温松楠 魏伟 李龙
摘要 土地利用類型总体规划是国土资源局为了实现合理管理土地,提高国民经济在各部门之间进行分配的必要做法,因此,对土地利用的定期评估也是不可或缺的步骤。展开对土地利用类型总体规划的评估分析,既可以推动时代经济的发展变化和需求,也可以在国民经济、生态环境、社会关系及土地可持续利用等多方面有很大促进。当前的评估多数是通过建立指标体系进行数量上的评估,这种评估不能反映土地利用在空间上的差异。以甘肃省张掖市民乐县永固镇为案例,利用ArcGIS的空间分析工具,构建了空间吻合度、空间重心偏移度、环形分析系统3个模型,分别在执行过程吻合性和结果吻合性、农村居民点重心偏移程度及农村居民点空间圈层布局等角度,对土地利用类型规划实施7年(2009—2016年)来的效果进行分析评估。研究表明,永固镇土地利用类型总体规划的实施在很大程度上是以规划为主的,沿着规划的方向发展,较好地完善了土地合理利用和空间管制;空间吻合度、空间重心偏移度及圈层系统分析模型在规划实施评估中整体效果不错,适用性比较好。此次评估实现了方法上的创新,打破传统定性定量的分析,有效完善了规划实施评估的研究方法,拓展了评估分析空间。
关键词 土地利用类型总体规划;空间吻合度;重心偏移;圈层分析;实施评估
中图分类号 F 301.2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2021)19-0068-06
Evaluation and Analysis on Implementation of General Land Use on GIS—A Case Study of Yonggu Town in Minle County
WEN Song-nan1, WEI Wei2, LI Long1
(1.School of Surveying, Mapping and Geographic Information, Lanzhou Resources and Environment Voc-Tech College, Lanzhou, Gansu 730021;2.The College of Geographical and Environmental Science, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070)
Abstract The overall planning of land use types is a necessary practice for the Land and Resources Bureau to realize rational land management and improve the distribution of national economy among various departments. Therefore, the regular evaluation of land use is also an indispensable step. The evaluation and analysis of the overall planning of land use types can not only promote the development and changes of the times economy, but also greatly promote the national economy, ecological environment, social relations and sustainable land use. At present, most of the assessments are carried out quantitatively by establishing an index system, which cannot reflect the spatial differences of land use. Taking Yonggu Town, Minle County, Zhangye City, Gansu Province as an example, using ArcGIS spatial analysis tools, this paper constructs three models: spatial coincidence degree, spatial center of gravity offset degree and ring analysis system, and analyzes and evaluates the effect of land use type planning after seven years implementation (2009-2016) from the perspectives of implementation process coincidence and result coincidence, degree of center of gravity offset of rural residential areas and spatial circle layout of rural residential areas. The research shows that the implementation of the master plan of land use type in Yonggu Town is mainly based on planning, and it develops along the direction of planning, which improves the rational use of land and spatial control. Spatial coincidence degree, spatial center of gravity deviation degree and circle system analysis model have good overall effect and good applicability in planning implementation evaluation. This evaluation has achieved innovation in methods, broken the traditional qualitative and quantitative analysis, effectively improved the research methods of planning implementation evaluation, and expanded the evaluation and analysis space.