Digital Gardens Let You Cultivate Your Own Little Bit of the Internet数字花园:你的专属网络空间
A growing number of people are creating individualized, creative sites that eschew the one-size-fits-all1 look and feel of social media.越來越多的人正在创建个性化、有创意的网站,摒弃社交媒体那种万能套用的界面风格。
Sara Garner had a nagging feeling something wasnt quite right.
A software engineer, she was revamping her personal site, but it just didnt feel like her. Sure, it had the requisite links to her social media and her professional work, but it didnt really reflect her personality. So she created a page focused on museums, which she is obsessed with. Its still under construction, but she envisions a page that includes thoughts on her favorite museums, describes the emotions they evoked, and invites others to share their favorite museums and what theyve learned.
“Im going for a feeling of wonderment, a connection across time.” she says.
Welcome to the world of “digital gardens.” These creative reimaginings of blogs have quietly taken nerdier corners of the internet by storm2. A growing movement of people are tooling with back-end code to create sites that are more collage3-like and artsy, in the vein4 of Myspace and Tumblr—less predictable and formatted than Facebook and Twitter. Digital gardens explore a wide variety of topics and are frequently adjusted and changed to show growth and learning, particularly among people with niche interests. Through them, people are creating an internet that is less about connections and feedback, and more about quiet spaces they can call their own.
“Everyone does their own weird thing”
The movement might be gaining steam now, but its roots date back to 1998, when Mark Bernstein introduced the idea of the “hypertext garden,” arguing for spaces on the internet that let a person wade into5 the unknown. “Gardens … lie between farmland and wilderness,” he wrote. “The garden is farmland that delights the senses, designed for delight rather than commodity.” (His digital garden includes a recent review of a Bay Area carbonara dish and reflections on his favorite essays.)
The new wave of digital gardens discuss books and movies, with introspective journal entries; others offer thoughts on philosophy and politics. Some are works of art in themselves, visual masterpieces that invite the viewer to explore; others are simpler and more utilitarian, using Google Docs or Wordpress templates to share intensely personal lists. Avid readers in particular have embraced the concept, sharing creative, beautiful digital bookshelves that illustrate their reading journey.
Beneath the umbrella term, however, digital gardens dont follow rules. Theyre not blogs, short for “weblogs,” a term that suggests a time-stamped record of thought. Theyre not a social-media platform—connections are made, but often its through linking to other digital gardens, or gathering in forums like Reddit and Telegram6 to nerd out over code.
Tom Critchlow, a consultant who has been cultivating his digital garden for years, spells out the main difference between old-school blogging and digital gardening. “With blogging, youre talking to a large audience,” he says. “With digital gardening, youre talking to yourself. You focus on what you want to cultivate over time.”
What they have in common is that they can be edited at any time to reflect evolution and change. The idea is similar to editing a Wikipedia entry, though digital gardens are not meant to be the ultimate word on a topic. As a slower, clunkier way to explore the internet, they revel in7 not being the definitive source, just a source, says Mike Caulfield, a digital literacy8 expert at Washington State University.
In fact, the whole point of digital gardens is that they can grow and change, and that various pages on the same topic can coexist. “Its less about iterative learning and more about public learning,” says Maggie Appleton, a designer. Appletons digital garden, for example, includes thoughts on plant-based meat9, book reviews, and digressions on Javascript. It is “an open collection of notes, resources, sketches, and explorations Im currently cultivating,” its introduction declares. “Some notes are Seedlings, some are budding, and some are fully grown Evergreen[s].”
Appleton, who trained as an anthropologist, says she was drawn to digital gardens because of their depth. “The content is not on Twitter, and its never deleted,” she says. “Everyone does their own weird thing. The skys the limit.”
That ethos of creativity and individuality was echoed by several people I spoke to. Some suggested that the digital garden was a backlash10 to the internet weve become grudgingly accustomed to, where things go viral11, change is looked down upon, and sites are one-dimensional12. Facebook and Twitter profiles have neat slots for photos and posts, but enthusiasts of digital gardens reject those fixed design elements. The sense of time and space to explore is key.
“The stream has dominated our lives since the mid-2000s,” Caulfield says. But it means people are either posting content or consuming it. And, Caulfield says, the internet as it stands rewards shock value and dumbing things down13. “By engaging in digital gardening, you are constantly finding new connections, more depth and nuance,” he says. “What you write about is not a fossilized bit of commentary for a blog post. When you learn more, you add to it. Its less about shock and rage; its more connective.” In an age of doom-scrolling14 and Zoom fatigue, some digital-garden enthusiasts say the internet they live in is, as Caulfield puts it, “optimistically hopeful.” ■
“自2005年左右,流量已经主导了我们的生活。”考尔菲尔德说。但是,这意味着人们要么在发布内容,要么在消费内容。考尔菲尔德接着说,就目前来看,互联网会犒赏有爆点的内容,崇尚简单通俗。“通过从事数字园艺,你会不断找到新的朋友,对事物获得更深的认识并发现其微妙之处。”他说,“你不是在撰写陈腐僵化的碎片式评论性博文。随着你的认识加深,你会对它进行补充。这种模式不太注重轰动效应,更关注互联互通。”在这样一个阴暗刷屏、对网络会议感到疲劳的时代,一些热衷数字花园的人却说,他们所处的互联网,如考尔菲尔德所言,“洋溢着乐观与希望”。 □
1 one-size-fits-all(意图)各方面都顾及的;通用的。
2 take sb/sth by storm在(某处)大获成功;完全征服(一群人)。 3 collage拼贴画,指在平面空间或者浮雕中,运用不同的材料进行构思、排列、粘贴的一种绘画表现形式。1912年,毕加索创作出了第一件较为完整的拼贴画《藤椅上的静物》(Still Life with Chair Caning)。他在画布上黏贴了一个藤编,用实际的藤编取代直接在油画布上画出的藤编图案。后来,拼贴画成为流行艺术的一种重要形式,其超越现实的重组和叙述手法被广泛应用于现代平面设计中。 4 vein风格;情绪。 5 wade into sth大胆涉足;毅然从事。
7 revel in sth陶醉于;沉湎于。 8 digital literacy数字素养,是指利用数字技术确定、组织、认识、评价和分析信息的能力。 9 plant-based meat植物肉,人造肉的一种,一般是以植物蛋白作为原料,辅之以一些配料,利用食品加工技术,做出跟真肉有类似口感、风味和香气的产品。
10 backlash(社会或政治方面的)强烈反响;强烈反对。 11 go viral(视频、图像、新闻报道等)通过互联网上的社交网站、电子邮件或其他媒体迅速传播和广泛扩散。 12 one-dimensional乏味的,单调的。
13 dumb sth down(尤指为了更加普及而)使……简化,将……通俗化。 14 doom-scrolling指人们在智能手机应用、社交媒体或网页上不断滚动浏览负面消息。
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