

农业工程学报 2021年6期

邱 威,孙 浩,孙玉慧,廖洋洋,周良富,闻桢杰


邱 威1,孙 浩1,孙玉慧1,廖洋洋1,周良富2,闻桢杰1

(1. 南京农业大学工学院,南京 210095;2. 南京工业职业技术大学工程技术实训中心,南京 210023)

传统果园风送施药气流输送模式为出风口到冠层的一维流动,气流经过冠层时会衰减、停滞,存在穿透难、内膛与叶片背面沉积难等问题。该研究采用顶置风机方式,利用风机负压吸风引导气流在冠层内改变运动方向,实现雾滴由外及内、再由下而上运动。在分析环流作用下雾滴运动的基础上,设计一种适应于低矮果园的环流循环风送喷雾机,并开展气流场的分布规律分析与田间试验。试验结果表明:在冠层内膛(高度0.8~1.8 m)、树干中心线两侧0.25 m的中心区域气流角度变化较大,气流环绕对内膛平均风速有显著性影响(<0.05)。相较于无气流环绕模式,气流环绕风送施药的冠层总体叶片背面雾滴平均覆盖率提高了33.7%;冠层内膛叶片正面雾滴平均覆盖率提高了42.9%,叶片背面雾滴平均覆盖率提高了40.4%。研究结果可为果园风送式施药提供新的思路。


0 引 言




1 整机结构与工作原理

1.1 整机结构


1.2 工作原理


2 关键部件设计

2.1 风机进风口设计与风量确定




注:h为两侧出风口之间距离的一半,m;为进风口到最底端出风口的垂直距离,m;R为风机进风口半径,m;F为作业速度,m·s-1;α为射流极角,(°)。 Note: h is the half the distance between the two sides relative to the air outlet, m; is the vertical distance between the inlet and the lowest outlet, m; R is the inlet radius of the fan, m; F is the operation speed, m·s-1; α is the jet cone angle,(°).

2.2 基于冠层内气流衰减的喷雾机出风口参数确定

出口风速是果园风送式施药的重要参数,决定施药作业质量。目前风送式喷雾机出口风速多采用“到达冠层表面的气流速度”作为评价依据。通过前期试验发现,雾滴群到达冠层内膛的水平气流速度2=1.0~2.0 m/s,气流具备一定能量扰动枝叶,使雾滴有效沉积于叶片上。由于本文中喷雾机出风口到冠层边缘距离较短,冠层外气流能量衰减可忽略不计。将冠层等效为多孔介质[22],通过动量附加源项S修正的动量方程,用来表征气流沿水平轴经过冠层后的动量损失,如式(3)所示。


2.3 风机风压确定


联立式(8)~(9)可得,为使气体在门型工作空间内呈环绕流动效果,轴流风机所提供的压力应不小于857.8 Pa。

2.4 门型机架

门型机架整体尺寸为2.3 m×1.0 m×2.0 m。顶部转角处用钢管支撑形成“四面体”结构,两侧钢管之间焊接横向钢管,以增强门型机架的抗弯和抗扭能力,门型机架顶部使用锰钢方管,长度2.3 m,规格8 cm×8 cm,许用应力160 MPa。

2.5 药液回收装置


为了防止机具运行触碰果树,根据机具整体尺寸确定承液槽长度为1.2 m,宽度为0.45 m,深度3 cm;门型挡罩与承液槽焊接一起,长度为1.2 m,高度为1.4 m,如图5所示。

1.主药箱 2.喷头 3.承液槽 4.回收液泵 5.压力表 6.分配阀 7.柱塞泵 8.副药箱

3 气流场分布测试试验

为了明晰气流流向与速度分布规律,在南京农业大学植保机械工程技术实验室(2020年9月22-24日)与南京市六合区祝玉三和家庭农场(2021年3月20-21日)利用TSI 9565风速仪(TSI Inc.,Minnesota,USA,量程:1.27~78.7 m/s,精度:读数的± 2%,分辨率:0.01 m/s)开展气流场分布试验。

