

林业工程学报 2021年6期



彭锋,饶俊 1(1)


涂登云,陈川富,周桥芳,欧荣贤,王先菊 13(1)


熊先青,李荣荣,白洪涛 21(1)


王瑞彬,周雪莲,徐婷婷,卞辉洋,戴红旗 29(1)


孙庆丰,杨玉山,党宝康,陈逸鹏,王媛媛,张佳宜,邱坚 1(2)


岳凤霞,林敏生,钱勇,吕发创 12(2)


陈光伟,陈相宇,花军,李艳娜,林送峰 21(2)


李荣荣,贺楚君,陈莹静,孟菲 31(2)


黄超伯,游朝群,熊燃华,王飞 1(3)


魏洋,王志远,陈思,赵康,丁明珉 9(3)


何拓,刘守佳,陆杨,焦立超,殷亚方 18(3)


李晓娜,李建章,李炯炯 28(3)


陈礼辉,曹石林,黄六莲,吴慧,胡会超,刘凯,林珊 1(4)


李延军,娄志超 14(4)


凌喆,赖晨欢,黄曹兴,许凤,勇强 24(4)


卿彦,廖宇,刘婧祎,田翠花,许瀚,吴义强 1(5)


马春慧,孙晋德,李伟,罗沙,刘守新 14(5)


郝笑龙,周海洋,孙理超,林东融,欧荣贤,王清文 27(5)


左宋林,刘斌 1(6)


王小英,唐淑玮,吴正国,方家威,覃筱茜,韦岚升 13(6)


朱刚,李辉,强明礼,李顺艳,康昆勇,徐开蒙,邓书端 23(6)


冷魏祺,何盛,张雪峰,翟胜丞,王新洲,潘彪,石江涛 35(6)



贾世芳,刘静怡,林贤铣,孙伟圣,郭玺,曹惠敏,王文斌 38(1)


陆弘毅,张隐,张帅,黄燕萍,潘明珠 44(1)


李文珠,章亮,于子绚,张静,王盟盟,王珊珊,赵磊 50(1)


林秋琴,张亚梅,于文吉 67(1)


刘焕荣,杨晓梦,张秀标,苏勤,张方达,费本华 68(1)


李帆,黄艳辉,叶翠茵,冯启明 73(1)


林秋琴,黄宇翔,张亚慧,饶飞,于文吉 48(2)


张少迪,任自忠,王明枝 49(2)


李斌,张健,周晓剑,杜官本 57(2)


刘娇,周爱萍,盛宝璐,刘燕燕,孙丽惟 64(2)


林志伟,林明山 70(2)


张晓凤,杨茹元,刘芯彤,孙友富 77(2)


肖飞,吴义强,左迎峰,彭亮,李文豪,孙晓东 35(3)


雷文成,张亚梅,于文吉,余养伦 41(3)


杨茹元,吴岳虹,孙友富,张晓凤,翟伟 47(3)


尹业桥,侯俊峰,姜志宏,俞友明 54(3)


李京予,马尔妮 61(3)


秦理哲,杨章旗,段文贵,胡拉,徐慧兰 69(3)


胡静,刘祎,吴智慧,庞小仁 35(4)


尚征帆,张杰,倪申健,徐兆军,那斌,朱南峰 43(4)


高义钦,李元元,任瑞清,陈瑶,高建民 49(4)


杨思倩,石林,袁少飞,王洪艳,李琴 56(4)


蔡绍祥,李延军,黄燕萍,郭玉良 64(4)


周华,柏洁,文伟,任廷亮,周浩 72(4)


吕赫,丁涛,程亚飞,江宁 39(5)


刘义凡,侯同宇,滕启城,吕红医,李哲瑞,阙泽利 46(5)


李茜然,赵雨婷,郑欣欣,潘彪,王新洲 54(5)


余德倩,赵晨鹏,翟胜丞,陈冰炜,阚玉娜,王正 61(5)


尹玉雪,苗媛媛,万珂,王秀雅,翟学勇,刘镇波 68(5)


姚开泰,谭伟,周海洋,郝笑龙,许黎明,王清文,欧荣贤 76(5)


庞晓娜,杨祥,李贤军,曹敏,杨喜 44(6)


王嘉伟,胡晓洋,李明剑,邵霖治,战剑锋 51(6)


曹梦丹,张雪霞,任文庭,朱家伟,王汉坤,徐皓诚,余雁 58(6)


周海瑛,江文正,李文珠,张文标 66(6)


孙勤杰,周曦禾,翁锦萍,李晓旭,周捍东 74(6)


张梦莹,吕建雄,包新德,李萍,袁光明,左迎峰 82(6)


赵洋,任佳,郑欣欣,潘彪,冷魏祺 88(6)



王菊琳,张国政,杨孟昕 79(1)


范恩庆,邓书端,曹龙,杜官本,康昆勇 86(1)


张丽霞,刘书晶,张晨颜,虞力,范龚健 92(1)


闫佳,牛延菲,史正军,雷福厚,赵平,吴春华 98(1)


易启睿,刘敏,侯秉毅,马尔妮,刘如 101(2)


郑欣欣,赵雨婷,潘彪,王新洲 108(2)


符瑞云,张文博,黎冬青,张厚江 114(2)


杨昇,付跃进,晏婷婷,陈媛 120(2)


