

农业工程学报 2021年19期





(1. 青岛农业大学机电工程学院,青岛 266109;2. 东北农业大学工程学院,哈尔滨 150030;3. 潍坊市高密中等专业学校,潍坊 261501)



0 引 言



1 整机结构及工作原理

1.1 整机结构


1.2 工作原理


1.3 主要改进机构




1.4 技术参数


表1 两点夹持式苹果树栽植机主要技术参数


式中η为拖拉机动力输出轴的功率输出系数;η为传动效率;k为铣刨单位土方的功能消耗(kW·h/m3)。经计算开沟需不少于110 kW的拖拉机为动力机械,考虑栽植机还要完成土壤回填、镇压等功能,本文选用135 kW的金威盛JWS-1804拖拉机。

1.5 苹果栽植农艺要求

1.5.1 栽植密度

苹果矮化栽培模式下单株苹果产量低于传统乔化栽培模式,但通过合理密植可以提高单位面积的苹果产出率。栽植密度应根据苹果品种和当地的自然环境以及果园管理水平综合考虑,确定适宜的栽植密度[25-28]。矮砧密植模式株、行距一般在(0.8~1.5)m´(3.5~4.0)m之间,据此确定栽植机株距控制机构的株距定位杆位置参数(可以在0.8~1.5 m之间调节,以适应不同苹果品种),并确保整机结构参数适应行距要求。

1.5.2 栽植深度

矮砧苹果树栽植时接穗部分不能埋入土壤中,否则苹果树将失去矮化作用,一般要求接橞与砧木的嫁接口在地表之上5~10 cm处,嫁接口一般位于根部之上35~40 cm处,栽植后浅培土以保护砧段部分[29],由此设计栽植机开沟装置,深度依品种需要可调,调节范围为0~40 cm。

2 两点夹持输送装置设计


所谓两点夹持,指的是上下两层夹持装置,树苗输送过程的任一位置,都由上下两点夹持。两层夹持装置竖直方向上的距离需要根据苹果树幼苗的情况确定。经大量调研,栽植时苹果树幼苗高度在2 m左右,下层的夹持输送装置的位置保持和一代机相同,根据样机试制过程中的栽植效果最终确定上下两层的距离为50 cm。




3 田间试验

3.1 试验条件与方法


试验场地选取长180 m,宽30 m的空地。经测量,地块的土壤坚实度700~950 kPa,土壤含水率小于20%,土壤状况良好,其他条件也满足栽植要求。准备480棵可用于正常栽植的红富士矮化砧木苹果树苗。使用金威盛JWS1804作为试验样机的配套动力。拖拉机行进速度为1.2 km/h,栽植开沟深度为30 cm,栽植株距为1.2 m。


3.2 评价指标

针对苹果苗木栽植机目前没有专门的评价标准。参考农业机械推广大纲DG37/T010-2016《旱地栽植机械》,LY/T 1518-2012《林业机械开沟式栽植机》,以及课题验收标准,选取栽植直立度合格率,栽植深度合格率,株距变异系数,栽植效率4个指标作为栽植机作业质量和精度的评价指标。

3.3 试验结果与分析


表2 栽植效率试验结果

表2结果表明,在配套拖拉机行进速度为1.2 km/h,栽植株距为1.2 m时。两点夹持式苹果苗木栽植机平均栽植效率约为12棵/min,换算得栽植效率为720棵/h。人工作业栽植效率19棵/h。栽植机栽植效率约是人工的37倍。

表3 栽植株距试验结果


表4 栽植直立度和栽植深度试验结果


表5 改进机型与一代机型性能对比


4 结 论



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Improvement and experiment of the seedling clamping device of apple tree planting machines

Lin Yuexiang1, Shang Shuqi1※, Lian Zhengguo1, Wang Mingcheng2, Zhang Jingguo3


At this stage, the domestic development of apple tree seedling planting machines is still in its infancy, and few planting machines had been developed for apple trees. Planting apple trees requires a large amount of labor, but the current shortage of labor is a prominent contradiction. The problem of non-mechanized planting of apple tree seedlings urgently needs to be solved. In order to solve the problems in the apple planting process under the current high density dwarfing orchard cultivation mode: low manual planting efficiency, unsatisfactory erection of fruit seedlings with the developed machines, and slightly higher coefficient of variation of plant spacing caused by the slippage of the clamping belt. Under the guidance of agricultural machinery and agronomic integration technology, a two-point clamping apple seedling planting machine was developed by a combination of extensive research, virtual design, prototype manufacturing, and field trials. This machine is based on the existing continuous ditching fixed-distance planting machine previously developed by the same team, and implements structural improvements and performance optimization. Firstly, the fruit seedling clamping device is improved, and the fruit seedlings are clamped at the upper and lower points. On top of the previous generation planting machine, a layer of clamping and conveying device is installed above the lower clamping and conveying device, and the upper and lower layers are perpendicular to each other. The distance is set to be 50 cm, which is based on the comprehensive consideration of the height and status of the apple tree seedlings and the comparison of the planting effectiveness at different distances. The upper and lower clamping points work with each other during the transportation of apple tree seedlings to clamp the apple tree seedlings together. The apple tree seedlings will not rotate during operation and maintain a good initial status. It overcomes the problem that it is difficult to guarantee the initial angle of the tall seedlings relative to the ground because of the original one-point clamping, and significantly improves the perpendicularity after planting; Secondly, the transportation method is improved and the coefficient of variation of plant spacing is reduced. Considering that the trunk and bark of apple tree seedlings should not be damaged during the clamping and conveying process of the transplanter, the solution was still sought in the belt category. The initial idea was to add more tension wheels to change the belt slippage. However, the experimental results observed showed that this method makes almost no effect on reducing the belt slip rate. The timing belt can ensure that the apple tree seedlings are protected from damage during the clamping and conveying process, and it has a good transmission effect with little sliding. In order to improve clamping, the conveying mode adopts two synchronous belts to clamp and convey apple seedlings, which has a lower slip rate than the original V-belt clamping and conveying, and significantly reduces the coefficient of variation of the plant spacing; in addition, the power matching is optimized by the corresponding calculation formula. The depth-limiting wheel is installed to improve the stability of the planting depth, and the ditching machine, plant spacing control and other parts follow the first-generation machine plan. According to the planting requirements of different varieties of seedlings, the depth and width of the ditch can be adjusted, and the planting distance can also be adjusted as needed, and the adjustment is simple and convenient. Field tests showed that the qualified rate of apple seedlings planted by the machine is increased from 90.63% to 97.14%, the average planting depth qualified rate is increased from 91.43% to 93.33%, and the average plant spacing coefficient of variation is reduced from 5.03% to 3.74%, and the planting efficiency is increased from 11.89 plants/min to 12.26 plants/min, which was 37 times faster than that of manual planting. Compared with the existing machines, all performances have been improved, laying a solid foundation for the subsequent mechanization of apple's production.

agricultural machinery;experiment; apple seedlings; planting; two-point clamping; perpendicularity

林悦香,尚书旗,连政国,等. 苹果树栽植机幼苗夹持装置改进与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(19):1-6.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.19.001

Lin Yuexiang, Shang Shuqi, Lian Zhengguo, et al. Improvement and experiment of the seedling clamping device of apple tree planting machines[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(19): 1-6. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.19.001










