Displaying your palms in Greece
希腊 手掌外翻
In Greece, keep your palms to yourself. Holding your palms out towards a person is a highly insulting gesture. This gesture is said to be a remnant of Byzantine times, when people could taunt shackled criminals by smearing their faces with excrement.
Patting on the head in Sri Lanka
斯里兰卡 摸头
An open-palmed pat on the head of a child is a gesture of fondness. If you need to get a childs attention, its also the easiest place to tap them. In the Buddhist faith, though, the top of the head is the highest point of the body, and its where the spirit exists. To touch the top of a persons head is highly invasive, for children and adults alike. Avoid this in any country with a predominant Buddhist population.
Thumbs-up in Thailand
泰国 翘拇指
This gesture of agreement or approval is an easy reflex when language barriers are at play. Try to avoid it in Thailand, though, where its a sign of condemnation. Its typically a childs gesture, the same as sticking out your tongue. People will likely be more bemused than hurt if you put your thumbs up. Still, its a good one to avoid.
OK in France
法国 “Ok”
OK means “great” or “fine” in North America. Its also used by scuba divers to communicate that there are no problems. In France, however, this gesture means “zero”. Unless youre motioning to a French scuba diver, you might be accidentally communicating that something or someone is worthless. A bad idea when trying to compliment a chef on your meal with this gesture.
One-handed giving in Japan
日本 单手递送东西
In the West, people arent especially mindful of their hands when they offer objects to others. In Japan, though, it is polite and expected for people to make offerings with both hands. If you give someone a business card, or hand them your camera to take a photo, be sure to pass on the item with both hands. This shows that you are fully attentive and sincere in the offering. A one-handed presentation might be taken as dismissive.
Get your nose! in Turkey
土耳其 指向自己的鼻子
A gesture with the thumb tucked under the index finger doesnt have a set North American meaning, except when playing “got your nose” with a child. It also means the letter “T” in American sign language. In Turkey, this gesture is aggressively rude; the middle-finger equivalent.