Why Mindset Matters for Success为什么思维模式对成功很重要
勒妮·沃伦 孙伊丽 李瑞林
No one is born an entrepreneur.
But it also doesnt happen by chance, instead they are driven to it. Its all about having the compulsion1 to be a part of something thats bigger than yourself and being willing to do whatever it takes to find that success.
The following viewpoints will help you to get into a frame of mind that will ultimately free you up to find your own success.
They know their “why”
Its important to have a firm grasp on whats driving your endeavors.
Your purpose, in many ways, is your foundation to success. So take the time to identify the reason behind what youre doing: What motivated you to start your own business? Whats driving you? Whats your reason for getting up in the morning? Do you want to change the world? Generate an income? Both?
For most, this isnt strictly about money, but usually goes further. What do you want the money for? Is it freedom and the opportunities that it could buy you? Is it financial security for your family?
Is it using your skills to create something unique that people will love? Is it finding a way to generate 80k a year so you can afford a stress-free lifestyle? Whatever it is, grab onto it. Passion is what will ignite your dream. It will also give you the motivation to keep going when things get tough.
They realize that ready is a lie
You see it all the time: Budding2 business owners spinning their wheels3. Theyre ready to take off, but not quite able to. This is because theyre waiting for some ideal opportunity or unachievable level of perfection before they launch.
“Ready is a lie” explains Angie Lee, marketing expert, speaker and founder of The Angie Lee Show, a top-rated personal development podcast.
“You could have all the skills, all the training, you could have a double masters in business, but if youre afraid to start and youre afraid to get messy and youre afraid to jump, nothing is ever going to happen.”
The journey is full of pitfalls, hurdles and setbacks. Dont be fooled: You dont have to have every aspect of your life squared away4 before you can start. Perfection, both in your personal life and in business, is a myth. In order to find success, youve got to transition out of the perfectionist mindset. Done is better than perfect.
Theyre outcome-oriented
CEOs are relentless5 in their pursuit of success. No matter what obstacles come up, they keep going. Sure, sometimes theyll pivot from their original idea, and sometimes theyll be knocked off their feet. But heres what separates successful people from everyone else: They consistently get back up.
This is because theyre outcome-oriented. Successful people have tremendous clarity on their goals. Theyve defined what they want to do, know what theyre looking for, and are able to pursue those opportunities with tremendous discipline. Because of this, they have the drive to see their tasks through no matter what.
They view impossibilities as opportunities
“An entrepreneurial mindset means I now see opportunities where I only saw impossibilities, and I have faith that pursuing those opportunities will yield a win no matter what—even if that win is the lesson of failure,” explains Natalie Davison, marketer, speaker and co-founder of Marrow Marketing. “When you get there, youll see that fear can shift into possibility and thats a really powerful place for your mind to live.”
Instead of seeing roadblocks as a sign that youre not cut out to be an entrepreneur or an indicator that somethings wrong, just view them for what they are: Temporary setbacks along the way. Well all encounter them, but its how we respond to them that counts. Your ability to see beyond these roadblocks and navigate your way through them as a problem solver will help you to succeed.
They realize habits are everything
A large part of a business owners success can be directly attributed to their daily habits.
Consistency is your currency.
The more you show up, the more you push through the tough days, hard decisions, and the daily grind6, the more resilient7 you will become. You need to take action to set big-picture goals, and then break those goals down into smaller, doable—and consistent steps thatll help you to achieve them.
This means getting into action mode to build your new habit, and finding a routine that works for you. Those consistent daily actions are what will move you forward every day. It doesnt have to be massive changes all at once, but over time, good habits will start to shape you.
They understand their worth
Finally, but perhaps most crucially, successful people understand their worth.
People view us through the lens that we view ourselves. Thats because of our perspective of ourselves colors our actions and interactions with others. If someone else can tell that you lack confidence in your abilities, then why on earth should they trust you?
The good news, though, is that self-confidence is something that you can build. Start by looking to banish that ever-present imposter syndrome8; that nagging9 feeling that were inadequate or somehow unqualified. You can do this by identifying exactly what you bring to the table10 in terms of value, and highlighting those areas where you excel. What projects are you passionate about? Where do you add the most value? How do you stand out from the rest? Make these things a part of your identity. Specialize in them.
From this confidence, youll be able to price yourself accordingly and promote yourself in a way that will make people value what you have to offer. If youre confident in your abilities, it will inspire others to have confidence as well.