王思禹,刘飞,周倩,徐曙,黄申林,罗金岳 74(3)


罗佳年华,董玉蓉,张珊珊,张小濛,赵林果 81(3)


王侨,朱凯 88(3)


刘蕾,任继巍,刘鑫露,郑兆娟,李鑫,欧阳嘉 93(3)


刘李花,刘云,尹加笔,哏玉响宝,李北屏,韩会俊,赵平 100(3)


舒恒毅,郑志锋,刘守庆,何宏舟,黄元波 80(4)


高雅轩,严姗姗,林子翔,张书,高雯然 87(4)


游佳欣,应文俊,杨倩倩,廖红,徐勇,张军华 94(4)


王婕,徐飞扬,张文豪,周健超,王慧,孙芳利,季晓峰 101(4)


王敏,尹崇鑫,程金兰,朱文远 107(4)


建晓朋,侯兴隆,许伟,刘石彩 114(4)


楼燕铃,奚建锋,蒋珊,吴伟兵 82(5)


杨娜,张亚楠,蒋建新,刘六军,段久芳 89(5)


赵鹤,苗庆显,黄六莲,周吓星,陈礼辉 96(5)


王蓉,王静,赖晨欢,黄曹兴,凌喆,勇强 104(5)


王金叶,贾丽丽,徐勇,张军华 111(5)


李琳,赵倩,闻汉康,蒋建新,刘六军,段久芳 120(5)


金旭宸,项舟洋 94(6)


余燕燕,李以琳,楼雨寒,刘永壮,于海鹏 101(6)


岑波,吴光燧,范钟天,段文贵,林桂汕,张文静 109(6)


马春慧,罗一贵,李俊含,黄永鑫,姜宁,郭文琪 117(6)


李颖,童树华,李瑞芳,戴林,司传领 123(6)


孙宗兴,叶仁伟,荐佳琳,宋楠,刘亭,付晴雨,高振华 130(6)


邢伟男,程珂,熊若帆,薛樱涔,韩建刚,吴光瑜 137(6)



刘峥,寇芙嘉,段雨辰,王玮嘉,彭来,李建章,高强 105(1)


李茹,娄志超,顾水祥,王秋怡,刘杰,李延军 112(1)


陈彪,谭静,黄晶,卢郁静,顾培玲,韩媛,丁延伟 121(1)


武静,王丽,单晓飞,王喜明 84(2)


黄勇,刘沙沙,吴益霜,周建斌,张书 94(2)



余兵,许林云,陈青,周宏平,刘键 127(1)


林耀海,赵洪璐,杨泽灿,林梦婷 136(1)


张素梅,刘偲,吴小莲,陈宗霖,黄晓东,林金国 143(1)


董春雷,保昆雁,黄宇翔,张宏健 147(1)


高锐,张伟,王勇 126(2)

基于无人机影像与Mask R-CNN的单木树冠检测与分割

黄昕晰,夏凯,冯海林,杨垠晖,杜晓晨 133(2)


李晨,李佳,王明果,段平,王云川 141(2)


郑贤,邓毅,李岩舟,朱欣民 148(2)


董伟航,胡勇,田广军,邱学海,郭晓磊 107(3)


周文璐, 林萍, 徐晓美, 谢宇 113(3)


刘晓雯,郭彩玲 120(3)


华超,褚凯梅,陈昕,朱银龙 127(3)


韩元顺,许林云,周杰,余兵 133(3)


王勇,张伟,高锐,金征 120(4)


刘诚,孙远升,花军,姚嘉明 127(4)


贾新宇,江朝晖,李娟,高健 134(4)


李晓旭,张成旭,花军,陈光伟 128(5)


王锦亚,李振业,倪超 135(5)


郑成,徐道春,曹佳乐,李文彬 140(5)


李浩,方伟泉,李浪浪,陈学永 142(6)


孙宝霞,梁翠晓,刘凯,郑镇辉,胡文馨,熊俊涛 148(6)


张真维,赵鹏, 韩金城 156(6)



陈驰,杨平 155(1)


颜松,姚立健,曾松伟,王露露,柴善鹏 163(1)


张永强,李星圆,赵尘 171(1)


钟一,杨蹈宇,宋丽娜,税加坤,孟子锐,李立君 157(2)


赵双,瞿树林,曹冰冰,程承,姚顺忠 164(2)


赵志峰,方舟 170(2)


赵鹏武,武峻毅,张恒 142(3)


张朔,李雨桐,高德民,管志浩 149(3)


吕伟华,杨帅,辛文青,孙信,张继周,薄冠中 154(3)


刘成,黄琳,肖宇豪,马天龙 161(3)


朱学岩,张新伟,顾梦梦,赵燕东,陈锋军 140(4)


李秋洁,杨远明,袁鹏成,薛玉玺 147(4)


刘宇航,马健霄,王羽尘,白莹佳,谢征俊 153(4)


赵宇辉,杨平,王宁,张玉武 159(4)


韩蕊,慕涛阳,赵伟,李丹 147(5)

基于Mask R-CNN的行道树实例分割方法

陆清屿,李秋洁,童岳凯,王明霞,袁鹏成 154(5)


任军昊,胡俊,周禹暄,熊辉,林小淇,李珂,王志鑫 161(5)


