“撸”的第一个意思是“捋”,即“用手握着条状物,顺着移动、抚摩或拉扯”。英语可以译为:to close ones hand around sth long, and move, stroke, pull or push。例如:
1. 他把桑树枝上的叶子撸下来,用来喂蚕。
He stripped the mulberry twigs of their leaves by running the palm of his hand along the twigs for the purpose of raising silkworms.
“撸叶子”,就是“采集叶子”。英语可以译为to collect leaves。例如:
2. 端午节之前,他到湖边撸了许多艾叶。
Before the Dragon Boat Festival, he went to the lakeside and collected a lot of mugwort leaves.
“撸起袖子”,英语可以译为to roll up ones sleeves。例如:
3. 袁隆平擼起袖子,挽起裤脚,赤脚迈进稻田。
Rolling up his sleeves and the bottoms of his trousers, Yuan Longping stepped into the rice field bare-footedly.
“撸起袖子加油干”,英语可以译为 to roll up ones sleeves to work harder。例如:
4. 这个贫困村的农民响应习近平总书记“撸起袖子加油干”的号召,更加努力与贫困斗争,终于脱贫了。
In response to General Secretary Xi Jinpings call “to roll up our sleeves and work harder”, the farmers in this poverty-stricken village made greater efforts to fight against poverty, and finally lifted themselves from poverty.
随着宠物经济的兴起,宠物主题咖啡馆成为年轻人打卡的网红店。撸猫成为时髦的事情。“撸猫”这个网络流行词,英语可以译为to pet a cat、to stroke a cat。例如:
5. 许多年轻人喜欢光顾这家猫主题咖啡馆,他们边喝咖啡边撸猫,感到很爽。
Many young people like to visit this cat-themed café, where they can pet a cat while drinking coffee, feeling very good.
6. 扦子是木制、竹制或金属制的尖状物,在烧烤或涮锅时用来固定小块肉或蔬菜,使其保持形状。
A skewer is a pin of wood, bamboo or metal for holding small pieces of meat or vegetables to keep them in form while grilling or instant-boiling.
“烤串”作为名词,指“串在扦子上的小块肉或蔬菜”。英语可以译为grill skewer、grilled skewer或skewer。例如:
7. 他常常在周末邀请三五好友到家里,招待他们吃各种各样的烤串。
At the weekends, he often invites some of his best friends to his home, treating them to various kinds of grilled skewers.
“烤肉串”,英语可以译为barbecue skewer或meat skewer。“烤羊肉串”,英语可以译为lamb/mutton skewer或lamb/mutton kebab。“烤蔬菜串”,英语可以译为vegetables skewer。例如:
8. 我喜欢吃烤肉串。烤羊肉串是我的最爱。但是我不喜欢烤蔬菜串。
I enjoy eating meat skewers. The lamb kebab is my favorite. But I dont care for vegetables skewers.
“烤串”作为动词,指“用烤炉烤串在扦子上的小块肉或蔬菜”。英语可以译为to make skewers或to grill skewers。例如:
9. 我妈妈正在耐心地教我如何烤串。
My mother is patiently teaching me how to make/grill skewers.
肉串和蔬菜串也可以用火锅涮,称之为“涮串”。英语可以译为instant-boil skewer。例如:
10. 这家火锅店以其美味的涮串闻名遐迩。
This chafing dish restaurant is well-known for its delicious instant-boil skewers.
“撸串”实际上就是“吃烤串”或“吃涮串”,因为吃时要将做熟的食材从扦子上一个一个咬下来,故而人们称其为“撸串”。英语可以分别译为to eat grill skewers和to eat instant-boil skewers。例如:
11. 这个单身族喜欢在宁静的夜晚到街头小摊边喝啤酒边撸串。
This single man likes to go to a street stall on a quiet night, eating grill skewers while drinking beer.
“撸串”还有一个意思是“把玩手串儿”。英语可以译为to enjoy rubbing a string of nuts one by one with ones fingers。例如:
12. 当你在这个公园散步时,你常常会看到有位老人手持山核桃手串,边走边撸串。
When you take a walk in this park, you may often see an old man who holds a string of hickory nuts in his hand and enjoys rubbing them one by one with his fingers while walking.
“撸”在方言中有一个意思是“用手掌击”。“撸嘴巴子”,就是“打耳光”。英语可以译为to slap sb on the face with ones palm。例如:
13. 这个老人很愤怒,撸了他那不孝顺、不听话的儿子一个嘴巴子。
With his palm, the old man angrily slapped his unfilial and disobedient son on the face.
“擼”的意思可以引申为“用言语训斥”。由“打”转向“骂”。英语可以译为to scold、to dress down、to give a dressing down。汉语常说“挨撸”,英语可以译为to be scolded、to get a scolding、to be given a dressing down、to get a dressing down。例如:
14. 他因粗心大意被老板撸了一顿。
He was given a dressing down by his boss for his carelessness.
“撸”还有“撤销职务”的意思。英语可以译为to remove sb from his/her post、to dismiss sb from his/her post。例如:
15. 他因犯了严重错误,党籍和职务都给撸了。
He was expelled from the Party and dismissed from his post for a serious mistake.
“一撸到底”的意思是“撤销全部职务”。英语可以译为to remove sb from all his/her posts、to dismiss sb from all his/her posts。例如:
16. 这个贪官受到严厉惩罚,被一撸到底,还进了牢房。
The corrupt official was severely punished, dismissed from all his posts and put into prison.