

理论与改革 2021年2期

The Armed Forces and The Great Cause of China’s Foundation:the Army Representatives of the First Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC)and Their Political Influence

Gao Minzheng

Abstract:“The CPPCC has made a significant contribution to the establishment of New China.”The People’s Liberation Army(PLA)has also contributed significantly to the convening of the CPPCC as well as the founding of New China.The PLA was not only the preparator of the new CPPCC, but also an momentous organizer and participant of the first CPPCC.The preparatory meeting for the first CPPCC consisted of 134 members from 23 units,among which the PLA was one of the units with the most members of the preparatory committee.The first CPPCC representatives included not only a number of famous generals and marshals, but also many epic combat heroes, and the PLA delegates were big stars in the first CPPCC.Among the first CPPCC delegates, there were also a group of notable special ones, namely uprising and surrendering personnel from the Kuomintang army.To a certain extent,the presence of a large number of military delegates in the first CPPCC clearly and fully demonstrated the important position and positive role of the armed forces in the regime construction of the new republic.

Keywords:The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC;The PLA;the CPPCC;New China;Armed forces;Military politics

Beginning with the End:Continue to Write the Great Articles of“The Doctrine Precedes the Problem”:The CPC Comitting Original Aspiration in Upholding and Developing Maxism

Qiao Yaozhang

Abstract:Without revolutionary theory, there would be no revolutionary movement.The success or failure of the revolutionary practice movement often depends on whether the theory of revolution is scientifically selected, sticked to, and developed.The Communist Party of China were born in the historical torture of“doctrine and problem”,and originated with Marxist Communism,founded with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought, developed with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of “Three Represents”, and the Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics fora New Era.The CPC insist on taking “doctrine” as their guide, starting from “problems”, linking doctrines with problems, linking theory with practice, and seeking truth from facts.Through the difficult new democratic revolution and the great struggle oriented towards socialist construction as well as the reform and opening up, they have led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups to stand up, become prosperous and strong.In order to fulfill our original intentions in the new Long March for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,we must continue to correct our scientific attitude towards Marxism, handle the relationship of Chinese reality and the world’s reality with Marxist Communism and the relationship between the theoretical basis and guiding ideology of the CPC.

Keywords:The 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the CPC;Marxism;The CPC;Begining with the end;Doctrine;Problem

Preliminary Study of A Community with A Shared Future for Mankind as A Complicated Consciousness

Ye Xianming

Abstract:As a complicated consciousness, the community with a shared future for mankind is formed of two categories or levels,namely levels of the social psychology and the form of social consciousness.The former is the cultural and psychology basis of the community with a shared future for mankind as a complicated consciousness,as well as a bridge that directly links this complicated consciousness with real world,and it transmits material and primordial force to the community with a shared future for mankind in the level of the social psychology.Besides, it also determines the degree of positive impact,speed and deepness of spread of the community consciousness of human destiny and influence its trend.The latter is the exaltation of the community with a shared future for mankind as a complicated consciousness,which directly marks the standard of the complicated consciousness.It has the function of self-consciously leading the real world by the theoretical,systematic and conventionalized means, and to realize sustainability trends of co-existence, winwin, shared interests and responsibility, and collaborative development based on mutual tolerance of human to a great extent.It promotes the development of the community Consciousness with a shared future for mankind in the level of social psychology, makes it function sustainably and stably, and sets its development direction.The distinction and connection of the two reveal the inner differences and contradictions,as well as the characteristics and regulation of its existence and development of the community consciousness with a shared future for mankind.From the logical point of view,without comprehensive and correct recognition and grasp of the distinction and linkage in those two levels of the community consciousness with a shared future for mankind, the study may go astray, and the great course of building the community consciousness with a shared future for mankind might be damaged.

Keywords:Complicated consciousness;The community consciousness with a shared future for mankind;Social psychology;The form of social consciousness

The Construction of Chinese National Community in Overall Strategy Layout of National Rejuvenation

Cao Wei

Abstract:There are two key words in the contemporary discourse system of Chinese nation: one is to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and the other is to build the solid consciousness of Chinese nation community.Researching the relationship between the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the construction of Chinese national community deeply is a great importance for the innovation and improvement of the discourse system of Chinese nation.The meaning of the national rejuvenation is the state prosperity, the national rejuvenation, and the happiness of the people,and the three are united in the historical process of rejuvenating the nation and moving towards modernization.Correspondingly, the construction of Chinese national community in the overall strategic of national rejuvenation should open up four dimensions of the world history, state, nation, and national people to form a new pattern.The construction of Chinese national community should balance the scale and efficiency,promoting the construction of Chinese Nation as both theethnic community and the national community in parallel.Besides, there should be the relevant strategy layout and resources allocation in the overall framework of the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity.As the construction of ethnic community, it should build the solid consciousness of Chinese national community and lay a solid material base of the common prosperity for all nationalities.As the construction of nationalcommunity,it is necessary to increase and expand the national dimension of the construction of Chinese community from both whole and individual citizens.