李浩,王立彬,王飞球,李照众 169(5)


孙俊锋,张海涛,于腾江,刘作强 165(6)


王玮,赵志峰,朱效博 172(6)



路周,胡进波,张默涵,苌姗姗,刘元,郑磊,李贤军 178(1)


杨赟,谭淑娟,方罡,杨芷炎,李永超 184(1)


洪莲,于娜 191(1)


苏娜,热依汗古丽·木沙,木叶赛尔·买买提,李兆波,陶庆 176(2)


刘美,申黎明,卢涛,房娇娇,堵梦丽 183(2)


方方,关惠元,卢章平,李明珠 191(2)


刘俊,陈琳,刘润亚 166(3)


娄巧莲,郝景新,吴新凤,聂鑫磊,孙德林 171(3)


俞明功,孙德林,邹伟华,王张恒,姜夏旺,姚令华,孔竞 178(3)


冯鑫浩,陈晶宇,吴智慧,吴燕,甘健 167(4)


胡珊,符凯杰,蒋旭,贾琦,罗亦鸣 176(4)


薛兴虎,王方艳,杨光,潘永菲 184(4)


邵帮丽,朱寅,朱润,潘晨曦,王坚,奚雪峰,杨颢 190(4)


闫小星,尹太玉,李海红 176(5)


晁垚,金倩如,申黎明,谈立山,汪洋 183(5)


房娇娇,申黎明,陈浩 191(5)


朱剑刚,王旭 177(6)


周橙旻,吕一心,李臻瑜,吴智慧,詹先旭,康明红 184(6)


张雨湉,施江靖,叶交友,陈红,吴智慧,詹先旭 190(6)


晁垚,申黎明,刘明鹏,张宏玉 197(6)




Special Contribution

Research progress on xylan derivatives and xylan-based films

PENG Feng, RAO Jun 1(1)

Research progress of thermo-mechanical compression techniques for wood products

TU Dengyun, CHEN Chuanfu, ZHOU Qiaofang, OU Rongxian, WANG Xianju 13(1)

Research status and development trend of intelligent furniture in China

XIONG Xianqing, LI Rongrong, BAI Hongtao 21(1)

Research progress on the preparation of lignin-derived carbon dots and graphene quantum dots

WANG Ruibin, ZHOU Xuelian, XU Tingting, BIAN Huiyang, DAI Hongqi 29(1)

Research progress of the preparation of biomimetic superhydrophobic wood surface micro-nano structures

SUN Qingfeng, YANG Yushan, DANG Baokang, CHEN Yipeng, WANG Yuanyuan, ZHANG Jiayi, QIU Jian 1(1)

Recent advances of anti-UV radiation of lignin

YUE Fengxia, LIN Minsheng, QIAN Yong, LYU Fachuang 12(2)

A review of structure and forms of the flexible infeed of continuous press

CHEN Guangwei, CHEN Xiangyu, HUA Jun, LI Yanna, LIN Songfeng 21(2)

Research progress on laser surface treatment of wood materials

LI Rongrong, HE Chujun, CHEN Yingjing, MENG Fei 31(2)

Research progress of natural polysaccharide in the application of biomedical materials

HUANG Chaobo, YOU Chaoqun, XIONG Ranhua, WANG Fei 1(3)

Research progress of strengthening technology for bamboo flexural members

WEI Yang, WANG Zhiyuan, CHEN Si, ZHAO Kang, DING Mingmin 9(3)

Advances and prospects of wood identification technology coupled with computer vision

HE Tuo, LIU Shoujia, LU Yang, JIAO Lichao, YIN Yafang 18(3)

Research progress of urea formaldehyde resin modified by inorganic additives

LI Xiaona, LI Jianzhang, LI Jiongjiong 28(3)

Development of bamboo cellulose preparation and its functionalization

CHEN Lihui, CAO Shilin, HUANG Liulian, WU Hui, HU Huichao, LIU Kai, LIN Shan 1(4)

Progress of bamboo flatten technology research

LI Yanjun, LOU Zhichao 14(4)

Research progress in variations of cellulose supramolecular structures via biomass pretreatment

LING Zhe, LAI Chenhuan, HUANG Caoxing, XU Feng, YONG Qiang 24(4)

Research progress of wood-derived energy storage materials

QING Yan, LIAO Yu, LIU Jingyi, TIAN Cuihua, XU Han, WU Yiqiang 1(5)

Application progress of ionic liquids in the field of lignin depolymerization

MA Chunhui, SUN Jinde, LI Wei, LUO Sha, LIU Shouxin 14(5)

Research progress and application of co-extruded wood plastic composites

HAO Xiaolong, ZHOU Haiyang, SUN Lichao, LIN Dongrong, OU Rongxian, WANG Qingwen 27(5)

Research progress of hydrogen sulfide deep removal by activated carbon

ZUO Songlin, LIU Bin 1(6)

Research status of biomass-based composite films with high barrier properties

WANG Xiaoying, TANG Shuwei, WU Zhengguo, FANG Jiawei, QIN Xiaoqian, WEI Lansheng 13(6)

Application and research progress of metal-organic framework materials in biomass and its derived chemicals

ZHU Gang, LI Hui, QIANG Mingli, LI Shunyan, KANG Kunyong, XU Kaimeng, DENG Shuduan 23(6)

