

世界建筑 2021年10期




项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 王建国,徐小东,王鹏,孙海霆等/WANG Jianguo, XU Xiaodong, WANG Peng, SUN Haiting, et al.

建筑面积/Floor Area: 936 m2

设计时间/Design Time: 2009

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2010

摄影/Photos: 王建国,盛雪东,孙海霆/WANG Jianguo,SHENG Xuedong, SUN Haiting

1 东南外景/Southeast exterior view(摄影/Photo: 盛雪东/SHENG Xuedong)

2 鸟瞰/Aerial view(摄影/Photo: 王建国/WANG Jianguo)

3 草图/Sketch

Guangji Town is located in the western part of Mianzhu City, with the Longmen Mountains to the north. In the major earthquake on 12th May,2018, the town suffered heavily from numerous causality and damages to buildings. The public building complex reconstructed after the earthquake is located within four sections of the central town area, including public facilities as cultural centre,convenience centre, health centre, primary school and secondary school, kindergarten, welfare homes, etc.

The cultural centre is among the second batch of reconstructed projects. Local climatic conditions were carefully considered in the building layout.The regular plan was applied, defined with terrain and vegetation, shaping the architectural spaces with appropriate scale and diversified hierarchy. In terms of architectural forms, on the one hand, the authenticity of functional spaces was expressed; on the other hand, the visual rhythm that related to the functions of cultural centre was considered in the artistic articulation of the portico on façades, forms of openings and subdivision of materials. Trees that survived the earthquake were integrated in the design of courtyards, presenting the particular value of locality. On the premise of practicability and economy of functions, general building materials and construction details were applied in the design,facilitating the construction and the control of project progress and meanwhile assuring adequate natural ventilation and lighting performance of the building.

There are three colours applied on the building.White paint was applied on the structural elements of walls and columns. Grey was applied on the granitic plaster walls. Earth-red bricks were chosen for the block walls. This colour palette was designed to add contrast to the overall harmony, as an attempt to create a warm atmosphere for the rebuilt homeland , relieving the pains that the general public suffered after the disaster.□





4 首层平面/Ground floor plan

5 庭园局部/Partial view of the garden(摄影/Photo: 孙海霆/SUN Haiting)

6 庭园局部/Partial view of the garden

7 柱廊与倒影池/Portico and pool(6.7 摄影/Photos: 盛雪东/SHENG Xuedong)

8 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: 孙海霆/SUN Haiting)

9.10 剖面/Sections


ZHANG Tong: This Cultural Centre is one of the aid projects for the reconstruction of Guangji Town after the Wenchuan Earthquake. The particularity of this work lies not only in the urgency of postdisaster reconstruction and the high requirements for construction quality. Moreover, the reconstruction of a town, from the master plan and the architectural design to the town's space and interior design, is basically completed by one team. This is not common in the postdisaster reconstruction of the Wenchuan Earthquake.

The project team used urban design methods to design the four blocks in the centre of the town,including detailed plot division, clarification of volume and spatial relationship, determination of vehicle entrances and exits, and control of continuous street walls as well as the practice of coordinating architectural styles and materials. The block design clearly delineates the public green space on both sides of the stream, and a square is set around the crossroads in the town centre to create a public space. This active participation has made us realise that urban design is not just a city design, but a holistic, connected and spatial working method. This makes the rebuilt Guangji Town possess the distinctive characteristics of the town space that retains rustic flavour, and it has become an example of the highest overall quality among the rebuilt villages in Mianzhu City.

The Cultural Centre is located in the southeast quadrant of the four-block centre. The physical and spatial organisation of the building is an outside-toinside process under the framework of the town design.The main volume of the auditorium corresponds to the convenience service centre on the north side, and the public square in the centre of the town lays between the above two. On the side facing the square, the Cultural Centre has typologically set up high colonnades,showing the rare publicity in the village and town environment. The three small volumes on the east side are dominated by continuous street walls, enclosing the central square. They carefully preserve the largest tree in the town centre, which survived the earthquake and became a symbol of life and hope.


Spectroscopy and scattering matrices with nitrogen atom:Rydberg states and optical oscillator strengths
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