Keywords:National rejuvenation;Chinese national community;Unity in diversity;Community

The Trend of Migrant Workers and Its Countermeasures from the Perspective of Planning Change

Xu YongZhang Huihui

Abstract:As the sum of all human and social relations, society is changing all the time.Migrant workers are the product of China’s transformation from traditional agricultural society to modern industrial society, reflecting the characteristics of the social change.There are two types of social vicissitudes: one is the natural vicissitudes of laissez-faire, the other is the planning change that reflect the will of human beings.Integrating migrant workers into planning changes helps improve their living conditions and makes them an integral part of social changes.Throughout the each five-year plan since the reform and opening up,the change from the negative restrictions on migrant workers to positive protection in the planning social changereflects that the migrant workers has made great contributions to China’s modernization.It is also requiredto create conditions through national planning to gradually realize the citizenization of rural migrant population,so that migrant workers as a unique transitional social group tend to disappear eventually.

Keywords:Migrant workers; Planning change; Natural change; Planning; Future trend

Resource Integration:The Adjustment Logic of the System of the Township in China

Chen JunyaXiao Jing

Abstract:The system is the organizational system of the state power and the spatial arrangement of its administrative institutions.Its essential content is a kind of resource container, which includes different institutional resources for the state to promote development of economical society,such as the resources of public power, public service and economic development.At the early stage of New China,our country established the setting mode of township and town division system which served the development strategies of industrialization.The state allocates resources separately in the system of township and town to promote the classification and concentration of national resources and improve the production efficiency of industry and commerce and agriculture.After the reform and opening up,the trend of merging township and town has broken the pattern of setting up towns by blocks and separatingtownships and towns.In the system of township, the public power, public services and economic development resources have been allocated in an integrated way,thus the functions of township and town system have gradually become similar.At different stages of the adjustment of townshipsystem,the state uses different resource logic to achieve the strategic goal of integrating worker-peasant-urban-rural relationship,and building a system that is conducive to the process of modernization.

Keywords:System of the township; State system; Resource integration; Logic

Jurisdictional Management and Primary-level Autonomy:How to Deal with the Governance Dilemma of Responsibility Without Authority in Township Government

Yan ChangwuXu Danmin

Abstract:As a kind of administrative system, jurisdictional management emphasizes the division of inter-governmental responsibility by region,and endow the jurisdictional government with certain autonomy in order to realize system target of being responsible for defending the territory.The investigation of Z town in eastern Guangdong shows that jurisdictional government has gradually evolved into a tool for the superior functional departments to shirk responsibility, and thus, the township government has fallen into a governance dilemma of taking responsibility but without authority.However, under jurisdictional high pressure, the township government can play a dynamic role in developing a set of response strategies based on primary-level autonomy,which is mainly reflected in the fact that the township government can choose coping strategies according to the event attributes of territorial management tasks.Primary-level autonomy is not only an realistic picture, but also an explanatory framework to examine the role of the primary-level government.It helps us better understand the tension between the authoritative system and effective governance,and also helps to expand the theoretical explanatory power of“pressurized system” and “administrative subcontract”.

Keywords:Primary-level governance; Jurisdictional management; Township government; Authority-responsibility relationship;Primary-level autonomy

Rural Primary-level Governance:Bureaucratic or Anti-Bureaucratic System? ——Research on the“Township Officials Assigned to Village Leadership”System in City Q,Southern Guangxi

Zhang GuoleiZhang Yanni

Abstract:Rural primary-level governance is an important part of the national governance system,and it is also an important starting point for government at all levels to improve the social governance capacity.The Township Cadres Assigned to Village Leadership system led by“economic de-velopment, party construction, social stability” is an institutional arrangement for local governments to respond to the state’s efforts to strengthen rural grassroots governance.In the operation of the system, it shows the following characteristics:the upper echelon relies on authoritative governance to resolve the resistance of policy implementation;the appointed unit relies on agency governance to ease social contradictions at the grassroots level;the cadres sent to work in villages by higher governments rely on index governance to improve the path dependence characteristics of the bureaucratic system of subject responsibility consciousness.However,under the pressurized system, the action logic of different actors is dissimilated:the upper echelon has changed from “authority promotion” to“participatory interaction”; the appointed units have changed from “distribution and disorder” to“cooperative governance”; the cadres sent to work in villages have changed from “passive response” to“active service”.The anti-bureaucratic operation mode promotes the operation of the township officials assigned to village leadership system,so as to enhance the governance capacity of primary-level autonomous organizations and thus achieving “good governance” in rural primary-level society.