Research progress and thoughts on the modification mechanism of wood furfurylation

LENG Weiqi, HE Sheng, ZHANG Xuefeng, ZHAI Shengcheng, WANG Xinzhou, PAN Biao, SHI Jiangtao 35(6)

Wood Science and Technology

Sound absorption performance of bionic perforated wood structure fiberboard

JIA Shifang, LIU Jingyi, LIN Xianxian, SUN Weisheng, GUO Xi, CAO Huimin, WANG Wenbin 38(1)

Preparation of flame-retardant plywood by PEI/APP modified urea-formaldehyde resin and its properties

LU Hongyi, ZHANG Yin, ZHANG Shuai, HUANG Yanping, PAN Mingzhu 44(1)

Study on the performance of functional BC/PVC composites

LI Wenzhu, ZHANG Liang, YU Zixuan, ZHANG Jing, WANG Mengmeng, WANG Shanshan, ZHAO Lei 50(1)

Improvement of dimensional stability of poplar scrimber by pre-compression treatment gluing technology

LIN Qiuqin, ZHANG Yamei, YU Wenji 58(1)

The tensile shear bonding property of flattened bamboo sheet

LIU Huanrong, YANG Xiaomeng, ZHANG Xiubiao, SU Qin, ZHANG Fangda, FEI Benhua 68(1)

Structure and physicochemical property of ‘72 poplar’ phloem

LI Fan, HUANG Yanhui, YE Cuiyin, FENG Qiming 73(1)

Measurement of surface roughness ofSalixpsammophilascrimber using stylus profilometer and extended depth-of-field 3D microscope

LIN Qiuqin, HUANG Yuxiang, ZHANG Yahui, RAO Fei, YU Wenji 40(2)

Effect of zeolite precursor on properties of oriented strand board

ZHANG Shaodi, REN Zizhong, WANG Mingzhi 49(2)

Effects on the protection of bamboo by cold plasma and 2D resin-based protective agent

LI Bin, ZHANG Jian, ZHOU Xiaojian, DU Guanben 57(2)

Effect of temperature on short-term compression creep property of bamboo scrimber

LIU Jiao, ZHOU Aiping, SHENG Baolu, LIU Yanyan, SUN Liwei 64(2)

Design and application of double swing fitting device for plywood putty repair

LIN Zhiwei, LIN Mingshan 70(2)

Comparation of thermal insulation materials and steady state heat transfer performance of light-frame wood structures wall

ZHANG Xiaofeng, YANG Ruyuan, LIU Xintong, SUN Youfu 77(2)

Preparation and bonding performance evaluation of bamboo veneer/foam aluminum composites

XIAO Fei, WU Yiqiang, ZUO Yingfeng, PENG Liang, LI Wenhao, SUN Xiaodong 35(3)

The adsorption and desorption characteristics of moso bamboo induced by heat treatment

LEI Wencheng, ZHANG Yamei, YU Wenji, YU Yanglun 41(3)

Durability of glulam under artificial simulated acid rain and seawater

YANG Ruyuan, WU Yuehong, SUN Youfu, ZHANG Xiaofeng, ZHAI Wei 47(3)

Effect of earlywood vessel distribution on creep characteristics of ring-porous oak wood

YIN Yeqiao, HOU Junfeng, JIANG Zhihong, YU Youming 54(3)

Influence of heat treatment and delignification on hygroscopicity limit and cell wall saturation of southern pine wood

LI Jingyu, MA Erni 61(3)

Radial variation in bonding performance of preservative-treatedPinusmassonianawood

QIN Lizhe, YANG Zhangqi, DUAN Wengui, HU La, XU Huilan 69(3)

Construction of bionic structural color coating on wood surface based on polystyrene microspheres

HU Jing, LIU Yi, WU Zhihui, PANG Xiaoren 35(4)

Research on spark detection device based on combustion characteristic spectrum of wood dust

SHANG Zhengfan, ZHANG Jie, NI Shenjian, XU Zhaojun, NA Bin, ZHU Nanfeng 43(4)

Effect of weak acid modification on the structure and properties of heat-treated Chinese fir

GAO Yiqin, LI Yuanyuan, REN Ruiqing, CHEN Yao, GAO Jianmin 49(4)

Comparison of dyeing technology and properties of bamboo bundles dyed by acid blue dyes and reactive blue dyes

YANG Siqian, SHI Lin, YUAN Shaofei, WANG Hongyan, LI Qin 56(4)

Study on correlation between mechanical measurement of wood cell wall and added load by nano-indentation

CAI Shaoxiang, LI Yanjun, HUANG Yanping, GUO Yuliang 64(4)

Lateral performance of shear wall frame of light timber structure

ZHOU Hua, BAI Jie, WEN Wei, REN Tingliang, ZHOU Hao 72(4)

Life cycle assessment of kiln-dried oak lumber

LYU He, DING Tao, CHENG Yafei, JIANG Ning 39(5)

Quasi-static experiment on bracket complexes model of the main hall of the ancestor’s monastery in Shaolin Temple

LIU Yifan, HOU Tongyu, TENG Qicheng, LYU Hongyi, LI Zherui, QUE Zeli 46(5)

The influence factors and prevention of iron discoloration induced by tannin in thePiceasitchensiswood

