Changes brought by a headteacher 校长带来的改变


疯狂英语·读写版 2021年9期



How have former struggling schools such as St Damians and St Thomas managed to raise themselves up from the bottom of the league tables to achieve the highest rating awarded by Ofsted?

“Certainly not with a silver bullet,” says St Damians headteacher, Mr Logue. He believes that its a matter of raising expectations of both staff and pupils and not accepting second best. “Its not about adopting different methods,” he says.

“Turning around a school is about resetting behaviour. If you get a mass of students behaving well, then they become the biggest advocates of the system,” says Mr Collett, a leader of the school. When Mr Connolly took over as headteacher at the school, he walked into his first assembly(晨会) and told the pupils that St Thomas was the worst school in the area. On that same day, he also sent 75 pupils home for bad behaviour. “I believe in honesty and I had to send a clear message,” he explains. The strategy has since paid off. The schools league table results have improved greatly and many new staff have joined as a result.

Teachers need to be tough with the details too, says Ms George, deputy (副手) headteacher at St Thomas the Apostle College. Schools are rightfully proud of their good relations with families. “Part of this has been to raise parental expectations too and let them know that destinations such as Oxbridge are within reach,” says Ms George.

“All weve done is that we have taken a few ideas from really great schools and carried out them with strictness,” Mr Sparkes, Dixons Trinitys executive (有执行权的) principal, insists. For five years in a row, recorded pupil satisfaction has been at an all-time high. Starting with a clean slate(石板), the school has been able to communicate a clear set of values. “Were driven by fairness,” continues Mr Sparkes. “Children feel safe and happy and they genuinely love this school—they tell us every year.”


1. What does the underlined part “a silver bullet” in paragraph 2 refer to?

A. A sharp weapon.                                         B. A fast train.

C. A delicate decoration.                          D. An excellent approach.

2. How can a school improve according to Mr Collett?

A. By employing a new headteacher.

B. By turning around students behaviour.

C. By sending students home for dishonesty.

D. By raising expectations of parents and pupils.

3. Whats Ms Georges advice when it comes to transforming a bad school?

A. Schools should establish a positive relationship with parents.

B. Schools should communicate a clear set of values.

C. Schools should pay less attention to the details.

D. Schools should organize regular meetings.

4. How do the staff operate Dixons Trinity according to the text?

A. They have recorded all-time high students satisfaction.

B. They communicate with children who feel safe and happy.

C. They bring in some effective measures and conduct them strictly.

D. They begin with sending strict messages and treat students with punishment.


Difficult sentence

“Part of this has been to raise parental expectations too and let them know that destinations such as Oxbridge are within reach,” says Ms George. “這样做一部分也是为了提高父母的期望,让他们知道,像牛津剑桥这样的一流大学也是触手可及的。”乔治女士说道。

【点石成金】动词know后面为宾语从句;介词短语within reach作表语,意为“伸手可及的;够得着的”。


Exploring the link between education and climate change 教育和气候变化之间有何联系