Meetings and Courses
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May Biliary fibrosis:Pathophysiology and translational opportunities May 7-8,2021;Florence,Italy
The meeting will provide a state of the art review of recent advances on biliary fibrosis and cholangiopathies,with particular emphasis on pathophysiology,unmet clinical question,pathophysiology,and treatment opportunities.In addition,the STC will define and reconcile current areas of controversy,delineate future avenues of research and highlight translational opportunities (novel therapies).Topics to be covered:1) Update on the pathobiology of biliary diseases;2)Update on the mechanisms of biliary fibrosis;3) Role of morphogenetic signals and cellular cross-talk;4) Role of nuclear receptors and effects of their modulation;5) Biomarkers of disease progression in chronic biliary diseases;and 6) New experimental models and novel molecular approaches to the treatment of cholangiopathies.For more information,please visit:
Digestive disease week®May 21-23,2021
DDW is co-sponsored by AASLD,AGA,ASGE and SSAT.In 2021,DDW will be an online/virtual event.DDW provides a forum for the exchange of groundbreaking research and clinical information in diseases of the liver and biliary tract and in liver transplantation.This will be done in a variety of formats,including plenary and parallel sessions,courses,workshops and state-of-the-art lectures.For more information,please visit:
June 2021 American transplant congress June 5-9,2021;Virtual
2021 American transplant congress (ATC 2021) virtual connect will act as an all-new,completely enhanced virtual meeting experience.The 2021 program will provide ample opportunities for real-time interactivity through:1) Live video discussions;2) Invigorating Q&A discussions post-presentation;3) Live presentations by abstract presenters;4) Engaging,unconventional networking breaks;and 5)Live symposia presentations.The ATC 2021 is:1) To provide a forum for exchange of new scientific and clinical information relevant to solid organ and tissue transplantation;2) To create an arena for the interchange of ideas regarding care and management of organ and tissue transplant recipients;and 3) To facilitate discussions of the socioeconomic,ethical and regulatory issues related to solid organ and tissue transplantation.This congress is designed for physicians,surgeons,scientists,nurses,organ procurement personnel,pharmacists and other transplant professionals who are interested in the clinical and research aspects of solid organ and tissue transplantation.The congress will provide the most current information in the field of transplant science.For more information,please visit:
Progress,pitfalls,and challenges in the management of portal hypertension June 11-12,2021
This training is organized by EASL,and course directors are Prof.Juan Carlos Garcia-Pagan,Spain,and Dr Virginia Hernández-Gea,Spain.This portal hypertension school is state-of-the-art lecture by Dr Ian Rowe.Application is open to young fellows under the age of 35 (born after 17 September 1987) and/or still in training.The programs mainly include:1) Epidemiology and etiology of portal hypertension:Is there a world beyond cirrhosis? 2) HVPG measurement:How and when? 3) Non-invasive evaluation of portal hypertension:Does it help? 4) Update on the pharmacological and endoscopic management of portal hypertension;5) Novel endovascular techniques:Always the last step? And 6) Precision medicine in portal hypertension:Are we there yet? For more information,please visit:
ISVHLD global hepatitis summit June 17-20,2021;Taipei,Taiwan,China
Sponsored by AASLD,ISVHLD GHS 2021 will take place on June 17-20,2021 at Taipei International Convention Center (TICC),Taipei,Taiwan,China.The theme of the summit is“Evolution and Revolution of Viral Hepatitis and Liver Disease”.This will be a four-day intensive and vibrant scientific conference with many learning opportunities for all participants in every current aspect of hepatitis development.For more information,please visit:
International Liver Congresstm TM 2021 June 23-26,2021
International Liver CongressTM2021 will take place as a fully digital meeting on EASL online learning platform,EASL Campus,on June 2326,2021.ILC 2021 is all about âŁœbeating liver disease⣞ together.The sessions will be structured with clear track visibility,so delegates can locate their area of interest quickly and easily.Three areas will be given special emphasis:basic science;liver transplantation and surgery;and public health.The framework of the six thematic EASL tracks remains:cirrhosis and complications;general hepatology;immune-mediated and cholestatic diseases;liver tumours;metabolism,alcohol,and toxicity;and viral hepatitis.For more information,please
Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International的其它文章
- Novel 3D preclinical model systems with primary human liver cells:Recent progresses,applications and future prospects
- A new nomogram for predicting lymph node positivity in pancreatic cancer
- Comparison of the effects of retrieval balloons and basket catheters for bile duct stone removal on the rate of post-ERCP pancreatitis
- Double cystic duct without being aware of the anatomic anomaly during laparoscopic cholecystectomy:The first case of reverse Y type anomaly
- Novel mutation of the TJP2 gene in a Chinese child with progressive cholestatic liver disease coexistent with hearing impairment
- Acute cardiogenic liver injury caused by heart failure in an adolescent