基于X-ray μCT技术的玉米籽粒结构特征的粒位效应分析
银学波,明 博,侯俊峰,王克如,李少昆,谢瑞芝
银学波1,明 博1,侯俊峰2,王克如1,李少昆1,谢瑞芝1※
(1. 中国农业科学院作物科学研究所/农业农村部作物生理生态重点实验室,北京 100081;2. 浙江省农业科学院/玉米与特色旱粮研究所,东阳 322100)
玉米籽粒因其在果穗上着生位置不同存在较大差异,明确籽粒结构特征的粒位效应为玉米的消费、加工和播种质量等玉米产量和品质性状的评价提供参考。该研究以3个不同籽粒类型的玉米品种登海618(DH618)、KX3564和先玉335(XY335)为材料,利用X射线计算机断层(X-ray micro-computed tomography,X-rayCT)技术扫描测试样本,通过图像滤波、阈值分割等图像分析方法重建籽粒3维结构,获取玉米果穗不同粒位籽粒的胚、胚乳、皮下空腔、胚空腔、硬质胚乳、粉质胚乳、胚乳空腔等结构参数。数据分析表明,籽粒不同结构指标在果穗上呈现不同的变化规律,从基部到顶部(不考虑果穗两端的极端籽粒),胚、胚乳及硬质胚乳体积线性下降,各指标在果穗上的变化范围分别为15.82~33.36、180.15~296.50及87.13~166.00 mm3;胚乳空腔>皮下空腔>胚空腔,果穗中部籽粒的空腔较小且稳定,3个品种表现一致;胚与胚乳的比值在粒位间基本稳定,粉质胚乳体积、硬质胚乳与粉质胚乳的比值从基部至顶部逐渐减小,但不同指标的变化斜率存在差异。3个供试品种的籽粒结构参数不同:DH618果穗不同部位籽粒胚与胚乳的比值大于KX3564和XY335,XY335籽粒硬质胚乳与粉质胚乳的比值大于DH618和KX3564。在籽粒空腔方面,KX3564皮下空腔的比例较高,而XY335胚乳空腔的比例较高。3个品种胚、胚乳、皮下空腔体积在玉米籽粒中的比例平均分别为9.27%、89.87%、0.86%。X-rayCT扫描技术为玉米籽粒性状的研究提供新的方法与思路,明确果穗籽粒结构的粒位效应有利于全面地掌握玉米果穗上籽粒的性状特征,为玉米的生产、加工及品种改良等提供借鉴。
0 引 言
玉米籽粒主要由种皮、胚、胚乳3部分结构组成,不同的结构在籽粒中发挥着不同的作用。种皮约占籽粒质量的6%~8%,主要由纤维素组成,保护籽粒免受非生物和生物胁迫,减少籽粒破损与虫霉率[3]。胚占籽粒总质量的10%~15%,由胚芽、胚轴、胚根、子叶(盾片)所组成,是种子萌发所必需的组织,且含有籽粒中的大部分脂肪[4]。胚乳位于胚的周围,含有丰富的营养物质,一般较胚发育早,供胚发育时所需要的养料。根据其中蛋白质和淀粉紧实程度,胚乳又分为硬质胚乳和粉质胚乳,其组织结构及理化特性的诸多差异影响籽粒的质地,对玉米机械粒收收获质量和饲用玉米淀粉的消化率等有重要的影响[5-6]。在籽粒结构测定方面,传统方法是将籽粒浸泡20~36 h,刀片分割出籽粒胚、硬质胚乳、粉质胚乳等结构,烘干称干质量,人工手动分割不准确且测量特征少[7]。后期应用的机器视觉技术虽然解决了人为因素干扰,但均是在获取籽粒2维图像信息的基础上分割胚部与非胚部的边界[8-9]。X-rayCT扫描技术可在不改变籽粒形态的和内部结构的情况下,提取籽粒胚、胚乳、空腔、孔隙度、籽粒饱满度等更精细特征的籽粒结构信息[10]。本团队前期工作就发现,籽粒密度和皮下空腔体积等对玉米机械收获时籽粒耐破碎性有显著影响[11]。
1 材料与方法
1.1 供试样品
本研究以登海618(DH618)、KX3564、先玉335(XY335)3个不同籽粒类型的玉米品种为试验材料(表1)。2018年于新疆奇台(89°46′01″E,43°50′41″N)种植,种植密度和水肥管理均参照当地大田生产。每个品种选取生长正常均匀一致的3个果穗,每个果穗选取一行,从果穗基部到顶部每隔3粒选取一个籽粒(图1a),由于果穗近基部和顶籽粒变异较大,在果穗两端增加取样量,每个果穗平均12个籽粒,3个品种共计104个样本,用于X-rayCT扫描。玉米果穗手工脱粒,85℃烘干至恒定质量,根据籽粒鲜质量和干质量计算籽粒含水率:籽粒含水率=(鲜质量−干质量)/鲜质量×100%。籽粒含水率经国标130 ℃烘干方法校正[19]。
