Manners Start Here!文明礼貌并不难,这些词汇记心间


阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2021年9期

Are you a polite kid? Before you answer, lets do a quiz.

① If you want to borrow a pencil from a classmate, what will you say?

A. Say“May I borrow a pencil?”

B. Say“Give me a pencil.”

② What will you say if someone

asks,“Do you want to have a cup of tea?”

A. Say“Yes, please.”

B. Say“No, I dont.”

③ If you sneeze( 打喷嚏) on someone, what will you say?

A. Say“Excuse me, Im very sorry”and give him/her a napkin(纸巾).

B. Say“I had a cold”.

I bet(打赌)you chose A for each question. You are a polite kid. You have good manners(礼貌,礼仪)

It is not hard to have good manners.You can start with these polite words. When you use these words, you are a polite kid. You also make others feel comfortable.

Im sorry!

When you mess up(搞砸了).


When you greet(问候)someone,you can also do a little wave(挥手)!

Yes, please.

When someone asks you if you want something.

Youre welcome.

When someone thanks you.

No, thank you.

When you dont want something.

Thank you.

When you get something.


When you want something.

Excuse me!

You can use it in a lot of different situations(情形). Whenyou dont understand what someone just said, you say“Excuseme?”When you want someone to make way(让路)for you, yousay“Excuse me!”When you interrupt(打断)a conversation(谈话)or bump into(撞到)someone, you say“Excuse me.”

Table Manners in the West


Different places have different rules(规则). We have to follow rules. Letstake a look.

Table manners in the West(西方)and China are different. Chinese peopleshare dishes at the table. But in many other countries people have their ownportions(一份食物). If you go to dinner at the home of a foreign friend, whatshould you do?

1. Sometimes youre already very hungry. But dont rush(沖到)to the table and sit down. Wait for the host(主人)to invite you to the table.

2. Put your napkin(餐巾纸)on your lap(大腿).

3. Watch and wait. When the host picks up a fork, you can do the same.

4. Sit up straight(笔直地)and bring the food to your mouth. Dont bend down(弯腰)over your plate.

5. If you want to take food from serving dishes(盛食物的盘子),take only as much as you will finish.

6. Eating quietly isnt any fun. But if you want to talk, remember not to do it with your mouth full(满的).

7. Are you finished? Dont just push your plate away. Put your knife and fork parallel(平行的)across the plate. Leave your napkin on the table.

8. Do you want to leave the table early? You should ask for permission(許可)first.

What to do at a Chinese Meal?


Chinese food and Chinese table manners are different from those in the West.What should you do at the family meal? Take a look here.

1. A round table is popular inChina. At a family party, the best seatshould be for the eldest person. The seatfaces(面对)the door.

2. When the elders pick up the chopsticks(筷子), youcan pick up yours.

3. When you are eating, you should pick up the chopstickswith one hand and hold(扶着)your bowl with the other hand.

4. Do not chew(咀嚼)loudly. When you are drinkingsoup or eating noodles, you cant make any sound.

5. Dont stick(插)chopsticks upright(直立地)in therice bowl. People think its very bad luck.

6. When youre talking to someone, you should put yourchopsticks on a bowl. Do not hold them when talking.

7. If you tap(敲打)on your bowl with your chopsticks,your parents will be very angry. They think you are like abeggar(乞丐)tapping the bowl to ask for food.

8. Chinese people like to drink tea. How do you set down(摆放)the teapot(茶壶)? The spout(壶口)of the teapot cannot face towards(对着)anyone.

Manners in the Museum


The Louvre Museum(卢浮宫博物馆)is one of the most famous museums inthe world. Its in Paris, France.

There are a lot of great artworks(艺术品)in the museum. Lets visit andlearn some museum manners together.

1. The museum is very big. If you visit there withyour parents, stay with them during the visit.

2. There are a lot of things to see. Do not run in themuseum. Going too fast, you may miss something orbump into(撞到)someone.

3. Dont bring food or drink into the museum.

4. You must be curious(好奇的)about some artworks. You want to knowthe story behind them. But use low(低的)voices to talk about the art. The museum is foreveryone, so it is important to keep voices low!

5. Dont touch the artworks. The sweat(汗)on yourhands harms(损坏)the art. Keep your hands to yourself.

6. You can see many amazing sculptures(雕塑). Butdont stand on or climb on them.

7. There are many escalators(扶梯)in the museum. Becareful of others when you are getting on or off the escalators.

8. If you see the sign(标志牌)“No Photos”, you cant takepictures. If you see“No Flash(闪光灯)”, you can take picturesbut cant use flash.

When You are on the Playground


We love playgrounds. We can do our favorite exercises there. Wecan make friends there too. Are you a popular kid on the playground?

Amy is a popular kid on the playground. One day, she wants to playon the swings(秋千). But when she gets to the playground, she seessome kids playing on the swings. Amy waits by the swings for her turn(机会). Amy follows(遵守)the playground manners. What are theplayground manners?

·Be kind to each other.

·Play nicely together.

·Be polite to everyone.

·Be patient(耐心的).

·Learn to share.

·Be careful with the equipment(器材)

If you have a sports match(比赛)against your classmate,what manners should you follow on the playground?

1. Before the match begins, shake hands with your opponents(对手)and the judge(裁判).

2. During the match, respect(尊重)your opponent.

3. When the match is over, go up to your opponent. Shakehands with him or her. Say some friendly words to him or her.

I Want to Be a Good Reader


Do you often go to the school library or public library(公共图书馆)? Alibrary is a great place to read and find your favorite books. Here are some tips onhow to be a good reader in the library.

Stay safe

·Walk quietly in the library.

·Dont sit on the table.

Take care of books

·Dont write in the book.

·Dont eat or drink when youre reading a book.

·Turn the page in a book slowly and carefully.

·Use a bookmark(书签). Do not fold(折叠)a page.

·If you talk to your friend, please talk quietly.

·Put the book back in their places after reading.

·Do not take too many books at one time. Return(归还)some books before you take new ones.

Borrow a book

·Use computers when you are searching for(搜索)a book.

·Take turns(轮流)using the computers.

·If you dont find the book, go to tell a librarian(图书管理员). He/she can help you.

Take responsponsibility

·Return books on time.

·If you want to read them for another week, go to the library to renew(续借).

·Put the book in a safe place at home. Keep it from your cat or dog.

·If your library book is lost or damaged(破损的), pay the cost(成本)to replace(更换)the book.

Polite Ways to Receive Gifts


In China, people receive(接受)gifts with both hands and say thanks. But wedont open the gift when receiving it. We like to open it later, after the giver leaves.We think its polite to do so.

In the West(西方), its polite to open the gift in front ofthe giver and say thanks. So if you receive a gift from a foreignfriend, you can do this. Your friend hopes you are excited toget it and will really love it. Today, its also acceptable(可以接受的)to do that between you and your Chinese friends. Butif you get gifts from Chinese elders, youd better follow theChinese rules.

Fun facts

Giving the wrong gift will make people angry.

In China, its bad luck to give a clock as Chinese New Years gift.

In Russia, giving money is disrespectful(不尊重的)to people.

In Japan, you should not give a comb(梳子)as a gift. It sounds like the Japanese word for dead(死亡的)