LI Xiran, ZHAO Yuting, ZHENG Xinxin, PAN Biao, WANG Xinzhou 54(5)

Effect of hygroscopic cycle treatment on acoustic vibration performance of different wood species for musical instruments

YU Deqian, ZHAO Chenpeng, ZHAI Shengcheng, CHEN Bingwei, KAN Yuna, WANG Zheng 61(5)

Analysis and evaluation of wood acoustic vibration signal based on Daubechies wavelet base

YIN Yuxue, MIAO Yuanyuan, WAN Ke, WANG Xiuya, ZHAI Xueyong, LIU Zhenbo 68(5)

Effects of age and culm longitudinal position on physical and mechanical properties ofBambusatextilisMcClure bamboo

YAO Kaitai, TAN Wei, ZHOU Haiyang, HAO Xiaolong, XU Liming, WANG Qingwen, OU Rongxian 76(5)

Improvement of porosity and dye permeability of moso bamboo splints by alkali etching

PANG Xiaona, YANG Xiang, LI Xianjun, CAO Min, YANG Xi 44(6)

Preparation of wood-based yttrium doped TiO2film and its photocatalytic properties

WANG Jiawei, HU Xiaoyang, LI Mingjian, SHAO Linzhi, ZHAN Jianfeng 51(6)

Effect of drying methods on the cell wall pore structure ofPhyllostachysedulis

CAO Mengdan, ZHANG Xuexia, REN Wenting, ZHU Jiawei, WANG Hankun, XU Haocheng, YU Yan 58(6)

Effect of raw material ratio on the properties of magnesium oxychloride cement-bamboo charcoal boards

ZHOU Haiying, JIANG Wenzheng, LI Wenzhu, ZHANG Wenbiao 66(6)

Numerical simulation and experiment validation for characteristics of gas-solid flow in chip discharging field with vertical milling on MDF

SUN Qinjie, ZHOU Xihe, WENG Jinping, LI Xiaoxu, ZHOU Handong 74(6)

Effect of silane coupling agent KH590 on surface properties of silicate modified poplar

ZHANG Mengying, LYU Jianxiong, BAO Xinde, LI Ping, YUAN Guangming, ZUO Yingfeng 82(6)

Effects of three kinds of fungi on color, chemical composition and route of infection ofPiceasitchensis

ZHAO Yang, REN Jia, ZHENG Xinixn, PAN Biao, LENG Weiqi 88(6)

Chemical Processing of Forest Products

Synthesis of cage silsesquioxane for wood protection

WANG Julin, ZHANG Guozheng, YANG Mengxin 79(1)

Synthesis and performance of GUF resins with different molar ratios

FAN Enqing, DENG Shuduan, CAO Long, DU Guanben, KANG Kunyong 86(1)

Characteristics of chicken ovalbumin-mulberry wine pomace anthocyanin nanoparticles

ZHANG Lixia, LIU Shujing, ZHANG Chenyan, YU Li, FAN Gongjian 92(1)

The mold inhibitory properties and composition analysis of five plant essential oils produced in Yunnan

YAN Jia, NIU Yanfei, SHI Zhengjun, LEI Fuhou, ZHAO Ping, WU Chunhua 98(1)

Brown rot resistance of southern pine by combined treatment of copper azole and waterproof paraffin emulsion

YI Qirui, LIU Min, HOU Bingyi, MA Erni, LIU Ru 101(2)

Extraction, distribution and composition of tannin inPiceasitchensis

ZHENG Xinxin, ZHAO Yuting, PAN Biao, WANG Xinzhou 108(2)

Analyses on chemical composition of ancient wood structural component by using near infrared spectroscopy

FU Ruiyun, ZHANG Wenbo, LI Dongqing, ZHANG Houjiang 114(2)

Effect of high temperature heat-treatment on the chemical properties ofSwieteniamacrophylla

YANG Sheng, FU Yuejin, YAN Tingting, CHEN Yuan 120(2)

Preparation of cedrol and cedryl acetate and their antifungal activities

WANG Siyu, LIU Fei, ZHOU Qian, XU Shu, HUANG Shenlin, LUO Jinyue 74(3)

Soluble expression and applications of thermostableβ-xylosidase

LUO Jianianhua, DONG Yurong, ZHANG Shanshan, ZHANG Xiaomeng, ZHAO Linguo 81(3)

Study on the seasonal variation law of the essential oil content and composition ofCupressuslusitanice

WANG Qiao, ZHU Kai 88(3)

Properties and applications of lignosulfonate from wheat straw spent liquor pretreated by magnesium bisulfite

LIU Lei, REN Jiwei, LIU Xinlu, ZHENG Zhaojuan, LI Xin, OUYANG Jia 93(3)

Comparative metabolomics analysis on heartwood and sapwood components of teak (Tectonagrandis)

LIU Lihua, LIU Yun, YIN Jiabi, GEN Yuxiangbao, LI Beiping, HAN Huijun, ZHAO Ping 100(3)

Process optimization and mechanism of substrate on preparation high-carbon terminal-olefin compounds through cross-metathesis of methyl oleate

SHU Hengyi, ZHENG Zhifeng, LIU Shouqing, HE Hongzhou, HUANG Yuanbo 80(4)

Effects of the washing treatment using diluted acid and base on the structure of biochar and its adsorption performance on tetracycline

