A piano painter现实版“海上钢琴师”


疯狂英语·爱英语 2021年9期



Forty?three?year?old Dong Yu began to work as a piano painter when he was 19 years old, and has started to grow his interest in the instrument since then. He has never received any musical training and cant even read piano sheets. However, he learned how to play the piano by listening to songs and practicing day by day. “My co?workers like to play poker during their lunch break, but I prefer to use this time to practice playing the piano,” said Dong. Now, he can play over 200 pieces of songs.

After he was laid off from the piano factory, he had done many different jobs to earn a living and support his family, including working as a taxi driver, delivery man and house painter, but none of these could be as interesting as the job of a piano painter for him. Finally, he found a job in a private piano factory and continued his work as a piano painter.

Working as a piano painter is not an easy task. Dongs daily job is to spray the paint and polish the piano panel. Sometimes his exposed skin gets covered with oil paint and dirt. The heavy workload makes him exhausted. However, as long as he gets the chance to play the piano, it is a diverting job for him because he has never owned a piano himself.

After a video of him playing the piano was widely circulated on social media, Chinese netizens praised him as a folk artist and a realistic version of the leading character in the famous movie The Legend of 1900, which describes a worker with great talent in playing the piano. Some even suggested he pursue a music career.

Facing the overwhelming praises, Dong said he didnt have much talent in music and piano painting is his only skill to make a living. “I will work as a piano painter until the day I retire,” he said. For him, playing the piano is the best way to relieve stress and forget about the troubles in life.


1. How did Dong Yu learn to play the piano?

A. By practicing on his own. B. By researching piano sheets.

C. By receiving musical training. D. By listening to online courses.

2. What does the underlined word “diverting” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Profitable. B. Changeable.

C. Enjoyable. D. Respectable.

3. How can we describe Dong Yu?

A. Modest and talented. B. Practical and diligent.

C. Considerate and fortunate. D. Satisfied and conservative.

4. Whats the purpose of the text?

A. To encourage us to learn the piano.

B. To share a story about a piano painter.

C. To explain what shapes a great pianist.

D. To show the magic of playing the piano.


Theme?centered chunks

lay off 解雇

spray the paint 喷漆

polish the piano panel 擦亮钢琴面板

the exposed skin 裸露的皮肤

make him exhausted 让他感到疲惫不堪

as long as 只要

be widely circulated on social media 在社交媒體上广泛传播

a realistic version 现实版本

pursue a music career 追求音乐事业

face the overwhelming praises 面对铺天盖地的赞美

relieve stress 缓解压力

forget about the troubles in life 忘记生活中的烦恼

