6月8 日,“讓世界关注这扇窗——驻华使节浙江行”活动在嘉兴启动,来自31个国家的驻华使节团走进浙江。在浙江参访的3天时间里,他们透过“浙江之窗”深刻地感受“中国之治”,从浙江打造文化高地的新进展深刻感受五千年中华文明的灿烂辉煌,从浙江人民的获得感幸福感安全感深刻感受中国共产党的执政理念,从四十多年浙江改革开放的沧桑巨变感受中国特色社会主义道路的正确性,从而更全面、更客观、更深刻地认识浙江、认识中国。
A Window for the World to Understand China
At the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a delegation of 31 foreign diplomats, including ambassadors and other diplomatic envoys, visited Zhejiang province from June 8 to June 10. During the three-day tour, they have gained firsthand knowledge of the achievements Zhejiang has made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
On behalf of the delegation, Imad Moustapha, the Syrian ambassador to China, expressed his appreciation for Zhejiangs hospitality, and extended his congratulations to the Chinese people on the centennial of the founding of the CPC. During the tour, he said, the delegation had a fuller understanding of the achievements Zhejiang made under the leadership of the CPC, and Zhejiang was on a path for even more major accomplishments in the future. Ultimately, Imad Moustapha hoped that through visits like this one, the world would further understand China, tap cooperation potential, expand and deepen anti-COVID cooperation and exchanges in various fields, push mutually beneficial cooperation to a new level and jointly contribute to world economic recovery and peoples well-being.