表1 玉米品种来源和特征特性
Note: The grain quality parameters were obtained from database of Chinese maize variety genealogy.
1.2 X-ray μCT扫描技术
X-rayCT扫描仪型号为SkyScan 1172(Bruker公司生产)(图1b)。X-rayCT扫描后每个籽粒可获取900多张不同灰度的籽粒2维扫描图像(---),其与籽粒物理分割的籽粒结构相对应,X-rayCT扫描精度较高(图2),X-rayCT扫描技术原理及具体操作见文献[10-11]。
Note: A test sample is taken from the base to the top of the ear every 3 grains, increased the sample amount at both ends of ear. The grains in the box are the scanned samples by X-rayCT, and the numbers on the grains are their kernel positions on the ear.
图1 试验样本与X-rayCT扫描系统
Fig.1 Test samples and X-ray computed tomography system
1.皮下空腔 2.胚空腔 3.胚 4.硬质胚乳 5.粉质胚乳 6.胚乳空腔
1.Subcutaneous cavity 2.Embryo cavity 3.Embryo 4.Hard endosperm 5.Soft endosperm 6.Endosperm cavity
Note: The endosperm is the sum of the endosperm and the seed coat, which are difficult to separate due to the programmed death of the seed coat during graindevelopment.
图2 籽粒物理切片和X-rayCT扫描图像
Fig.2 Physical slice and the image of X-rayCT scan
1.3 图像处理与数据分析
图像预处理步骤包括滤波或平滑和光束硬化校正,使用交互式阈值分割算法将样品信息、背景信息、样品内部不同特征区域划分出来,每一张2维切片由不同的体素数组成(灰度值0~256)。然后通过图像处理软件(CT-Analyser和CT Scan NRecon)对籽粒大量的2维图像重构、分割与渲染(图3),不同内部结构渲成不同的颜色,把籽粒内部结构剥离出来,从而实现籽粒内部结构的可视化,并重建三维籽粒和内部空腔等结构(图4)。
采用Microsoft Excel 2010进行数据整理;SPSS 19.0进行方差分析;GraphPad Prism 5作图。由于果穗两端籽粒结构变异较大,线性拟合时果穗两端籽粒未计算在内。
Note: The structure referred to by the number is the same as Fig. 2.
图3 籽粒内部结构的分割
Fig.3 Segmentation of the internal structure of the grain
Note: The structure referred to by the number is the same as Fig. 2.
