

光电工程 2021年3期

赵涵卓,高 楠,孟召宗,张宗华


赵涵卓,高 楠*,孟召宗,张宗华

河北工业大学机械工程学院,天津 300130

针对现有标定方法在相机无公共视场情况下的局限性,本文提出使用双平面标定板对双相机进行同时标定的方法。通过推导两个相机与两个标定板间的坐标变换,将待标定相机与参考相机的相对位姿关系的求解转换为较为成熟的手眼标定方程求解。通过实验验证:该方法可实现双相机的同时标定,且方法的绝对误差不超过0.089 mm,较为可靠;在双视角三维测量系统中,与相位-深度的累积误差不超过0.116 mm,可为进一步的数据融合提供可靠的初值。此外,由于本方法灵活方便,可适用于多视角三维测量系统的同时标定。


1 引 言


近些年来,国内外学者提出了许多双相机及多相机全局标定方法。例如,苏显渝等人[7]利用经纬仪或激光跟踪仪组成空间坐标系测量系统测得各个相机之间的角度及距离关系,求解出多相机之间的转换关系。鲁亚楠等人[8]提出了通过旋转台带动平面标靶旋转适当角度,即可求解出旋转台旋转角度与待标定相机坐标系之间的非线性关系,得到多相机之间的转换矩阵的方法。Liu Z等人[9]使用激光雷达扫描得到组成立体靶标的三个标板之间的位姿关系,然后利用该立体靶标完成三个相机的标定。以上方法简单有效,但是均需借助辅助设备,成本较高。Besl等人[10]基于ICP(iterative closest point)算法提出了多视角三维数据的融合方法,该方法及其改进算法后来也成为相机视角中应用最广泛的融合算法。但是,两相机相对位姿关系初值的准确性会直接决定ICP算法的速度和鲁棒性,对于多相机初值的确定有以下几个方法:楚圣辉等人[11]将一个大平面标定板置于4个待标定相机的公共视场内,以标定板为中介统一各个相机坐标系到一个坐标系来完成多相机的全局标定,但是该方法只适用于多相机视角方向一致的情况;潘华伟等人[12]对该类方法进行改进,采用平面标定板依次标定两个相邻相机的内外参数,最后逐个将各相机坐标系转换到一个相机坐标系,该方法虽然可完成无公共视场的多个相机的标定,但是操作复杂且无法实现多相机的同时标定。郎威等人[13]提出了通过旋转台带动平面标靶旋转适当角度,求解出旋转台旋转角度与待标定相机坐标系之间的转换关系,继而求得多相机之间的相对位姿关系,该方法性能稳定,但只能获取特定视角下三维数据的位置关系。


图1 测量系统模型

2 标定原理

2.1 子系统标定原理





2.2 双视角全局标定原理



3 实验验证及结果

为了验证本文提出的标定方法的准确性,根据条纹投影三维测量技术的原理,研制了一套如图3所示的双视角三维测量系统固定于光学平台上,作为该课题所需的硬件系统。选用精度高、可靠性强且输出稳定的BenQCP270的数字投影仪一台,物理分辨率是1024 pixels×768 pixels;选用具有高速传输、信噪比高、实用性强等优点的SVS-eco655CVGE相机两台,其分辨率为1280 pixels×1024 pixels,搭配的镜头的变焦焦距为12 mm~36 mm。

首先完成两个视角的相机标定及全局标定,标定用的双棋盘格标定板如图4,其中每个标定板上的棋盘格数量为13×12,每个棋盘格的边长为6 mm,两个标定板之间的位置灵活可调,当两个相机均可拍摄到较高质量的图像时,对两个标定板分别进行固定,使两个标定板固定连接为一体。具体标定流程如下:






为了验证全局标定精度,将一个较大的高精度陶瓷平面标定板摆放在两个相机前,如图5所示,该标定板棋盘格的标准间距为20 mm。假设相机1拍摄的特征点在相机1坐标系下的三维坐标为b1,其相邻特征点在相机2坐标系下的三维坐标为b2。根据全局标定结果将b2转换到相机1坐标系下得到b1。计算b1与b1之间的距离,将计算距离与真实距离之间的误差作为全局标定的绝对误差。本文将验证标定板摆放了三个位置,每个图验证位置处选择如图6中标红的44个距离,计算得到的最大误差、最小误差和平均误差如表1所示。

由全局标定的验证结果可知,本文确定的全局标定方法标定误差最高为0.089 mm,标定结果较为可靠。

图3 双视角三维测量系统

图4 双棋盘格标定板

图5 全局标定精度验证

图6 选取的验证距离

图7 双圆环标定板

表1 全局标定精度验证结果

由于条纹投影三维测量中需要向标定板投射高对比度的条纹以完成相位的提取,但由于标定板上黑色棋盘格部分对条纹具有低反射率,解算得到的绝对相位会缺失一部分的相位数据,导致最终标定精度的下降。故在两个子系统的同时标定中采用如图7的两个等间距圆环标定板完成,其中每个标定板上的圆环数量为9×12,每两个相邻圆环中心的间距为7.5 mm。这样每个视角都使用的是对应的圆环标定板进行标定,从而既可以实现无重叠视场节点间的同时标定,还可以避免圆环由于倾斜角度过大而导致的圆心偏差。本系统选择的相移条纹数为100、99及90,每组条纹图之间的相位差为π/2,即每组条纹图都符合四步相移法。

