On April 22, Zhang Yongwu, director general of Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government met with Kate?ina Vovková, the new Consul General of Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chengdu in Chongqing Foreign Affairs Building. The two parties exchanged opinions on the amicable ties and cooperation prospect between Chongqing and Czech Republic.
Starting from history, geography and culture, director-general Zhang Yongwu introduced to Consul-General Kate?ina Vovková the city's regional advantages, development orientation, industrial distribution, transportation and logistics, as well as the new outlook and opportunities it is facing. He said that he welcomed Consul-General Kate?ina Vovková and consular officials of Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chengdu to visit Chongqing frequently and participate in various international exchange events here; he also hoped to continue strengthening the cooperation with Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chengdu, maintaining communication, jointly building an exchange platform for institutions and enterprises of both sides, and further promoting pragmatic cooperation in various fields between the two places.
Consul-General Kate?ina Vovková reviewed the amicable exchanges between Czech Republic and Chongqing in the past. She acknowledged Chongqing's strategic position in China's economic development, especially took note of the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, and was willing to actively promote cooperation between Czech Republic and Chongqing in economic and trade investment, culture, tourism and art, medical instrument, nano materials, biotechnology and other fields during her term of office.
Roman Musil, the Consul of Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Chengdu and heads of the Consular Division and European and African Affairs Division of the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People's Government attended the meeting.