图4 籽粒三维重建
Fig.4 Three-dimensional reconstruction of grain
2 结果与分析
2.1 胚与胚空腔体积
玉米果穗两端粒位籽粒变异较大,若不考虑果穗两端1~5个籽粒(下同),从果穗基部至顶部,随着粒位的增加,胚体积逐渐减小,果穗顶端籽粒胚体积最小,3个品种规律一致。3个品种果穗不同粒位籽粒胚体积范围为15.82~33.36 mm3,其中,DH618籽粒胚体积较大,果穗不同部位籽粒胚体积均大于其他2个品种,平均较KX3564和XY335分别大23.40%、25.13%(图5a)。从图5b可以看出,胚中胚空腔的比例较小且稳定,比较不同类型玉米的均值,胚空腔的比例在品种间存在差异,由大到小依次为KX3564、XY335和DH618,3个品种平均胚空腔在胚中的比例分别为6.49%、5.52%、4.07%。
2.2 胚乳与胚乳空腔体积
从果穗基部到顶部,胚乳、硬质胚乳体积逐渐减小(图6a, 6b),3个品种表现一致。在不考虑果穗两端的极端籽粒时,不同品种果穗中部胚乳体积的变化范围为180.15~296.50 mm3,其中DH618果穗不同部位胚乳体积均大于其他2个品种。不同品种果穗不同部位籽粒硬质胚乳体积差异较小,硬质胚乳胚乳体积的变化范围为87.13~166.00 mm3。粉质胚乳体积在3个品种的果穗基部差异较小(图6c),随着粒位的增加,品种间差异增大,粉质胚乳体积范围为80.64~130.50 mm3,且不同品种硬质胚乳大于粉质胚乳体积。胚乳中胚乳空腔的比例在果穗中部较小且不同粒位间较稳定(图6d),但品种间存在明显的差异,XY335胚乳空腔的比例较大,平均为2.87%,DH618和KX3564胚乳空腔的比例无差异,均为1.89%。
Note: Endosperm volume is the sum of hard endosperm and soft endosperm volume.
图6 玉米果穗不同粒位籽粒胚乳、硬质胚乳、粉质胚乳体积和胚乳空腔在胚乳中的比例
Fig.6 The endosperm volume, hard endosperm volume and soft endosperm volume and the proportion of endosperm cavities in the endosperm in different positions of ear
2.3 籽粒的皮下空腔体积与皮下空腔在籽粒中的比例
玉米基部籽粒皮下空腔较大(图7a),3个品种存在较大差异。KX3564基部籽粒皮下空腔体积最大值可达6.97 mm3,顶部最小值也为2.28 mm3。不考虑果穗两端籽粒,KX3564皮下空腔体积变化范围为2.28~4.52 mm3,而XY335、DH618的籽粒中皮下空腔范围分别是0.89~2.06、0.69~1.80 mm3。约从果穗基部第10粒开始,皮下空腔体积基本保持稳定,KX3564皮下空腔体积平均为2.92 mm3,相比于DH618和XY335分别大66.58%、52.08%。而从籽粒中皮下空腔的比例看(图7b),果穗两端籽粒中皮下空腔的比例大于果穗中部籽粒。KX3564籽粒中皮下空腔的比例在3个品种中最大。
2.4 品种间结构差异比较
Note: Different letters represent significant differences among varieties of the same structural indicators at<0.05 level.
