温控器(型号PY-SM5、测温范围−40~120 ℃)控制制冷机组(功率180 W)和加热管(功率500 W)实现。试验采用水作为蓄冷剂。蓄冷剂和保温材料物性参数如表1所示。

表1 材料物性参数

2 试验方案与设计

2.1 试验方法

为了解蓄冷板在强制对流条件下的换热特性,试验设置了不同影响因素,如表2所示,考察各因素对蓄冷板表面对流换热系数的影响。试验在室内进行,控制环境温度为(25±1)℃。开启制冷机组与管道风机,通过风速仪对进口空气流速值进行标定后,将装置内部空气预冷至试验所需温度。调节温控器温度控制区间,控制制冷机组和加热管启闭,使进口空气温度稳定(试验所需温度±0.3 ℃)。放入完全冻结的蓄冷板(内部中心温度低于−15 ℃时视为完全冻结,每块蓄冷板含蓄冷剂约3 kg)进行试验。每组试验持续60 min,使用无纸记录仪记录数据并存入计算机。每组试验重复2次,取平均值作为最终结果。





2.2 试验设计


表2 试验因素及水平

3 试验结果与分析

3.1 对流换热系数回归模型建立及显著性检验



=306.3−17.21−1.12−1 361.73−230.24−0.212+


0.512+0.122+1 543.732+2 282.942(2)

表3 试验设计及结果

由表5可知,上述模型2为0.927 4、校正系为0.878 9、变异系数CV为5.78%,表示回归关系可以解释因变量87.89%的变化。模型总体的变异概率小于0.000 1,表明该模型可以较准确表征表面对流换热系数与进口空气流速、空气温度、蓄冷板传热面积和间距的关系。对模型总体进行检验,模型的失拟度的变异概率不明显,表明模型拟合较好,影响因素和表面对流换热系数之间呈非线性关系。由表4可知,4个因素的影响因子值分别为:进口空气流速114.34,蓄冷板传热面积52.26,进口空气温度30.80,蓄冷板间距1.99,其相对数值占比分别为57.34%、26.21%、15.45%、1.00%,可见进口空气流速对换热系数的影响比率占一半以上,蓄冷板传热面积和进口空气温度则分别约占四分之一及六分之一,而蓄冷板间距对换热系数的影响比率仅为百分之一。由表4可得,根据值越大因素影响越显著的原理,因素间的交互作用对表面对流换热系数影响显著性依次为:13>12。

表4 方差分析及误差统计


Note: The effect was significant (<0.05); The effect was not significant (>0.05).

表5 模型可信度分析

3.2 模型分析


3.3 单因素试验


3.4 响应面分析



从图6b可以看出,当蓄冷板传热面积一定时,表面对流换热系数与进口空气流速成正比;当蓄冷板传热面积较小时,进口空气流速对表面对流换热系数的影响较小。从图6d可以看出,当进口空气温度一定时,蓄冷板表面对流换热系数随着传热面积的增加呈先下降后上升的趋势。当蓄冷板传热面积和进口空气温度分别为0.404 m2、15 ℃时,表面对流换热系数值最小。


3.5 模型验证

为验证试验的不确定性、可重复性以及得到的蓄冷板表面对流换热系数回归模型的预测效果。进行六组验证试验,根据回归模型计算出表面对流换热系数与试验值进行对比,如表6所示。以蓄冷板表面对流换热系数的最大值为指标,通过Design expert软件分析得到最优参数组合为:进口空气流速4 m/s,进口空气温度25 ℃,蓄冷板传热面积0.455 m2,蓄冷板间距0.04 m,在此条件下进行3组(1、2、3号)平行试验,蓄冷板表面对流换热系数预测值为49.10 W/(m2·℃),模型预测值与试验值误差分别为2.06%、2.09%、3.11%,平均误差为2.42%;在前者的条件下调整风速为1 m/s进行3组(4、5、6)平行试验,蓄冷板表面对流换热系数预测值为34.20 W/(m2·℃),模型预测值与试验值误差分别为2.61%、3.58%、2.68%,平均误差为2.96%。6组试验最大误差为3.58%,平均相对误差为2.69%,试验结果与预测值基本吻合,验证了回归模型的精确性。

表6 模型验证结果

4 结论与讨论

本文针对蓄冷温控箱冷量释放调控等问题,搭建了蓄冷板对流换热试验平台,根据二次回归正交试验设计方案进行4因素5水平试验,采用Design Expert中的Central Composite Design方法分析蓄冷板对流换热特性,得出了以下结论:

1)通过正交试验获得的表面对流换热系数预测模型模型拟合度良好,模型决定系数值为0.927 4,变异系数为5.78%,表明试验设计是可行的。对模型进行了试验验证,6组试验最大误差为3.58%,平均相对误差为2.69%,表明该模型具有较高的精度,能够很好的用于蓄冷板表面对流换热系数的预测。



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Parameter optimization on convective heat transfer of cold plate for cold storage temperature control box based on multi-parameter coupling

Guo Jiaming, Wu Xudong, Lin Shitao, Zeng Zhixiong, Shen Hao, Wei Xinyu, Lyu Enli※

(1.,,,510642,; 2.,,510642,)

A transport container with a controlled temperature was developed, where the temperature was regulated using low-temperature phase-change materials. The cold energy was first stored in low-temperature phase-change materials and then released when the temperature in the container was out of target range under an intelligent control system. However, there were still some issues that need to be solved, such as the difficulties in controlling the release rate of cold energy, the prediction of remaining cold energy during the transportation work. The release rate of cold energy depended directly on the convective heat transfer coefficient between the surface of the cold storage plate and the ambient air. In this study, an experimental platform was developed to investigate the influence of different environments and parameters of cold storage plates on the convective heat transfer coefficient between the cold storage plate surface and the ambient air. A quadratic regression orthogonal experiment was adopted to clarify the coupling effects among the factors, including the air velocity and temperature at the entrance of the cool storage area, heat transfer area of the cold storage plate, and the space between them on the surface convective heat transfer coefficient. After that, the experimental data were analyzed. A second-order prediction model of surface convective heat transfer coefficient was built that the relationships between the influence factors and the surface convective heat transfer coefficient and the factors with significant effects were obtained, as well as the optimal values of such factors. Consequently, there was the most significant interaction between the entrance air temperature and the heat transfer area of the cold storage plate. The prediction model of surface convective heat transfer coefficient built by response surface method presented a higher accuracy, where the best combination of parameters was velocity=4 m/s, temperature=25 ℃, area=0.455 m2, spacing=0.04 m, and the determination coefficient value was 0.927 4 and the coefficient of variation was 5.78%. The calculated results of such regression model were in good agreement with the experimental, with the maximum error of 3.58% and an average relative error of 2.69%, indicating that such model can be used to quickly and accurately predict the convective heat transfer coefficient between the surface of cold storage plate and the ambient air under different conditions. The finding can provide accurate control on the release rate of cold energy in the temperature phase-change materials, and the prediction of remaining cooling energy for transport containers with controlled temperature.

heat transfer; temperature; cold-storage container; cold storage plate; convection transfer rate; orthogonaltest; response surface method

郭嘉明,吴旭东,林诗涛,等. 基于多参数耦合的蓄冷温控箱冷板对流换热参数优化[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(19):228-235.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.19.026

Guo Jiaming, Wu Xudong, Lin Shitao, et al. Parameter optimization on convective heat transfer of cold plate for cold storage temperature control box based on multi-parameter coupling[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(19): 228-235. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.19.026










