1. __________ (保卫祖国) is our sacred duty.
2. It is an honour __________ (全心全意为人民服务).
3. It was not correct __________ (那样谈话).
4. It was a mistake __________ (不继续这项工作).
5. It was stupid __________ (我没有采纳你的意见).
6. Her wish is __________ (当一名科学家).
7. Our main task is __________ (努力学习).
8. The main purpose of a camera is __________ (照相).
9. What worries me is __________ (在会上该说些什么).
10. What I wanted was __________ (使这项工作尽快完成).
11. I forget __________ (在信里提那件事了).
12. Without hesitation Lao Li stopped his truck and helped __________ (把一袋袋的糧食运到安全的地方).
13. Would you like __________ (出席这次会议)?
14. I’ll show you __________ (怎样使用计算机).
15. I found __________ (不可能使她改变主意).
16. The doctor told __________ (病人们好好休息).
17. I didn’t expect __________ (问题那样复杂).
18. Did you notice __________ (有人离开房子吗)?
19. Man must make __________ (地球养活更多的人).
20. You must get __________ (他今晚到这里来一趟).
21. Do you have __________ (问题要问)?
22. John Baird found __________ (用无线电传送图像的方法).
23. There are __________ (很多事情要谈)
24. He is not __________ (只想自己的人).
25. It’s time __________ (你起床).
26. He was delighted __________ (看见她身体这样健康).
27. This book is __________ (不容易懂).
28. He liked new clothes so much that he spent all his time and all his money __________ (为了穿得漂亮).
29. You must speak louder __________ (以便让大家都听见).
30. She was __________ (气得说不出一句话来). <P:\ts02\2021\《考试与评价》高二专刊2021年第1期\文章角标.tif>
(Key ☞ p. 37)