GAO Yaxuan, YAN Shanshan, LIN Zixiang, ZHANG Shu, GAO Wenran 87(4)

The production ofBacillussubtilisby fermentation from enzymatic hydrolysate of poplar

YOU Jiaxin, YING Wenjun, YANG Qianqian, LIAO Hong, XU Yong, ZHANG Junhua 94(4)

A preliminary study on the irritation odor source ofAlbiziafalcatariaduring sawing and its relieving treatment by extraction

WANG Jie, XU Feiyang, ZHANG Wenhao, ZHOU Jianchao, WANG Hui, SUN Fangli, JI Xiaofeng 101(4)

Application of AHP-FCE evaluation on the pulping and papermaking water pollution control technology

WANG Min, YIN Chongxin, CHENG Jinlan, ZHU Wenyuan 107(4)

Study on the adsorption and desorption of CS2on activated carbon under different operating conditions

JIAN Xiaopeng, HOU Xinglong, XU Wei, LIU Shicai 114(4)

Underwater superoleophbic paper-based materials and their oil-water separation performance

LOU Yanling, XI Jianfeng, JIANG Shan, WU Weibing 82(5)

Preparation and characterization of PAM/PEGDA phase change energy storage conductive wood films

YANG Na, ZHANG Yanan, JIANG Jianxin, LIU Liujun, DUAN Jiufang 89(5)

Preparation of long bamboo fiber and its reinforced polypropylene membrane composites

ZHAO He, MIAO Qingxian, HUANG Liulian, ZHOU Xiaxing, CHEN Lihui 96(5)

Enzymatic preparation of glucomannan oligosaccharides and their effects on intestinal microbial proliferation

WANG Rong, WANG Jing, LAI Chenhuan, HUANG Caoxing, LIN Zhe, YONG Qiang 104(5)

Effect of acetic acid-sulfite two-step pretreatment on the adsorption of poplar lignin toward cellulase

WANG Jinye, JIA Lili, XU Yong, ZHANG Junhua 111(5)

Preparation and performance of galactomannan temperature-sensitive hydrogels

LI Lin, ZHAO Qian, WEN Hankang, JIANG Jianxin, LIU Liujun, DUAN Jiufang 120(5)

Crystallization ability and water cast film formability of carboxymethylated xylan

JIN Xuchen, XIANG Zhouyang 94(6)

Effect of lignin condensation on cellulose enzymatic hydrolysis during deep eutectic solvent fractionation of lignocellulose

YU Yanyan, LI Yilin, LOU Yuhan, LIU Yongzhuang, YU Haipeng 101(6)

Synthesis and antifungal activity ofN′-substituted benzenesulfonyl-N-camphorsulfonyl-ethylenediamine compounds

CEN Bo, WU Guangsui, FAN Zhongtian, DUAN Wengui, LIN Guishan, ZHANG Wenjing 109(6)

Study on the enrichment of isoxaziridin fromAcanthopanaxsenticosusby macroporous resin immobilized with ionic liquid

MA Chunhui, LUO Yigui, LI Junhan, HUANG Yongxin, JIANG Ning, GUO Wenqi 117(6)

Preparation and properties of Fe/lignin nanoparticle composite paper

LI Ying, TONG Shuhua, LI Ruifang, DAI Lin, SI Chuanling 123(6)

Effect of pH of PAE resin on the structure and properties of soybean adhesive

SUN Zongxing, YE Renwei, JIAN Jialin, SONG Nan, LIU Ting, FU Qingyu, GAO Zhenhua 130(6)

Study on biochar functionalized g-C3N4photocatalyst towards improved photocatalytic degradation performance

XING Weinan, CHENG Ke, XIONG Ruofan, XUE Yingcen, HAN Jiangang, WU Guangyu 137(6)

Biomass Energy and Material

Preparation and investigation of distillers-dried grains with solubles-based wood adhesive

LIU Zheng, KOU Fujia, DUAN Yuchen, WANG Weijia, PENG Lai, LI Jianzhang, GAO Qiang 105(1)

Preparation of magnetic carbon with microwave absorption property using bamboo powder

LI Ru, LOU Zhichao, GU Shuixiang, WANG Qiuyi, LIU Jie, LI Yanjun 112(1)

Research on the aging-resistance properties of four kinds of Fuyang bamboo paper

CHEN Biao, TAN Jing, HUANG Jing, LU Yujing, GU Peiling, HAN Yuan, DING Yanwei 121(1)

Preparation of 3D-W/rGO conductive materials by hot-pressing reduction method

WU Jing, WANG Li, SHAN Xiaofei, WANG Ximing 84(2)

Catalytic conversion of eugenol over bio-char

HUANG Yong, LIU Shasha, WU Yishuang, ZHOU Jianbin, ZHANG Shu 94(2)

Forestry Equipment and Information

Experimental study on the working characteristics of pulse-jet engine with twin exhaust pipe

YU Bing, XU Linyun, CHEN Qing, ZHOU Hongping, LIU Jian 127(1)

An equal length log volume inspection system using deep-learning and Hough transformation

LIN Yaohai, ZHAO Honglu, YANG Zecan, LIN Mengting 136(1)

Design of automatic cut-off machine with selected length to bamboo and analysis of corresponding movement

ZHANG Sumei, LIU Cai, WU Xiaolian, CHEN Zonglin, HUANG Xiaodong, LIN Jinguo 143(1)