3.1 气流流向分布测试试验

根据机具最下侧出风口离地高度,在离地0.8 m高度上设置一平行于地面的水平采样层,沿高度方向向上每隔0.4 m布置一个水平采样层,共设置4个水平采样层。在每个水平采样层上,选取轴流风机进风口正下方投影点为中心采样点,并沿着两侧出风口的连线方向,在中心采样点左右两侧每间隔0.14 m设置一个采样点,每侧设置5个,每层11个,共计44个。如图6所示。

1.风道 2.轴流风机 3.挡罩 4.喷头 5.五孔测针 6.可移动支架

由图7可知,气流从喷嘴射出后,受到门型工作空间外部大气压的影响,出风口风向非水平吹出,出风口风向与树干方向的夹角的平均绝对值为74°。从出风口至中心区域气流夹角的平均绝对值总体逐渐减小,气流风向与竖直方向的夹角在不断缩小,呈现竖直变化的趋势,说明进风口负压区产生的轴向吸力使气流方向趋于竖直状态。在冠层内膛即高度(0.8~1.8 m)、树干中心线两侧0.25 m的中心区域气流角度变化较大,变化范围为7~12°。综合气流的运动轨迹可知,在进风口的负压吸力作用下,气流实现了由外及内、再由下而上的运动。



3.2 气流速度分布测试试验

为了进一步验证有无气流环绕对冠层内气流速度分布的影响,将冠层划分为8个区域(图9),其中内膛包括4个测量区域(1、4、5、8)。冠层下端采样点区域的中心距离地面高度为1.0 m,沿着高度方向每隔0.4 m布置一个采样区域。

设置风机转速为800、1 000和1 200 r/min,利用TSI 9565风速仪(TSI Inc.,Minnesota,USA)测量气流环绕状态下3个风机转速下冠层内各采样点风速。同时,记录冠层内各样点位置信息,继续测量无气流环绕状态下的各采样点风速。每个采样点测3次取平均值。


表2 冠层内气流速度方差分析

4 田间试验

2019年8月在南京逸夫农业发展有限公司的山楂园进行田间试验,如图10。该果园种植行距5 m、株距3 m、果树冠形为纺锤形,平均冠幅1.6 m、平均树高2.0 m。喷雾机横跨果树,通过调节支撑门架,使出风口到冠层的距离1 m,且进风口面向冠层顶部。同时设置无气流环绕组(风机进风口朝向天空)为对照组。

雾滴覆盖率试验采样点布置同气流速度分布试验(图9),每个采样点选取一片叶子,在正、反面放置纸卡(76 mm×76 mm,M&G Stationery Inc.,Shanghai,China)。

试验时机具参数为行驶速度1 m/s左右,喷雾压力0.5 MPa,喷雾流量1.5 L/min,喷施质量分数为0.5%的丽春红2R水溶液(SSS Reagent Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai,China)。试验发现风机转速为800 r/min,气流对叶片的扰动较小,风机转速为1 200 r/min时,冠层顶部的叶片翻转幅度较大,不利于1、2、3分区药液的沉积,故将风机转速调至1 000 r/min进行雾滴覆盖率试验,每组试验测试3棵山楂树。喷雾试验结束后用高拍仪(Microtek Technology Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai,China)采集纸卡上的图像信息,结合Matlab处理得到冠层内各采样点的雾滴覆盖率,结果如图11。

由图11可知,风机转速为1 000 r/min时,冠层叶片的雾滴覆盖率在有、无气流环绕的影响下差异较大,其中冠层内膛(1、4、5、8分区)雾滴覆盖率提升效果较为明显,叶片正面雾滴覆盖率平均提高了42.9%,叶片背面雾滴覆盖率平均提高了40.4%;冠层总体叶片背面雾滴覆盖率,平均提高了33.7%。气流环绕能够有效提高果树冠层各区域的雾滴覆盖率。



