

农业工程学报 2021年18期

李 粤,郭超凡,姚德宇,贺宁波,张喜瑞,吴紫晗,李 媛


李 粤1,郭超凡1,姚德宇1,贺宁波1,张喜瑞1※,吴紫晗1,李 媛2

(1. 海南大学机电工程学院,海口 570228;2. 中国热带农业科学院科技信息研究所,海口 570228)

针对香蕉秸秆粉碎机具缠绕造成秸秆粉碎率不达标等问题,该研究设计了一种定甩刀防缠式香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机。在粉碎过程中,粉碎定刀与高速运转中的Y型甩刀对香蕉秸秆形成三点支撑,进而实现秸秆粉碎与避免秸秆缠绕。其中,Y型甩刀由2个L型刀片组合的Y型粉碎刀与甩刀构成。确定了各关键部件的结构参数、动定刀排列组合方式及香蕉秸秆粉碎过程受力分析,明确了影响粉碎效果的主要因素为机具前进速度、粉碎刀辊转速以及Y型甩刀折弯角。以前进速度、刀辊转速和甩刀折弯角为试验因素,以香蕉秸秆粉碎合格率和抛撒不均匀度为评价指标,进行三水平三因素正交田间试验,确定优化参数组合为前进速度1.85 m/s,刀辊转速1 500 r/min,Y型甩刀片折弯角140°,此时香蕉秸秆粉碎合格率为95.1%,抛撒不均匀度为14.6%,满足香蕉秸秆粉碎作业性能要求。与已有秸秆粉碎机进行性能对比试验,结果表明,该研究研制的定甩刀防缠式香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机秸秆粉碎合格率提高了1.7个百分点,防缠性能更优。该机具的研制对解决蕉区秸秆粉碎还田关键技术问题具有重要意义和应用价值。


0 引 言



由于香蕉秸秆的主要生物特性不同于与玉米、水稻、小麦等农作物秸秆,香蕉秸秆直径粗大,一般秸秆直径范围为100~200 mm;含水率高,纤维含量丰富[8-9]。因此秸秆还田机具必须能够对粗大的香蕉秸秆有粉碎效果。目前,市场上的秸秆粉碎还田机分为卧式与立式两种类型。立式作为一种新型粉碎方式,还处于研发阶段,吴学尚基于粉碎原理设计了甩刀式立式香蕉秸秆粉碎机,通过调整刀轴高度,甩刀在粉碎刀轴高速转动下对香蕉秸秆实施不同效果的粉碎[10]。立式粉碎方式虽能降低功耗但不利于秸秆喂入,立轴处缠绕较为严重。相对于立式粉碎,卧式粉碎方式趋于成熟,张喜瑞等基于滑切原理,粉碎刀采用刀刃拟合曲线并设计秸秆粉碎机[11];王自强等设计沟齿式香蕉假茎粉碎还田机,提高了假茎粉碎率适用性不强[12];魏思林等通过分析秸秆粉碎特点,设计了一种砍切喂入双辊式秸秆粉碎还田机,提高粉碎效率[13];郑智旗等设计的动定刀支撑滑切式秸秆粉碎装置,利用等滑切角式粉碎定刀和随粉碎刀辊高速旋转的粉碎动刀形成的支撑滑切作用对秸秆进行粉碎[14]。以上粉碎方式虽使秸秆粉碎效果更加显著,但均存在刀辊缠绕严重、刀片易损耗、部分装置动定刀无法有效配合的问题,尤其在秸秆老化后韧性较高的情况下,导致粉碎还田机无法长时间运作,进而影响粉碎效率。


1 整机结构与工作原理

1.1 整机结构


1.2 工作原理与技术改进


表1 香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机主要技术参数





2 主要部件结构设计

2.1 粉碎装置

2.1.1 粉碎甩刀组合设计








2.1.2 粉碎刀辊的设计

粉碎刀辊是香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机粉碎装置的关键部件。粉碎刀辊材料为20CrMnTi,淬透性较高,经渗碳淬火后具有硬而耐磨的表面与坚韧的心部,具有较高的低温冲击韧性[22]。为减轻轴的质量,降低功耗,刀辊选用空心轴,且内、外径比值控制在0.5~0.6的范围内,以保证刀辊的刚度和扭转稳定性[23]。当内、外径比值大时,其壁过薄,易造成刀辊弯曲变形影响粉碎效果;当内、外径比值小时,其壁过厚,功耗增大,结合已有的装置,刀辊外径为90 mm,内径为40 mm。

