

葡萄酒 2021年3期

David Allen MW


In the hit 1990s US sitcom Friends, Phoebe,a rather unworldly character, explains theidea of finding your lobster. She argues“itis a known fact that lobsters fall in love andmate for life...”and that“you can actuallysee old lobsters couples walking round theirtank…holding claws.”l have no idea if thisis true, however the gift of two wineglassesconfirmed for me that l had indeed foundmy lobster!






once bought a half-bottle of thewonderful 1988 Chateau d' Yquem froma customer-they had been given it andfelt they would not be able to appreciateit, and were prepared to accept a price forit that I quite openly told them was at thelow end of its value. I decided that wouldbe the bottle I celebrated with when Ifinally passed the Master of Wine examsSeveral years passed and this dreamgrew, to encompass drinking the winefrom Riedel Sommelier Sauternes glassesThis was a private dream, and I nevertold anybody else about it in case it neverhappened...

Austrian glass-maker Riedel made theirname developing glasses especiallyshaped to suit different wine styles andvarieties. Each is shaped to deliver aparticular wine to the position on thetongue where it will be most appreciatedThe Sommelier Range comprisespremium, hand-blown glasses made offine Austrian crystal. The Sauternes glasshas a distinct tulip-shape to capture thearomas, a tightly turned-in lip and smallopening that ensure the sweet wine firstreaches the tip of the tongue where sugaris normally perceived.

In September 2010 I finally received thenews that I had passed and could use theletters M.W! I had expected the newsand reckoned that if I passed, I mightbe able to slip into London in my lunch-break, visit the Riedel shop and buy theappropriate glasses The day turned outdifferently, my boss and the owner of thecompany took me out to celebrate! Thatevening there wasn't sufficient time tovisit the shop and make the purchase, so Ireturned home feeling slightly deflated.

On reaching the house my wife told meshe had bought me a gift and presentedme with a pair of Riedel SommelierSauternes glasses without knowing thatthis was the one thing I most wanted topurchase that day, she had visited thevery shop I wanted to visit and boughtthe exact glasses I had so wanted to buyThin king of this still ma kes the hairs onthe back of my neck stand on end!We didn't drink the d' Yquem that nightbut saved it for the celebration of ourwedding anniversary several days laterSome people are skeptical about theability of wineglasses to alter d rinker'sappreciation of wines. These glasses werenot cheap, costing about as much as thewine, but compared to the same winefrom other glasses the improvement wasastounding and well worth it I may bebiased however, as to me the gift waspriceless!

David Allen MW

葡萄酒大師(Master of Wine):葡萄酒信息搜索网站Wine-Searcher(葡萄酒搜索引擎)的葡萄酒总监。从业近30年,具有丰富的葡萄酒销售、推广、培训、品鉴等方面的知识。

