Forgotten and forgiven 妈妈的曲奇饼


疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年10期



As I sat in the second?floor window of our brick schoolhouse that afternoon, my heart began to sink further with each passing car. This was a day Id looked forward to for weeks—Miss Paces fourth?grade, end?of?the?year party. Miss Pace had kept a running countdown (倒计时) on the blackboard all that week, and our class of nine?year?olds had bordered on insurrection by the time the eagerly anticipated “Party Friday” had arrived.

I had happily volunteered my mother when Miss Pace requested cookie volunteers. Moms chocolate chips were most popular on our block, and I knew theyd be a hit with my classmates. But two

oclock passed, and there was no sign of my mother. Most of the other mothers had already come and gone, dropping off their offerings of punch and crackers, chips, cupcakes and brownies. My mother was missing in action.

“Dont worry, Robbie. Shell be along soon,” Miss Pace said as I gazed down the street. I looked at the wall clock just in time to see its black minute hand shift to half?past. Around me, the noisy party continued, but I wouldnt move from my window watch post.

Miss Pace tried her best to persuade me to move, but I stayed still, holding out hope that the familiar family car would round the corner, carrying my rightfully embarrassed mother with a tin of her famous cookies tucked under her arm.

The three oclock bell soon gave me a sudden shock from my thoughts and I disappointedly grabbed my book bag from my desk and shuffled out the door for home. On the four?block walk to our house, I plotted my revenge. I would slam the front door upon entering, refuse to return her hug when she rushed over to me, and swear never to speak to her again.

The house was empty when I arrived and I looked for a note on the refrigerator that might explain my mothers absence, but found none. My chin quivered with a mixture of heartbreak and rage. For the first time in my life, my mother had let me down.


Useful sentence patterns

1. Miss Pace had kept a running countdown on the blackboard all that week, and our class of nine?year?olds had bordered on insurrection by the time the much?anticipated “Party Friday” had arrived. 那个星期佩斯小姐在黑板上做了个倒计时牌,當这个万众期待的“周五派对日”到来的时候,我们一班九岁大的孩子们兴奋得像炸开了锅一样。

分析:本句为复合句,包含一个and连接的并列句,以及by the time引导的时间状语从句,意为“到了……的时候”。其中,border on insurrection是一个固定搭配,意为“兴奋得像炸开了锅”。

2. The house was empty when I arrived and I looked for a note on the refrigerator that might explain my mothers absence, but found none. 当我回到家时,房子里空无一人,我在冰箱上寻找可能解释母亲缺席原因的字条,但我什么也没找到。





1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

I was lying face?down on my bed upstairs when I heard my mother come through the front door.

Paragraph 2:

Then my mother did something completely unexpected. She sank down on the bed and began to weep like a little girl.





[要素 分析:所给短文的情境模式 发展:续写短文的情境模式 说明:如此构思的理由 Who I, Miss Pace, my mother I, my mother We are su?pposed to learn how to forgive others mistakes.

The relationship between parents and chi?ldren is equal.

Parents and children should understand each other. What My mother forgot to make cookies for my fourth?grade end?of?the?year party and I was waiting for her for several hours at school but she didnt show up as promised. After I went back home, the house was empty. My mother came home and apologized to me, but I didnt accept it at first. She couldnt help crying and I tried to comfort her. When On the day of my fourth?grade end?of?the?year party On the day of my fourth?grade end?of?the?year party Where At the schoolhouse At home Why I was furious and disappointed, so I decided not to forgive my mothers behaviors and make her pay. I was shocked and my heart was softened when I saw my mother crying, so I forgave her. ]








(1)Whats my reaction to my mothers coming back?

(2)How did my mother explain her absence to me?

(3)Whats my response to my mothers apology?


(1)How did I feel when I saw my mother crying?

(2)What did I do to comfort my mother?

(3)How did my mother and I make peace?


在续写的过程中要注意情节连贯,各部分内容相衔接:1. 两段的续写与所给短文的衔接;2. 每段的续写与续写段首句之间的衔接;3. 两段续写之间的衔接。同时要注意语言风格的一致和语法、句型以及所用单词的准确性。比如,刻画人物形象时运用恰当的形容词使其栩栩如生,描写人物心理活动时使用一些动词或副词使其细微深入。


Class in America