Little Tadpoles Looking for Their Mummy小蝌蚪找妈妈
Spring comes, there are a lot of baby tadpoles swimming in the pool happily. One day, the baby tadpoles see a lot of small ducks playing games with their mother freely. So they decide to look for their own mother. 下面快來欣赏江苏省南通市朝晖小学的同学们带来的精彩表演吧!
朱彦璇 何雨桐 朱薏潼 端梓涵
秦 严 吴雨琪 虞博茗 孙凡词
曹思哲 陈佳琦
There are little tadpoles, swimming in the water. They have a black coat, a big head and a long tail. They are happy!
Tadpole 1: Look at those little ducks! They are so happy.
Ducklings: Mummy, mummy, were hungry.
Mother Duck: Lets go home and eat.
Tadpoles: (together) Mummy, mummy!
Mother Duck: Im not your mummy.
Your mummy has a big mouth and two big eyes.
Tadpole 3: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye.
Tadpole 2: Looking, looking for mummy. Where is my mummy?
Tadpole 1: Look! She has two big eyes. She must be our mummy.
Tadpoles: (together) Mummy! Mummy! Mummy!
Goldfish: No. Im not your mummy. Im a goldfish.
Your mummy has four legs.
Tadpole 3: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye. Lets find our mummy.
Tadpole 2: Looking, looking for mummy. Where is my mummy?
Tadpole 1: Look! look! She has four legs.
She must be our mummy.
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes!
Tadpole 1: Lets go.
Tadpole 2: Are you our mummy?
Tadpoles: No, no, no. Im not your mummy. Im a tortoise.
Your mummy has a white belly.
Tadpole 3: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye. Lets find our mummy.
Tadpole 2: Looking, looking for mummy. Where is my mummy?
Tadpole 1: Look! She has a white belly.
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes. She must be our mummy!
Tadpole 1: Lets go. Hurry up!
Tadpoles: (together) Mummy, mummy. Are you our mummy?
Swan: Im sorry! Im not your mother. Im a swan.
Tadpole 1: What a pity!
Swan: Your mummy has green clothes. She can sing
“croak, croak, croak”.
Tadpole 3: Oh, thank you. Bye-bye.
Lets find our mummy.
Frog: Croak, croak, croak ...
Tadpole 1: Come here, everybody! Look, look! She has a big mouth!
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes!
Tadpole 1: She has two big eyes!
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes!
Tadpole 1: She has four legs!
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes!
Tadpole 1: She has a white belly!
Tadpole 2 & 3: Yes!
Tadpole 1: Listen!
Frog: Croak, croak, croak ...
Tadpole 3: Yes! She must be our mummy!
Frog: Oh, my babies, Im your mummy.
Tadpole 2: Hooray! But why we look so different?
Frog: Oh, my dear. You are too young now. You will look like me when you grow up.
Tadpole 1: Really?
Frog: Yes, my dear.
Tadpoles: (together) Mummy, we are so happy!
All: Lets sing a song together!
(The End)