刀辊转速影响香蕉秸秆粉碎效果,是香蕉秸秆粉碎合格率的主要因素之一。影响粉碎秸秆的切割线速度约为30~48 m/s,国内已知的秸秆粉碎还田机的粉碎甩刀回转半径在240~300 mm[14],考虑刀辊动平衡等因素,选取粉碎甩刀的回转半径为290 mm。


求解可得=988~1 581 r/min。

2.2 防缠刀片

防缠装置主要由安装在机架两侧的定刀构成,定刀结构对于防缠效果起关键作用,定刀材料为65 Mn弹簧钢,锰提高淬透性,经热处理后的综合力学性能优于碳钢,当定刀受到来自香蕉秸秆的冲击时,可保持一定的抗冲击性,有较强的回复力。


2.3 定甩刀排布


1.刀柄 2.连接孔 3.折弯角 4.刀身 5.刀刃

1.Y型甩刀 2.第1排定刀 3.第2排定刀

1.Y-type flailing blade 2.The first row of fixed blade 3.The second row of fixed blade


Note:1is the distance between the flail blade and the end face of the blade roller, mm;2is the horizontal distance between the flailing blade and the first row of fixed blade, mm;3is the horizontal distance of fixed blade, mm;4is the vertical distance between the flailing blade and the second row of fixed blade, mm;5is the vertical distance of fixed blade, mm.

图5 刀片排布示意图

Fig.5 Schematic diagram of blade arrangement

2.4 防缠刀片的结构设计及参数确定




1.Y型甩刀 2.香蕉秸秆 3.定刀

1.Y-type flailing blade 2.Banana straw 3.Fixed blade注:F1为甩刀对香蕉秸秆的支持力,N;ƒ1为甩刀与秸秆间的摩擦力,N;为秸秆质量,kg;为重力加速度,9.8 m·s-2;F为离心力,N;F2为定刀对香蕉秸秆的支持力,N;ƒ2为定刀与秸秆间的摩擦力,N;ω为甩刀角速度,rad·s-1;为秸秆的回转半径,mm;1为甩刀柄的通孔与秸秆的接触距离,mm;2为定刀的固定通孔与秸秆的接触距离,mm。为秸秆粉碎时甩刀与定刀相互作用力的夹角,(°);为甩刀的折弯角,(°)。

Note:F1is the support force of the flailing blade on the straw, N;1is the friction between the flailing blade and the straw;is the mass of stalk, kg;is gravitational acceleration, 9.8 m·s-2;Fis the centrifugal force, N;F2is the support force of the fixed blade on the straw, N;2is the friction between the fixed blade and the straw;ωis the angular velocity of blade, rad·s-1;is the radius of gyration of the straw, mm;1is the contact distance between the through hole of the flailing blade handle and the straw, mm;2is the contact distance between the fixed through-hole of the fixed blade and the straw, mm;is the included angle of the interaction force between the flailing blade and the fixed blade when straw is crushed, (°);is the bending angle of the flailing blade, (°).

图6 秸秆粉碎过程受力分析

Fig.6 Stress analysis of straw crushing process



3 田间试验

3.1 试验条件及指标测定

定甩刀防缠式香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机设计加工完成后,根据GB/T 24675.6—2009《保护性耕作机械秸秆粉碎还田机》标准的要求[27],于2021年3月23日在海南大学的农机试验基地进行田间试验。试验田长40 m,宽50 m,试验选用的香蕉树品种为“巴西蕉”,香蕉树高度为2 000~2 600 mm,香蕉茎秆直径范围为38~52 mm,香蕉茎秆平均纤维含量3.8%。为表明秸秆粉碎效果[28],采用测定秸秆还田后秸秆粉碎合格率和秸秆抛撒不均匀度作为秸秆粉碎效果的评价指标。

根据《农业机械试验条件测定方法的一般规定》(GB/T5262—2008)[29],香蕉秸秆粉碎合格率采用五点法进行测定。在机具作业行程中,随机选取3个试验区(1 m×1 m),每个试验区取2条对角线的交点作为一个取样点,在2条对角线上,距4个顶点距离约为对角线长度1/4处取另外4个点作为取样点,每个试验区共5个取样点。收集所有取样点的秸秆,并称质量、计算秸秆粉碎合格率,对15个取样点的秸秆粉碎合格率求平均值。

3.2 试验方案

香蕉地实际作业环境复杂,对行驶、机具运行等因素有直接影响。由于香蕉根茎对拖拉机的行驶产生阻碍,在实际作业中机具的前进速度在1~2 m/s范围内[11,13],本文前进速度选取1.45、1.65 和1.85 m/s。基于减阻防缠原理,结合香蕉秸秆粉碎效果和前文参数分析,为确定参数最佳组合,本试验选取影响秸秆粉碎合格率的主要因素还田机前进速度、粉碎刀辊转速、Y型甩刀折弯角进行三水平三因素试验,试验因素水平编码如表2所示。田间试验通过三水平三因素的正交试验,选择最佳9组因素组合进行试验,正交试验方案如表3所示。

表2 因素水平编码表

表3 正交试验方案

3.3 试验结果与分析

表4 方差分析

Table 4 Variance analysis

注:<0.05为显著,<0.01为极显著,下同。 Note:<0.05 means significant,<0.01 means highly significant, the same below.

