

江苏科技报·E教中国 2021年4期

Product by European Commission  歐盟


Fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem

Promoting high-quality and inclusive digital education must be a common endeavour across society. Policies relevant for digital education need to be better connected and the EU can contribute to this work at all levels. Key players, in particular teachers and trainers, should be better equipped and trained to participate more effectively in the digital transformation of education and understand the opportunities this can bring, when used effectively.

Effective digital capacity planning and development is vital for education and training systems. This requires the development and ongoing review and updating of digital strategies addressing technology gaps in infrastructure, devices and developing relevant organisational capabilities in education, including the capacity to deliver hybrid modes of learning and teaching (remote and on-site). Capacity should be developed to ensure accessibility to assistive technologies and accessible digital content and more generally address unequal access, e.g. on socio-economic or rural-urban grounds. Institutionalised support is essential for such planning and development, as are interdisciplinary teams including management, technologists and instructional designers, with the needs and experience of education and training staff at the centre.

Very high-capacity internet connectivity is critical for education. Demand for connectivity is increasing due to bandwidth-heavy applications such as video streaming, video conferencing, cloud computing, and other emerging applications (such as virtual and augmented reality). Bringing fast and reliable internet to educational institutions and learners plays an important role in ensuring effective and engaging learning experiences. This means ensuring that internet access is not confined to a specific classroom or computer lab.

Digital education content and training in digital skills—including digital teaching methods—will be essential for staff. They will benefit from stronger support for online, in-person or blended teaching, depending on the context and needs of the learner. Educators should be empowered to adopt innovative methods; engage in peer learning and share their experiences. A trusted digital education ecosystem requires high-quality content, user-friendly tools, value-adding services and secure platforms that maintain privacy and uphold ethical standards. Accessibility, inclusiveness and learner-centred design are vital. The development of European digital educational content should promote the highest pedagogical and educational quality and respect the diversity and cultural richness of the Member States.

To support a high-performing digital education ecosystem, the European Commission will pursue the following actions:

1.Launch a strategic dialogue with Member States in order to prepare a possible proposal for a Council Recommendation by 2022 on the enabling factors for successful digital education.

2.Drawing on lessons from the COVID-19 crisis, propose a Council Recommendation on online and distance learning for primary and secondary education by the end of 2021.

3.Develop a European Digital Education Content Framework that will build on European cultural and creative diversity, launch a feasibility study on the creation of a European exchange platform to share certified online resources and link existing education platforms.

4.Support Gigabit connectivity of schools, as well as connectivity in schools under the Connecting Europe Facility Programme. Carry out Connectivity4Schools awareness raising actions on funding opportunities. Encourage Member States to make the most of EU support with regard to internet access, purchase of digital equipment and e-learning applications and platforms.

5.Use Erasmus cooperation projects to support the digital transformation plans of primary, secondary, vocational education and training (VET), higher, and adult-education institutions. Support digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools for teachers, through Erasmus Teacher Academies and launch an online self-assessment tool for teachers.

6.Develop ethical guidelines on artificial intelligence (AI) and data usage in teaching and learning for educators and support related research and innovation activities through Horizon Europe.