5 讨 论






6 结 论


2)通过顶置风机负压吸风,实现了果树施药气流由外及内、再由下而上的运动,在冠层内膛即高度(0.8~1.8 m)、树干中心线两侧0.25 m的中心区域气流角度变化显著,气流环绕对内膛平均风速有显著影响。


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Design and test of circulating air-assisted sprayer for dwarfed orchard

Qiu Wei1, Sun Hao1, Sun Yuhui1, Liao Yangyang1, Zhou Liangfu2, Wen Zhenjie1

(1.,,210095,; 2.,,210023,)

Conventional air-assisted spraying declines rapidly to stagnate in general, particularly when the droplets reach the canopy in an orchard. Unfavorable spray effects thus often occur, such as "difficult to penetrate" and "difficult to deposit inside the canopy and the back of leaves". In this study, a new idea was proposed to form multi-source wind disturbance for the direction change of airflow inside the canopy, namely, "from outside to inside, and then from bottom to top". Firstly, the movement tracking of droplet flow under the surrounding airflow was analyzed to determine the structure of a sprayer and the key parameters. The sprayer with a "door" type structure was composed of a surrounding air-assisted system, a spraying and recovery system, a hydraulic drive system, and a crawler chassis. An axial flow fan was placed at the top of the canopy. Specifically, the air inlet of the fan was facing the top of the canopy, whereas, the air outlet of the fan was connected with an air duct to transport the air into eight subsequent outlets. Meanwhile, the negative-pressure suction was generated through the air inlet of the fan, thereby moving the air flow "from bottom to top" in the canopy. Four flumes were arranged below the shields to receive the lost droplets. Two pumps were utilized to transfer the recovered droplets into the auxiliary tank for environmental protection. The size of the gate-type opening was adjusted in a certain range for various planting patterns in an orchard. The key parameters of the surrounding air-assisted system were also optimized using the displacement theory of air volume and jets. The air velocity of the outlet was determined to be 10-20 m/s, while, the wind pressure provided by the axial flow fan cannot be less than 857.8 Pa. Secondly, the stress of the gantry frame was analyzed under the service condition to meet the user needs, where the bending and torsion resistance were verified in the theoretical evaluation. Thirdly, the five-hole probes and ribbon method were selected to field test the distribution of flow direction in a prototype of the sprayer. Meanwhile, the velocity distribution of the airflow field was also measured to verify whether the sprayer can produce the droplets flow from the outside to the inside and from the bottom to the top. It was found that the airflow angle changed significantly inside the canopy, especially in the height of 0.8-1.8 m and the center area of 0.25 m on both sides of the center line of a trunk. There was an obvious increase in airflow velocity under the surrounding air-assisted spraying. Finally, the spraying effects with and without surrounding air-assisted were compared at the fan speed of 1 000 r·min-1, where the coverage rate of the droplet was selected as an evaluation index. The coverage rate of the droplet on the leaf face increased by 42.9%, while that of the leaf back increased by 40.4%, where the overall leaf back increased by 33.7%, compared with traditional air-assisted spraying. It infered that the surrounding airflow significantly improved the droplets deposition coverage in the center of a canopy and leaf back. The findings can provide an insightful design idea for the surrounding air-assisted sprayer to produce the airflow suitable for plant protection in an orchard with dwarfed fruit trees. Follow-up experiments can be performed on the canopies of different sizes and thicknesses to clarify the influence of boundary conditions on the surrounding air-assisted spraying.

spray; design; circulating type; air-assisted; airflow movement; fruit tree canopy

邱威,孙浩,孙玉慧,等. 低矮果园环流式循环风送喷雾机设计与试验[J]. 农业工程学报,2021,37(6):18-25. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.06.003

Qiu Wei, Sun Hao, Sun Yuhui, et al. Design and test of circulating air-assisted sprayer for dwarfed orchard[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(6): 18-25. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.06.003









