摘 要:自从我国进行了一系列的教育改革之后,素质教育也被相应的提出,各界的教育人士及专家同时也重视对学生,在日常教育中主要培养每一位学生的综合能力及素养,处在小学阶段的学生,其思维意识虽然薄弱,但是可塑性极强,小学阶段同时也作为学生所有能力及素养的初始阶段,而美术教学这一门课程,不仅能够增强每一位学生的实操动手能力,还能够激发其潜意识里的思维创造及创新能力,教师也应摒弃以往的传统教学美术方式方法,应在美术课中利用“撕贴添画”的新型教育方式,对各种各样的纸张加以利用,教师启发学生进行二次创作,将美术和手工有一个完美的结合,同时教师也要了解到每一位学生的美术功底,进而有效的提升小学生的动手实操能力,本文主要对关于小学美术创意“撕贴添画”教学做出主要研究分析。
【中图分类号】G623.7 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】1005-8877(2021)25-0149-02
Research on Teaching of Primary School Art Creativity “Tear Paste and Add Picture”
LU Peng (Dalu Central Primary School,Jingyuan County,Gansu Province,china)
【Abstract】Since China conducted a series of education reform,quality education were also put forward the corresponding,education professionals and experts from all walks of life also pay much attention to the students,in the daily education mainly develop each students comprehensive ability and quality,in the phase of elementary school students,although its thinking consciousness weak,but the plasticity is extremely strong,elementary school and at the same time as a student all ability and the accomplishment of the initial stage,and the fine arts teaching this course,can not only enhance each students speaking ability,can also inspire the subconscious mind to create and innovation ability,teachers should abandon the past traditional teaching methods of fine arts,Should be used in the art class “tear stick add painting”the new way of education,to take advantage of all kinds of paper,teachers inspire students in the second creation,the fine arts and crafts have a perfect combination,at the same time,teachers should also look at every student art strength,which can effectively enhance students begin speaking ability,this article is mainly about the elementary school fine arts creative “tear stick add painting” teaching to the main research analysis.
【Key words】Primary school art;Tear paste add picture;Practical operation ability
1. 教授撕贴添画的意义