

世界建筑 2021年10期




项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 王建国,李家翔,穆保岗,吴雁等/WANG Jianguo, LI Jiaxiang, MU Baogang, WU Yan, et al.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 85.5 m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2015

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2017

摄影/Photos: 许昊皓/XU Haohao

1 古南街整体鸟瞰/Overall aerial view

2 南入口/South entrance

With the Shushan Hill to the east and the Lihe River to the west, Gunanjie Street used to be the main port of the waterway in Dingshu, and also the birthplace of Zisha culture. According to the tourism planning and urban design, the south entrance node is the street opening of Gunanjie Street.

The old Zhang family house is the southernmost of the three-bay houses at the entrance to Gunanjie Street, and is a long and narrow space with small width and large depth, connected to a trail to Shushan Hill on the east side. The house has a grand view and a dominant architectural façade, and its new function is a public building for Zisha cultural exchanges and exhibitions, as well as a tea room.The renovation design retains the entrance along Gunanjie Street, adds a new entrance to the east wall of the courtyard, avoiding interference with different functional flows. The design considered the continuity with the adjacent houses, the building's façade facing the street only adopted deliberate changes in the size of the door and window.Combined with the display function, the brick gable wall was partly removed at the south end, and the internal timber roof truss was exposed, forming a harmonious contrast with the glass and steel frames.

The renovation design always pays attention to the existing buildings' structural safety and performance improvement such as heat preservation and natural ventilation throughout the renewal process of the entire Gunanjie Street. □

3 首层平面/Ground floor plan4 二层平面/First floor plan

5 剖面/Section


黄居正:江南的名镇、古镇不少,虽同处吴地水乡,却因漫长的历史积淀,形成了各具特色的聚落形态和文化特征,所谓“出门三五里,各地一乡风”。然而,几十年中国经济的快速发展,使古镇之间原本微妙的文化差异被迅速抹平,并为崇尚“速食”的消费主义所荡涤,消逝在急功近利的旅游开发大潮之中。2020年8月,当我第一次来宜兴丁蜀镇时,感受到古老的陶都依然流淌着鲜活的传统,反倒是有些诧为意外。王建国院士主持的古南街城市设计与保护更新,从改善基础设施和原住民生活品质着手,采用渐进式、适应性改造的策略,活态保存了古南街的物质空间和原住民的生活样态,突破了以牺牲原住民利益的破坏式观光开发与冻结式保存导致历史断裂所带来的两难困境,堪称当今小城镇建筑遗产保护与再利用的典范之作。在长达20年的古南街保护实践中,王建国院士团队恪守科学的保护理念,不仅为原住民的自发营建制定出可操作的风貌评价和实施导则,而且开发出了“联体–共生”等修复性保护技术,有效地应对木结构体系因朽坏而导致连片倒塌的难题。在 1号地块张家老宅的改造中,该项技术得到了切实的应用和验证。此外,由于张家老宅地处古南街南端,背倚蜀山,南临入口广场,为古南街一处关键的节点空间,因此,在维持沿街南立面旧有风貌的前提下,通过改善屋顶、墙体保温隔热的物理性能,打开东向的实墙面,为功能重置后的室内空间提供了良好的景观视野和生活舒适性;同时,消减南北两进的建筑体量,获得了一个尺度适宜的院落空间,从而大大提升了室内外空间的品质。张家老宅的改建,为渐进实施中的古南街整体保护策略和方法提供了一个颇具示范意义的样板。

7 张家老宅南立面/South façade of Zhang's House


HUANG Juzheng: There are many famous and ancient towns in Jiangnan area. Although they all encompassing rich water systems, they have formed their own unique settlement patterns and cultural characteristics due to long historical accumulation. As the old saying goes, different customs exist between closed regions. However, with the rapid development of the Chinese economy in recent decades, the subtle cultural differences between ancient towns have been quickly wiped out, and under the influence of the"fast food" consumerism, they have disappeared in the tide of tourism development in pursuit of rapid profits. Therefore, when I came to Dingshu, Yixing for the first time in August last year, and felt that this ancient "pottery city" still had a lively tradition, I was very surprised. The urban design, protection and renewal of Gunan Street led by Mr. WANG, starting from improving infrastructure and the quality of life of the aborigines, using a gradual and adaptive strategy,the physical space of Gunan Street and the life style of the aborigines are preserved alive, and changed the dilemma between the destructive tourism development at the expense of the interests of the indigenous people and the historical rupture caused by frozen preservation. It can be called a model of the protection and reuse of the architectural heritage of small towns in present. In the protection practice of Gunan Street for two decades, WANG's team has strictly adhered to the scientific protection concept. The working group has not only formulated operational style evaluation and implementation guidelines for indigenous people's spontaneous construction, in addition, repairing protection technologies such as "conjoined-symbiosis"have been developed, effectively deal with the problem of continuous collapse of wood structure system due to decay. In the renovation of Zhang's old house in Plot1,this technology has been practically applied and verified.Besides, Zhang's old house is located at the southern end of Gunan Street, backed by Shu Mountain, and adjacent to the entrance square to the south. It is a key space in Gunan Street. Therefore, under the premise of maintaining the old style of the south façade along the street, by improving the physical properties of roof and wall thermal insulation, the east wall was opened,providing a good view of the landscape and living comfort for the indoor space after the function has been reset. At the same time, the volume of the north-south building was reduced, and a courtyard space of suitable scale was obtained, which greatly improved the quality of indoor and outdoor spaces. The reconstruction of Zhang's old house provides a model of strategy and method for the implementation of the overall protection of Gunan Street.

8 张家老宅东侧上山通道/Access to the hill on the east side of Zhang's House

9 张家老宅内院/Courtyard of Zhang's House

10 张家老宅二层视景/View from the first floor of Zhang's House

11 张家老宅二层内景/Interior view on the first floor of Zhang's House


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