Research and development of testing system for static bending creep of wood

DONG Chunlei, BAO Kunyan, HUANG Yuxiang, ZHANG Hongjian 147(1)

Design and test of the automatic loading and unloading vacuum adsorption device for glue-laminated timber

GAO Rui, ZHANG Wei, WANG Yong 126(2)

Research on individual tree crown detection and segmentation using UAV imaging and Mask R-CNN

HUANG Xinxi, XIA Kai, FENG Hailin, YANG Yinhui, DU Xiaochen 133(2)

Individual tree position extraction of an artificial forest area in UAV RGB image

LI Chen, LI Jia, WANG Mingguo, DUAN Ping, WANG Yunchuan 141(2)

Design and experiment of pruning machine for eucalyptus trees

ZHENG Xian, DENG Yi, LI Yanzhou, ZHU Xinmin 148(2)

Machine energy utilization rate during milling of PVC/calcium powder/wood fiber composites

DONG Weihang, HU Yong, TIAN Guangjun, QIU Xuehai, GUO Xiaolei 107(3)

Sound absorption characteristics of the jute fiber felt and its application in automobiles

ZHOU Wenlu, LIN Ping, XU Xiaomei, XIE Yu 113(3)

Study on dynamic characteristics of apple tree branches based on vibration picking

LIU Xiaowen, GUO Cailing 120(3)

Design, analysis and experimental study of soft picking manipulator system for fruit harvesting

HUA Chao, CHU Kaimei, CHEN Xin, ZHU Yinlong 127(3)

Analysis of chestnut fruit shedding characteristics by vibration using high-speed videos

HAN Yuanshun, XU Linyun, ZHOU Jie, YU Bing 133(3)

Research on surface defect recognition of structural sawn timber using YOLOv4

WANG Yong, ZHANG Wei, GAO Rui, JIN Zheng 120(4)

Cutting of wood-based panel based on genetic greedy hybrid search

LIU Cheng, SUN Yuansheng, HUA Jun, YAO Jiaming 127(4)

On-line monitoring of bamboo shoot growth height based on image measurement

JIA Xinyu, JIANG Zhaohui, LI Juan, GAO Jian 134(4)

Analysis on influence of refining disk structure on fiber dissociation quality and energy consumption using heat transfer theory

LI Xiaoxu, ZHANG Chengxu, HUA Jun, CHEN Guangwei 128(5)

Machine vision algorithms of online color recognition and classification for solid wood flooring products

WANG Jinya, LI Zhenye, NI Chao 135(5)

Design of lightweight electric forestry monorail vehicle

ZHENG Cheng, XU Daochun, CAO Jiale, LI Wenbin 140(5)

Recognition of pine wood infected with pine nematode disease based on deep learning

LI Hao, FANG Weiquan, LI Langlang, CHEN Xueyong 142(6)

Fluorescence detection of citrus characterization defects using SVM

SUN Baoxia, LIANG Cuixiao, LIU Kai, ZHENG Zhenhui, HU Wenxin, XIONG Juntao 148(6)

Research on measurement method of single tree height using binocular vision

ZHANG Zhenwei, ZHAO Peng, HAN Jincheng 156(6)

Forest Engineering and Civil Engineering

Study on the prevention and control for shield tail leakage of large-diameter river-crossing tunnel at high hydraulic pressure

CHEN Chi, YANG Ping 155(1)

Visual navigation of forest road based on pose state

YAN Song, YAO Lijian, ZENG Songwei, WANG Lulu, CHAI Shanpeng 163(1)

Optimization of storage layout of forest products based on SLP and SHA

ZHANG Yongqiang, LI Xingyuan, ZHAO Chen 171(1)

Milling process simulation and optimization of pine stump infected byBursaphelenchusxylophilus

ZHONG Yi, YANG Daoyu, SONG Lina, SHUI Jiakun, MENG Zirui, LI Lijun 157(2)

Mechanical properties of epoxy resin/wood chips composite

ZHAO Shuang, QU Shulin, CAO Bingbing, CHENG Cheng, YAO Shunzhong 164(2)

Ultimate bearing capacity computation of skirted strip footing on the cohesive soil slope

ZHAO Zhifeng, FANG Zhou 170(2)

Study on forest fire risk classification in China using cluster analysis

ZHAO Pengwu, WU Junyi, ZHANG Heng 142(3)

Research on early forest fire detection based on the internet of things and spectrum analysis

ZHANG Shuo, LI Yutong, GAO Demin, GUAN Zhihao 149(3)

Study on linear prediction method of pumped aquifer compression based on coupling process

LYU Weihua, YANG Shuai, XIN Wenqing, SUN Xin, ZHANG Jizhou, BO Guanzhong 154(3)

Experimental study on the influence of soil moisture content and metal corrugated surface on the interfacial adhesion

LIU Cheng, HUANG Lin, XIAO Yuhao, MA Tianlong 161(3)

Spruce counting method based on UAV visible images

ZHU Xueyan, ZHANG Xinwei, GU Mengmeng, ZHAO Yandong, CHEN Fengjun 140(4)

Image measurement method of leaf area based on saturation segmentation

LI Qiujie, YANG Yuanming, YUAN Pengcheng, XUE Yuxi 147(4)

