?解芳 潘慧 奚阳 藏广辉
[摘 要]高压油泵出油阀的工作原理:高压油泵柱塞下行,柱塞腔压力降低,产生负压,燃油从进油阀进入柱塞腔;柱塞上行,燃油被压缩,柱塞腔压力升高;当压力高于出油阀开启压力时,出油阀打开,燃油从柱塞腔进入出油阀流量控制区,经高压油管进入共轨管。出油阀影响高压油泵各转速下的效率以及可靠性和系统轨压波动的主要性能尺寸为:进油口孔径、阀座锥度、钢球直径、弹簧预紧力、弹簧刚度、出油阀流量控制区结构。文章主要从出油阀流量控制区结构及弹簧刚度两方面进行分析。
[中图分类号]TK423 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]2095–6487(2021)01–00–02
The Effect of Delivery Valve on the Efficiency of High Pressure Oil Pump
Xie Fang,Pan Hui,Xi Yang,Zang Guang-hui
[Abstract]The working principle of the delivery valve of the high-pressure fuel pump: the plunger of the high-pressure fuel pump goes down, the pressure in the plunger cavity is reduced, and negative pressure is generated. The fuel enters the plunger cavity from the fuel inlet valve; the plunger goes up, the fuel is compressed, and the pressure in the plunger cavity rises High; when the pressure is higher than the opening pressure of the delivery valve, the delivery valve opens, and the fuel enters the delivery valve flow control area from the plunger cavity, and enters the common rail pipe through the high-pressure fuel pipe. The main performance dimensions of the oil outlet valve that affect the efficiency and reliability of the high-pressure oil pump at various speeds and system rail pressure fluctuations are: inlet aperture, valve seat taper, steel ball diameter, spring preload, spring stiffness, oil outlet valve flow Control area structure. This article mainly analyzes the structure of the flow control area of the delivery valve and the spring stiffness.
[Keywords]delivery valve; high-pressure oil pump; flow control area structure; spring stiffness
1 出油閥流量控制区结构对出油阀的开启性能影响分析
(1)进口压力:1800 bar。
(2)出口压力(假设高压腔在油泵工作过程中轨压波动为16 bar维持不变,进出口压差维持不变)。
(3)弹簧刚度:6000 N/m。
(4)钢球质量:0.5 g。
(5)弹簧预紧力:6 N。
(6)密度:0.835 g/cm3。
(7)液体黏度:4.2 cp。
1.1 计算结果
1.2 结果分析
2 弹簧刚度对出油阀的开启性能影响分析
2.1 对比方案设置如下参数
(1)出油阀开启压力:12 bar。
(2)弹簧刚度:方案1(1080 N/m)<方案2(6000 N/m)。
(4)出油阀钢球直径:5 mm。
(5)进油孔直径:1.8 mm。
2.2 计算结果
出油阀流量特性曲线(以5000 r/min为例)如图7所示。
出油阀升程特性曲线(以5000 r/min为例)如图8所示。
3 结束语
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