系统标定完成之后,使用具有平行面的台阶来验证系统精度,该台阶面之间的真实间距由精度为1 μm的三坐标测量仪测得。与系统标定实验相同,利用相移法及最佳条纹相结合的方法获得台阶表面的绝对相位信息,由已标定的系统参数和得到的台阶的展开相位可算出每个台阶面上所有点的相对深度,恢复出台阶的三维形貌。如图8为视角1恢复的实验结果,图9为视角2恢复的实验结果。在每个台阶面上选择靠台阶面中间的大部分点拟合出5个相互平行的平面,然后在每个台阶面上均匀地取一定量的点,利用Geomagic 11中的工具测量它们到相邻台阶面的距离,再对其进行平均,就可比较准确地得到相邻台阶面的测量间距。

由于两个视角恢复出的三维点云在两个相机坐标系中,而两个相机坐标系之间的转换关系已通过全局标定得到,于是我们将两片点云转换到一个坐标系下进行融合,融合结果如图10所示,可见无明显的分层和错位的现象。然后同样对融合的台阶面之间的距离进行拟合计算,便可得到融合台阶的测量结果。视角1、视角2恢复出的台阶以及两视角融合台阶的测量距离和测量误差见表2,由实验结果可知,本文采用的全局标定方法和子系统标定方法的累计误差不超过0.116 mm。

4 结 论


图8 视角1恢复的台阶三维形貌

图9 相机2视角恢复的台阶三维形貌

图10 两视角融合效果图

表2 双视角测量结果(单位:mm)

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Method of simultaneous calibration of dual view 3D measurement system

Zhao Hanzhuo, Gao Nan*, Meng Zhaozong, Zhang Zonghua

College of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China

Global calibration diagram

Overview:The fringe projection measurement method is widely used in various fields due to its simple structure, high precision, and resolution, full field measurement, etc. The research on the single-view system of the fringe projection measurement method has been relatively mature. The dual-view fringe projection measurement system is an extension of the single-view fringe projection measurement system, a larger range of three-dimensional geometric information can be obtained by expanding the camera's field of view. In the dual-view fringe projection measurement system, the three-dimensional measurement results of the subsystem are always restored in the camera coordinate system, while the two camera coordinate systems are independent of each other in the dual-view fringe projection measurement system. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the transformation relationship between the two camera coordinate systems, the process of solving the transformation relationship between the two camera coordinate systems is called global calibration. Global calibration is the most important task in the calibration of dual and multi view systems. However, the existing global calibration methods require expensive auxiliary equipment when the two cameras have no common field of view, which adds a certain cost to the calibration, and when the viewing angle of the system is more than two, the method of relying on the auxiliary equipment is limited. Aiming at the limitations of the existing global calibration methods, this paper proposes a method to achieve dual-view global calibration by using two plane calibration boards: Firstly, through a series of derivation, the problem of solving the transformation matrix between the two camera coordinate systems is transformed into the problem of solving the hand-eye calibration equation which is more mature in the field of robot; Secondly, adjust the two calibration boards to the appropriate position according to the placement of the camera, and fix the two calibration boards; Thirdly, place the two calibration boards at several positions in the field of view of the two cameras at the same time to obtain several equations; Finally, the conversion matrix between the two cameras is obtained by using the quaternion method, least square method, and nonlinear optimization. The method identified in this paper does not require additional auxiliary equipment, and it is proved by quantitative experiments: this method can realize the calibration of dual cameras simultaneously and the absolute error of the method does not exceed 0.089 mm, which is relatively reliable; in the dual-view 3D measurement system, the cumulative error of global calibration and phase-depth does not exceed 0.116 mm, which can provide a reliable initial value for further data fusion. In addition, the global calibration method determined in this paper is suitable for multi-view 3D measurement systems. When the number of cameras is more than two, the calibration board corresponding to the number of cameras can be added to achieve simultaneous calibration of multiple cameras.

Zhao H Z, Gao N, Meng Z Z,Method of simultaneous calibration of dual view 3D measurement system[J]., 2021, 48(3): 200127; DOI:10.12086/oee.2021.200127

Method of simultaneous calibration of dual view 3D measurement system

Zhao Hanzhuo, Gao Nan*, Meng Zhaozong, Zhang Zonghua

College of Mechanical Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300130, China

In view of the limitations of the existing methods when the camera has no common field of view, this paper proposes a method of using two plane calibration plates to calibrate two cameras at the same time. By deriving the coordinate transformation between the two cameras and two calibration plates, the solution of the relative pose relationship between any camera and the reference camera is transformed into a more mature hand-eye calibration equation. The experimental results show that this method can achieve simultaneous calibration of two cameras, and the absolute error is less than 0.089 mm. In the dual vision 3D measurement system, the cumulative error with phase height is less than 0.116 mm, which can provide a reliable initial value for the next step of data fusion.

dual vision measurement; global calibration; system calibration; fringe projection

Major Project of the Scientific Equipment Development of China (2017YFF0106404), National Natural Science Foundation of China (51675160), and Major Basic Research Projects of Hebei Applied Basic Research Program (15961701D)




* E-mail:

赵涵卓,高楠,孟召宗,等. 双视角三维测量系统同时标定方法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(3): 200127

Zhao H Z, Gao N, Meng Z Z,Method of simultaneous calibration of dual view 3D measurement system[J]., 2021, 48(3): 200127








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