鸡 妈 妈


疯狂英语·新策略 2021年9期

山西 武晓鑫

父亲在新冠肺炎疫情爆发初期给女儿买了六只小鸡,女儿给小鸡们起名字,陪伴它们一起玩耍,邻居们也喜欢上了这个小姑娘和她的小鸡们。 小鸡带给他们欢乐的同时也给他们带来了悲伤。 这个故事告诉我们要学会接受不能改变的处境,享受我们可以获得的快乐。

题材 体裁人与动物 记叙文 336 ★★★文章词数 难度建议用时6分钟

From the moment my husband brought home a box of six chicks from Tractor Supply Company at the start of the pandemic, our nine-year-old, Sophie, hasn't let them out of her sight. She named them Trixie, Bearty, Sweet Pea, Speedie, Captain Flint, and Adrian ( we were reading Treasure Island and watching Rocky at the time ) and was very upset when we wouldn't let them sleep in her bed.

Sophie takes at least one chicken everywhere we let her and has done incredible things with her flock. One hot day, she wanted to take Captain Flint to the river. I wasn't so sure about it: Could chickens swim? Sophie balanced a stick on her river tube for Captain Flint to rest on, and the two floated down the river.

Naturally, Sophie dressed as a chicken for Halloween and convinced us Trixie had to come. The reactions from neighbors were funny. “Wait! Is that a real chicken you're holding?” Trixie cooed the whole time.

The chickens are teaching us about love as well as loss and grief. Sadly, Captain Flint faced an untimely death after a hawk attack. We had a chicken funeral, said a few words about what a good chicken she was, and thanked her for the joy she brought to our lives before we buried her. Sophie painted a lovely picture in memorial and has worn a dress with Captain Flint's picture ever since.

The chickens weren't allowed in the house until one morning after virtual school when Sophie told me, “There's nothing to feel happy about.” Since then, we've allowed one inside at a time if Sophie immediately cleans up after the visit. The chickens brought the lost joy back to our lives. In a few short months, they have taught us to accept situations we can't change and find joy where we can.I am so grateful.

Reading Check

1. Where are the names the girl called the chicks from?

A. A book bought from Tractor Supply Company.

1.4.3 捕食线虫真菌的形态学鉴定 采用粘片法,在体视显微镜下黏取分生孢子以及分生孢子梗进行形态观察及大小测定,用透明的胶带粘取捕食线虫真菌的分生孢子及分生孢子梗,置于滴有适量吕氏美兰染液的载玻片上,并盖上盖玻片,制成临时装片,显微镜镜检(40×),确定分生孢子和分生孢子梗的类型,测量分生孢子的大小及分隔数,最后结合捕食器官类型,参照文献〔1〕进行形态鉴定和分类。

B. A film the girl and the family were watching then.

C. A book and a film she liked best in her childhood.

D. A book and a film that they were enjoying then.

2. Which word can best describe the neighbors' impression on the chickens?

A. Boring. B. Enjoyable.

C. Indifferent. D. Energetic.

3. What made the family upset?

A. The loss of a chick.

C. The death of a chick.

D. The attack of a hawk.

4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Accept the unchangeable situation and enjoy the present life.

B. Struggle for what we want to achieve and don't compromise.

C. Be happy no matter where we are caught in our daily life.

D. Say goodbye to the painful experience and welcome the happy life.

Language Study

Theme-centered chunks

out of one's sight 离开某人的视线

balance...on 使……在……上保持平衡

float down 漂浮而下

dress as 打扮成……;装扮成……

ever since 从那时到现在

clean up 清理

a glimmer of 一丝……


伪 娘