3.4 对比试验

香蕉秸秆纤维的缠绕程度会直接影响秸秆粉碎果。为验证优化设计后机具的粉碎效果与防缠效果,与已有卧式秸秆粉碎还田机进行对比试验,还田机前进速度均为1.85 m/s,刀辊转速为1 500 r/min,刀片折弯角为140°,在海南大学的农机试验基地进行5次对比试验,粉碎合格率取平均值,且对比香蕉秸秆缠绕情况,试验结果如表5所示。

表5 作业性能对比


4 结 论



根据实际田间作业条件,通过三水平三因素的正交试验,确定较优参数组合为前进速度1.85 m/s,刀辊转速为1 500 r/min,Y型甩刀刀片折弯角为140°,此时香蕉秸秆粉碎合格率为95.1%,抛撒不均匀度为14.6%,优化参数可以满足香蕉秸秆粉碎的实际要求。通过对比试验,验证防缠装置作业效果更优。

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Design and experiment of banana straw crushing and returning machine with anti-wrapping device supported by flailing blade

Li Yue1, Guo Chaofan1, Yao Deyu1, He Ningbo1, Zhang Xirui1※, Wu Zihan1, Li Yuan2

(1.,,570228,; 2.,,570228,)

Banana straw is usually broken into pieces to degrade naturally in the farmland. However, severe entanglement of knife roller easily causes the wear of blades, leading to a short service life and low crushing efficiency in the conventional banana straw-crushing and returning machine. A great challenge has also been posed on the effective coordination of fixed knives during operation, especially in the case of high toughness after the aging of banana straw. Therefore, this study aims to improve the smashing rate of banana straw up to the standard requirement, thereby avoiding the winding of banana straw in pulverizers. An anti-wrapping device with a fixed flailing knife was also designed to reduce the entanglement for the banana straw-crushing and returning machine. Specifically, the movable and fixed knife was effectively coordinated in the machine. Three-point support was also formed using the crushing fixed knife and the Y-shaped flailing knife in high-speed crushing operation for the banana straw. As such, the highly efficient straw-crushing was realized to avoid straw entanglement. Among them, the Y-shaped flailing knife was composed of two L-shaped blades combined with a Y-shaped flailing knife and a flail. A systematic investigation was made on the optimization of structural parameters for the key components of crushing, the arrangement and combination of fixed knives, as well as the force analysis of banana straw during crushing. Correspondingly, the main test factors were determined as the forward speed of the returning machine, the speed of the crushing knife roller, and the bending angle of the Y-shaped flailing knife. A three-level three-factor orthogonal field test was then carried out, where the evaluation indicators were set as the crushing qualification rate of banana straw, and the unevenness of throwing. An optimal parameter combination was achieved, where the forward speed was 1.85 m/s, the knife roller speed was 1 500 r/min, and the bending angle of the Y-shaped flailing knife was 140°. In this case, the crushing qualification rate of banana straw was 95.1%, and the unevenness of throwing was 14.6%, indicating suitable for the actual situation of banana straw crushing. A comparison test was also conducted to verify the performance of the improved pulverizer. It was found that the qualified rate of straw smashing increased by 1.7 percentage points in the fixed-blade anti-wrapping banana straw crushing and returning machine, where the anti-wrapping device performed better. Consequently, the anti-wrapped banana straw crushing and returning machine with a fixed flailing knife can be expected to realize the sliding cooperation of the flailing and fixed knife for a better crushing effect, thereby reducing the entanglement of crushing knife roller. As such, the higher squeezing force of the cutter on the straw greatly contributed to effectively improving the crushing performance under the optimal operation requirements in the southern banana areas. The finding can provide strong technical support to the straw crushing and returning to the field in the banana areas.

agricultural machinery; test; banana stalk; fixed blade; flailing blade; anti-wrapping; crushing and returning machine











李粤,郭超凡,姚德宇,等. 定甩刀防缠式香蕉秸秆粉碎还田机设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(18):11-19. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.002

Li Yue, Guo Chaofan, Yao Deyu, et al. Design and experiment of banana straw crushing and returning machine with anti-wrapping device supported by flailing blade[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(18): 11-19. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.18.002

