摘要 [目的]探究多穗柯矮化密植叶用林的经营效果。[方法]以株行距180 cm×180 cm传统密度营造的多穗柯林分为对照(CK),研究矮化密植(种植密度为6 273株/hm2)对多穗柯的生长状况、鲜叶质量(嫩枝、嫩叶)、采摘工效等经营效果的影响。[结果]矮化密植处理的株数比CK处理增加117.4%,树高降低71.1%,枝下高较低,总分枝数略有降低,但5级及以上分枝数显著增加,鲜叶质量明显提高,两者间单株总鲜叶质量在0.05水平存在显著差异,单位面积鲜叶质量在0.01水平存在显著差异。矮化密植林分站立采摘率达100%,而CK的站立采摘率仅30.4%~31.5%,矮化密植处理采摘速度较CK处理提高3倍多。[结论]采用矮化密植技术措施处理多穗柯叶用林具有良好的经营效果,可以在适当的地区推广应用。
关键词 多穗柯;矮化密植;经营效果;鲜叶质量
中图分类号 S 792.99 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0117-02
Effects of Dwarf Dense Planting on Growth Status and Management Effect of Lithocarpus polystachyus
LIAO Chao-hui
(State Owned Forest Farm of Jianning,Fujian Province,Jianning,Fujian 354500)
Abstract [Objective]To study the management effect of dwarf dense leaf plantation of Lithocarpus polystachyus .[Method]The row spacing 180 cm × 180 cm stand was used as control to study the effects of dwarf dense planting (planting density of 6 273 plants/hm2) on the growth status, fresh leaf quality (twigs and leaves), picking efficiency and so on. [Result]Compared with CK treatment, the number of plants in dwarf dense planting treatment increased by 117.4%, the tree height decreased by 71.1%, the height under branches was low, and the total number of branches decreased slightly, but the number of branches of grade 5 and above increased significantly, and the quality of fresh leaves was significantly improved. There was a significant difference in the total fresh leaf quality of a single plant at the level of 0.05 and the fresh leaf quality of a single area at the level of 0.01.The standing picking rate of dwarf dense planting stand was 100%, while that of CK was only 30.4%-31.5%. The picking speed of dwarf dense planting treatment was more than 3 times higher than that of CK treatment.[Conclusion]The dwarf dense planting technique has good management effect and can be popularized in appropriate areas.
Key words Lithocarpus polystachyus ;Dwarf dense planting;Operating effect;Fresh leaf quality
基金項目 福建省林业厅科研项目“多穗柯甜茶叶用林经营技术研究”(闽林科便函〔2018〕26号)。
作者简介 廖朝晖(1975—),男,福建建宁人,工程师,从事森林培育及林业科学技术研究。
鸣 谢 感谢福建省建宁国有林场刘敬灶、蔡世锋等林业技术人员给予悉心指导和大力支持。
收稿日期 2021-04-29
多穗柯( Lithocarpus polystachyus Rehd)为壳斗科乔木树种,是中亚热带常绿阔叶林组成树种之一。多穗柯枝叶含有丰富的黄酮类物质,是我国传统的药理保健植物,具有抗氧化、抗衰老、抗过敏以及抗肿瘤、降脂等功效[1-3]。叶片中二氢查耳酮含量高达12.0%[4]。二氢查耳酮甜度高,但无热值或低热值,无毒副作用,是糖尿病和心血管病人可食用的甜味剂[5],因此成为优良的天然甜味剂[6]。多穗柯是当今许多国家寻找的茶、糖、药三合一的第三代新茶源[4,7],具有广阔的发展前景和潜在的经济效益。多穗柯与大多数壳斗科植物相似,属于合轴式生长的枝系[8],具有较明显的主干,树体较高大,相对枝叶量较少,采摘也不方便。在经营密度上,闽西北用材林造林株行距一般为(1.8~2.0) m×(1.8~2.0) m,而生产鲜叶质量为主的栽培模式往往采取矮化密植的技术措施,至于针对如何选择经营密度有待研究。