项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 王建国,王志刚,侯彦普,崔慧岳,石俊垚,穆勇等/WANG Jianguo, WANG Zhigang,HOU Yanpu, CUI Huiyue, SHI Junyao, MU Yong, et al.
建筑面积/Floor Area: 252,595 m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2017
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2021
摄影/Photos: 侯博文/HOU Bowen
1 鸟瞰/Aerial view
2 临街外景/Exterior view from the street
The project of Quantum Information and Quantum Technology Innovation Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is an important strategic deployment for the development of national quantum technology. It is not only the No.1 project of technology innovation in Anhui Province, but also one of the core projects of Hefei Comprehensive National Science Centre.
Located in the science zone in the south part of Wangzuihu Park in Hefei High-tech Zone, the project is planned to include both scientific research office and living area, forming a relationship of industry-studyresearch with the Institute of Advanced Technology of University of Science and Technology of China(USTC) and the new campus of USCT. Inspired by the"quantum entanglement effect" as well as the cosmology and philosophical thoughts of ancient philosophers,the design team want to build an organic ecological park meeting the need of scientific research space, with the design concepts of "harmony of nature, power of science, sequence of form, suitability of activities and beauty of balance". The volumes of scientific research office area extend horizontally in east-west direction with fluctuating forms, facing the city. Two landscape squares are formed by the intersected volumes. The living area is arranged along the high-pressure corridor green-belt on the west side to bring the landscape into the site as much as possible.□
3 总平面/Site plan
4 首层平面/Ground floor plan
5 四层平面/Third floor plan
6 滨水外景/Waterfront view
7 东立面/East façade
8 内院视景/View of the inner courtyard
9 剖面/Sections
10.11 内院视景/View of the inner courtyard
12 办公中庭/Office atrium
13 建筑跨越泄洪沟/Building across the flood relief trench
ZHANG Yingpeng: Research buildings, especially laboratory research buildings,usually have a rigorous image. A clear and affirmative shape directly reflects simple and clear functions, sometimes even becomes a little too rigid because of it.
But this building is obviously quite "entangled". Spatially, the forms are entangled with each other, so that it is difficult for us to immediately distinguish whether this is one building or two. Formally, "wall" and "top" are entangled with each other, and the twisted extension blurs the traditional boundary between them. Functionally, work and leisure are also entangled with each other, having more concern about life while emphasising work.
Obviously, entanglement is involved as a method of design. It is neither a single building nor two separated ones, but an integrated artifact. "Ambiguity"is expressed as a form of space. After blurring the boundary between the façade and the top, the building presents the uniqueness of the space with its shape,and emphasises paying attention to life while working by not only simply breaking the boundary between work and life, but also improving the quality of space and work, thus making technology full of warmth.
Scholastic philosophy has tried to constantly recognise the world and finally restore a simple and stable ontological world. In fact, complexity and uncertainty are the most real existence in this world! This is also the biggest difference in cognition between traditional technology and quantum technology.
There is a bit of romance, with ambiguity, and also a certain degree of uncertainty. "Entanglement" may be the best spatial interpretation of quantum technology in this building.