Forest-pedestrian detection algorithm based on improved CornerNet-Lite

LIU Yuhang, MA Jianxiao, WANG Yuchen, BAI Yingjia, XIE Zhengjun 153(4)

Study on MJS+horizontal freezing reinforcement and thawing temperature field in the overlapped area of the underpass station

ZHAO Yuhui, YANG Ping, WANG Ning, ZHANG Yuwu 159(4)

Research on citrus canopy segmentation method based on UAV multispectral image

HAN Rui, MU Taoyang, ZHAO Wei, LI Dan 147(5)

Instance segmentation method of street trees based on Mask R-CNN

LU Qingyu, LI Qiujie, TONG Yuekai, WANG Mingxia, YUAN Pengcheng 154(5)

Numerical optimization analysis of temperature field of semi-circular ring shaped frozen reinforced structure in shield butt joint

REN Junhao, HU Jun, ZHOU Yuxuan, XIONG Hui, LIN Xiaoqi, LI Ke, WANG Zhixin 161(5)

Research on multi-objective optimization of support parameters of high-speed railway tunnel

LI Hao, WANG Libin, WANG Feiqiu, LI Zhaozhong 169(5)

Meso simulation and macro experimental study of noise reduction in porous asphalt mixtures

SUN Junfeng, ZHANG Haitao, YU Tengjiang, LIU Zuoqiang 165(6)

Influences of bacteria solution sealing state on the reinforcement of silt by bio-cementation

WANG Wei, ZHAO Zhifeng, ZHU Xiaobo 172(6)

Furniture Design and Manufacturing

Research on wettability of wood surface with waterborne-resin priming paint

LU Zhou, HU Jinbo, ZHANG Mohan, CHANG Shanshan, LIU Yuan, ZHENG Lei, LI Xianjun 178(1)

Preparation of SiO2photonic crystal and its effect on furniture structural color

YANG Yun, TAN Shujuan, FANG Gang, YANG Zhiyan, LI Yongchao 184(1)

Effect of physical load on cognitive ability in furniture manufacturing

HONG Lian,YU Na 191(1)

Comparison of sitting postures based on motion capture, pressure distribution and sEMG for finding the optimal sitting posture

SU Na, REYIHANGULI Musha, MUYESAIER Maimaiti, LI Zhaobo, TAO Qing 176(2)

Investigation on the test and evaluation methods of health and comfort performance of mattress based on human spine shape

LIU Mei, SHEN Liming, LU Tao, FANG Jiaojiao, DU Mengli 183(2)

Typicality prediction method study of Yangzhou lacquered cabinets

FANG Fang, GUAN Huiyuan, LU Zhangping, LI Mingzhu 191(2)

Research on multi-center intelligent manufacturing sharing cloud platform of furniture manufacturing enterprises

LIU Jun, CHEN Lin, LIU Runya 166(3)

Improvement of panel edge sealing quality during trimming using statistical process control technology

LOU Qiaolian, HAO Jingxin, WU Xinfeng, NIE Xinlei, SUN Delin 171(3)

Mechanical analysis of new Chinese style wood chairs using ANSYS

YU Minggong, SUN Delin, ZOU Weihua, WANG Zhangheng, JIANG Xiawang, YAO Linghua, KONG Jing 178(3)

The formation mechanism of “skin-tactile” coating and its application and trends in furniture

FENG Xinhao, CHEN Jingyu, WU Zhihui, WU Yan, GAN Jian 167(4)

The design of closet styling based on Kansei Engineering

HU Shan, FU Kaijie, JIANG Xu, JIA Qi, LUO Yiming 176(4)

Design and analysis of plug-in intelligent shoe cabinet based on ANSYS Workbench

XUE Xinghu, WANG Fangyan, YANG Guang, PAN Yongfei 184(4)

Multi-modal man-machine intelligent interaction approach for smart home equipment control

SHAO Bangli, ZHU Yin, ZHU Run, PAN Chenxi, WANG Jian, XI Xuefeng, YANG Hao 190(4)

Preparation of urea-formaldehyde resin coated fluororesin microcapsules and its effect on the performance of water-borne coatings on wood surfaces

YAN Xiaoxing, YIN Taiyu, LI Haihong 176(5)

A method for measuring the comfort of office chair based on body pressure distribution and PCA-BP neural network model

CHAO Yao, JIN Qianru, SHEN Liming, TAN Lishan, WANG Yang 183(5)

Mechanical properties of TPEE and its influence on pressure distribution of mattress

FANG Jiaojiao, SHEN Liming, CHEN Hao 191(5)

Research on enabling technologies and development path of intelligent manufacturing of wooden furniture

ZHU Jiangang, WANG Xu 177(6)

Quantitative analysis of perceptual images of wooden door surface materials

ZHOU Chengmin, LYU Yixin, LI Zhenyu, WU Zhihui, ZHAN Xianxu, KANG Minghong 184(6)

Preparation and performance of hydrophobic thermal insulation plywood for household

ZHANG Yutian, SHI Jiangjing, YE Jiaoyou, CHEN Hong, WU Zhihui, ZHAN Xianxu 190(6)

Static characteristics and calculation model of air spring with vertical variable stiffness for mattress

CHAO Yao, SHEN Liming, LIU Mingpeng, ZHANG Hongyu 197(6)


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