

疯狂英语·新策略 2021年9期

陕西 殷芝青

一直以来,很多外语学习者都希望自己能够在最短的时间内学会更多的外语知识。 毫无疑问,要想实现这一目标,我们不仅要有毅力,而且应掌握行之有效的学习方法。

The idea of learning a language, especially when you're learning it from the beginning, seems anything but fast. You'll have to learn a new grammar, memorize vocabularies, practice speaking and so on.__1__. However, you can still learn a new language fast if you follow the right strategy.

When faced with the idea of learning a new language, most of us feel at a loss.__2__. Under such circumstances, setting goals can narrow your focus, so you can stop worrying about the details and get down to business. Research shows that people who set the right kind of goals are more likely to achieve success.

We tend to learn best when we're enjoying ourselves, so don't forget to make language learning fun. Playing games is a great way to have fun while learning. Games take advantage of our natural competitiveness and can help us practice language skills even when we feel tired.__3__.

Some of the best learning happens in real-life situations, particularly when you have to use a foreign language.__4__. This can create opportunities to be surrounded by people who speak the language you want to learn. Even without traveling abroad, you can put yourself in real-life situations that give you loads of language practice.

___5__. It's important to learn about the culture and history associated with these words. Researchers have found that children learn to read in a second language better when they understand the culture behind the pieces they read. This may help you enormously and can even prevent you from making embarrassing offensive mistakes.

Follow these steps, and you'll be on your way to mastering that new language faster than you ever imagined!

Reading Check

Complete the textwith the sentences given below.

A. There are so many words to learn

B. Nothing can replace the effort it requires

C. Take some time to study the culture of the language

D. Real-life social events are what make language learning fun

E. You can also focus your learning on things you find interesting

F. The easiest way to gain real-life practice is to travel or study abroad

G. Understanding a language is more than understanding words on a page

Language Study

Ⅰ. Theme-centered chunks

anything but 决不;根本不

when faced with 当面临……时

at a loss 不知所措

get down to business 开始认真工作

tend to 趋向于;常常

take advantage of 利用

be surrounded by 被……包围

give you loads of language practice 给你大量的语言练习

be associated with 与……有关

Ⅱ. Theme-centered writing

假定你是李华, 你的美国朋友Chris给你发来邮件, 向你诉说他最近在学习汉语时遇到的困难,希望你能够给他一些建议。 请根据以下提示给Chris回复一封电子邮件。 内容包括:

1. 表示理解;

2. 你的建议。


1. 词数为80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

