Help preserve the planet with ecotourism experiences 生态游,护地球


疯狂英语·读写版 2021年9期

Lee Atkinson


We all know the golden rule about taking only memories and leaving only footprints when we travel, but these unique Australian eco-holidays help you go one step further. Whether your passion is supporting and saving wildlife, or caring for the environment by leaving a place cleaner and greener than it was when you arrived, Australia is bursting with experiences to help preserve the planet while enjoying the best of it.

Offering a new ecotourism experience at Cape Otway on Victorias Great Ocean Road, Wildlife Wonders is a wildlife centre with a difference. Established and operated by the Conservation Ecology Centre, this social enterprise is dedicated(致力于) to monitoring, conservation, and restoration projects, with a focus on the local wildlife and forest, and creating new careers in conservation.

The Great Ocean Ecolodge is part of the property, and as a guest you will not only learn about the current projects—studying local increasing populations, for example—but also help out the researchers. Even better, all proceeds go directly to conservation. While youre there, you can spend time photographing threatened species with a conservation guide, as well as other unique Australian animals, such as wild koalas and kangaroos.

With its small size and remote location, sustainability is essential to maintaining the health and beauty of Norfolk Island. All waste that enters the island must leave the island, and most locals grow their own produce and share their produce with neighbors. They are also extremely passionate about protecting and preserving this natural wonder—and you can help.

Join in a real community-led initiative by helping to wipe out invasive weeds from Hundred Acres Reserve. In rain, hail or sunshine, the group works methodically(有条理地), selecting an area of the reserve each week in which to concentrate their efforts. No experience is required. Just head to Hundred Acres Reserve on Wednesday morning (between 9 am and 12:30 pm) and youll find the friendly group set up at a picnic table. Theyll show you which plants to pull and chat to you about life on the island, biodiversity and native wildlife. Your hard work is rewarded with morning tea and a lovely chat with this dedicated group of nature lovers.


Can you eat yourself more happily? 吃出快乐