图8 果穗不同粒位胚、胚乳、皮下空腔在籽粒中的比例
Fig.8 Proportion of embryo, endosperm and subcutaneous cavity of grain in different positions of ear
3 讨 论
4 结 论
果穗两端结构变异较大,不考虑果穗两端极端籽粒,从果穗基部至顶部,胚体积、胚乳体积及硬质胚乳体积线性减小,各指标变化范围分别为15.82~33.36mm3、180.15~296.50 mm3、87.13~166.00 mm3;胚乳空腔>皮下空腔>胚空腔,果穗中部籽粒的空腔较小且稳定;胚与胚乳比值粒位间基本稳定,粉质胚乳体积、硬质胚乳与粉质胚乳比值从基部至顶部逐渐减小,随着粒位的增加,品种间差异增大。品种间籽粒结构存在较大差异:DH618不同粒位胚与胚乳的比值较大,XY335胚乳空腔体积及硬质胚乳与粉质胚乳的比值较大,KX3564皮下空腔体积较大。
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Zhu Yali, Wang Chenguang, Yang Mei, Response of grain filling and dehydration characteristics of kernels located in different ear positions in the different maturity maize hybrids to plant density[J]. ActaAgoronmicaSinica, 2021, 47(3): 507-519. (in Chinese with English abstract)
Effects of various grain positions of ear on the internal structural parameters of maize grain using X-rayCT
Yin Xuebo1,Ming Bo1, HouJunfeng2, Wang Keru1, Li Shaokun1, XieRuizhi1※
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Grain structure is an important characteristic of maize varieties, particularly in representing the grain filling and texture in some cases. But the effect of kernel positions on grain structures in maize still remained unclear. Clarifying the kernel position effects of grain structure is beneficial to comprehensively grasp the grain characteristics of maize ears, and provides a reference for the production, processing and variety improvement of maize. In this study, three grain types of maize cultivars were taken to clarify the kernel position effects, including Denghai 618 (DH618), KX3564, and Xianyu 335 (XY335), from Qitai, Xinjiang of Western China in 2018. Samples were selected at regular kernel intervals, where each ear was in an average of 12 grains. A total of 104 samples were scanned from the three varieties. The grain three-dimensional structures were reconstructed by imaging processing, such as segmentation, thresholding, and reconstruction, where more than 900 2D images were obtained in the different sections (--, and-) of grains using an X-ray micro-computed tomography (X-rayCT). In addition to visualization, the grain structural parameters were also extracted, including the embryo, endosperm, subcutaneous cavity, embryo cavity, hard endosperm, soft endosperm, and endosperm cavity. The internal structure of grain was more accurately determined, especially on the cavity structure of grain, compared with the traditional manual and machine vision. The results showed thatthe effect of kernel position grain structure indicators on ear was different. Specifically, the volume of embryo, endosperm, and hard endosperm showed a linear downward trend from the base to the top of the ear, without considering the extreme grains at both sides of the ear. The range of each indicator on ear was 15.82-33.36, 180.15-296.50 and 87.13-166.00 mm3, respectively. The cavity volume of subcutaneous, embryo, and endosperm remained stable in the middle of the ear, significantly lower than those in the upper and lower parts, in the sequence endosperm cavity> subcutaneous cavity> the embryo cavity. The ratio of embryo to endosperm was basically stable among grains. The volume of soft endosperm and the ratio of hard endosperm to soft endosperm decreased gradually from the base to the top, but the slope was different. There was the same tendency of parameters at different kernel positions in three varieties, but there were differences in absolute value:the ratio of grain embryo to endosperm at different positions of the ear in DH618 was significantly higher than those in KX3564 and XY335. The ratio of hard to soft endosperm in XY335 was significantly larger than those in DH618 and KX3564. In terms of grain cavities, KX3564 had a higher proportion of subcutaneous cavities and XY335 had a higher proportion of endosperm cavities. The volume proportion of embryo, endosperm and subcutaneous cavity in maize grains of the three varieties was 9.27%, 89.87% and 0.86%, respectively. X-rayCT technology provides a new method and idea for the study of maize grain characters. Kernel position has also played a significant role in the grain structure among different positions of the maize ear. The findings suggest that the sampling position should be considered when conducting kernel research, due mainly to the differences of grain structure in positions of the maize ear.
crops; maize; kernel position effects; grain structure; X-rayCT
银学波,明博,侯俊峰,等. 基于X-rayCT技术的玉米籽粒结构特征的粒位效应分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(7):8-14. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.002 http://www.tcsae.org
Yin Xuebo, Ming Bo, Hou Junfeng, et al. Effects of various grain positions of ear on the internal structural parameters of maize grain using X-rayCT[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(7): 8-14. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.07.002 http://www.tcsae.org