Keywords:Ruralprimary-levelgovernance;The township off icialsassigned to village leadership;Bureaucracy;Path dependence;Anti-bureaucratic

Choice of Organization Forms for Modernization of Primary-level Governance in Traditional Agricultural Areas in the New Era:Based on an Investigation into Villages in Northern Guizhou and Western Shandong

Wang Xiangyang

Abstract:The modernization of grassroots governance facing the future in the new era requires a suitable grassroots organization.The existing theories of grassroots governance modernization is hard to match the richness and complexity of grassroots governance practice.Based on the investigation into villages in northern Guizhou and western Shandong, we can discover: Formalizing grassroots organizations is high cost,which does not match the irregular governance foundation of governance affairs in rural society,and is difficult to carry the future of modernization of grassroots governance in most ordinary villages in the vast number of traditional agricultural areas;The creative exploration of“formal community system” plus“simple village community system” in rural Western Shandong,well undertaking the national top-down and intensive sinking governance task,has greatly saved organizational cost and docking cost at the same time.The creative exploration is crucial that coupling governance highly matches the simple but flexible social foundation of traditional rural society and the complex practice of primary-level governance.In the process of primary-level governance modernization in the new era,the creative exploration creatively solves the problem of state entering villages and the “last mile” problem fed back on demands of people,and may become the universal choice of organization form in modernizing grassroots governance in the new era.

Keywords:Primary-level governance;Modernization of primary-level governance; Primary-level organization form;Minimalist governance;Formal governance;Coupling governance

Supervision of Public Opinion and Supervision by Public Opinion:The Balance in Network Citizen Rights and Public Power

Zhang AijunYang Danni

Abstract:Supervision of public opinion and supervision by public opinion are the two forms of discourse intervention, having power differential in subjectivity, outcome, position and technology.The supervision of public opinion acts as the positive, negative and invalid evaluation criterion to public power,guiding public opinion to develop in a positive direction.But it is also easy to cause the preaching and falsehood of public opinion.The supervision by public opinion forms the withdraw of the compulsory, initiative, stratification and marginalization, adapts to the change of general will, advocates civil rights to restrain public power and ensures the legalization and openness of power operation.However, it has the risk that power is controlled by public opinion, leading to group trials and rogue politics.Supervision of public opinion and supervision by public opinion should achieve a balance of finiteness, dynamics, effectiveness and competitiveness, to ensure the mutual checks and balances of public power and civil rights, to achieve the purpose of good governance,then to implement the optimization of the mechanisms of public power and public opinion and promote the harmonious development of social modernization.

Keywords:Supervision of public opinion; Supervision by public opinion; Network; Public power;Citizen rights

The Function and Expression of Emotional Mobilization of“Non-fictional Writing” in Network Public Opinion Events

Dong Xianghui

Abstract:In the era of social media, the feature of “post truth era” is being increasingly distinct in public opinion ecology.Emotion and faith have become the main power in network public opinion events.As a writing skill combining documentary coverage with literary creation,“non-fic-tional writing”has the power of emotional mobilization in network public opinion events.By grafting traditional logic of network emotional mobilization expression like pathetic narration, identity labels,joking expressions into local concept like“integrating literature and history” and hardship consciousness cleverly, “non-fictional writing” has given rise to a series of significant network public opinion events, which expresses three kinds of expression logic: sociological observation, archetypal narration and cultural conflict.“Non-fictional writing” plays an active role in aspects of public opinion expressions, public opinions supervision and social observation.Meanwhile, “non-fictional writing” with deep emotional color also implicates a lot of risk factors, such as network populism, network violence and network false information.How to achieve a balance between criticism and building, deconstruction and construction, abolishment and establishment in “non-fictional writing”brings out new contents and issues in network ecology construction.

Keywords:“Post truth era”; Non-fictional writing; Network public opinion; Emotional mobilization; Supervision by public opinion;Network discourse

Algorithm Security and Governance under the Perspective of the Concept of Holistic National Security

Jia ZhenzhenLiu Yangyue

Abstract:With the continuous evolution of algorithms in the fields of computing, correspondence, simulation, data analysis, information management, signal processing as well as command and control, a series of security issues caused by algorithms have begun to attract our attention.Algorithm security is derived from the security problems caused by the deep embedding of AI-related technologies in various fields of social life.From the perspective of national security, algorithm security has obvious characteristics such as the political nature of logical manipulation,the subversiveness of behavioral influence, and the concealment of field penetration, which will deeply affect all dimensions of national security.Specifically, the challenge of algorithm security to national security is manifested in profoundly changing the comparison of power structures between countries,leading to implicit algorithm dependence and reverse algorithm attacks, etc.In recent years, as risks of algorithm security have gradually emerged,strengthening algorithm security governance has become a consensus in the international community.On the basis of combining the characteristics of algorithm security and the countermeasures related to algorithm security in countries around the world,our country can reconstruct the order of algorithm security by improving algorithm risk awareness,training algorithm professionals,and improving algorithm supervision systems to strengthen national security governance in the era of Artificial Intelligence.

Keywords:Concept of holistic national security;Algorithm security; National security; Algorithm governance;Artificial intelligence

