

疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年3期

河南 陈志强

Step 1 感知·阅读导航

近日,“凡尔赛文学”突然走红,虽然名字听起来像是文艺复兴时期的文学类型,实指“以低调的方式进行炫耀”的话语模式,但是点击热搜我们可以发现,这种“文学”现在其实是用来调侃貌似低调实则炫耀的人群。让“凡尔赛文学”更大范围地进入大众视野的是蒙淇淇女士。蒙淇淇女士是一名作家,虽然很少有人看过她的书,但是她因为在社交平台上分享一些日常动态而走红。 她的粉丝很羡慕她的生活,但是仔细看了看她的动态却发现,有些地方似乎有待商榷。 她的“凡尔赛文学”风格不断引起公众的质疑和群嘲。 众说纷纭,对此,你又有何见解?

本文是一篇关于热点话题的时文热评,就当下流行的“凡尔赛文学”进行了探究。 全文467词,建议用时7 分钟。


1. 了解“凡尔赛文学”的起源、特征、兴起的原因和影响。

2. 把握时文热评类文章的主要结构,掌握“导入→概念→起源→特征→原因→影响→评价”型的文章主线。

3. 探究当下“凡尔赛文学”形成与走红的社会原因,并就信息时代背景下,如何利用网络平台恰当分享私人信息、传递积极的价值导向和建立自信这些问题进行探讨。


Ⅰ. Questionnaire

1. Do you often release any information about your study and daily activities on social media platforms?

□Never. □Seldom. □Sometimes. □Often.

2. What kind of information would you like to release on social media platforms?

□School life. □Family. □Amusement. □Others.

3. What do you think of the information released by you?

□Positive. □Negative. □Influential. □Meaningless.

Ⅱ. Discussion

Do you know about the online writer Meng Qiqi and her Versailles-style words released online?Look at the following two pictures from her blog. How would you feel at her words and what would you say about them? What are the characteristics of her Versailles-style words?

Ⅲ. Prediction

Supposing you're the author of this article, what would you talk about according to the title?

A competition of imitating Versailles-style words was launched on Sina Weibo. Chinese netizens took it as an amusement and jokingly made up their very own humblebrag(自谦式自夸) words.

Similar to the term “humblebrag”, originally used to mock celebrities on Twitter who complain and brag at the same time, “Versailles Literature” is being used by Chinese netizens on social media platforms to describe literary content which pretends to casually show off one's privileged life. The term comes from The Rose of Versailles, a Japanese manga (日本漫画) about noble and wealthy life at the palace of Versailles in France in the late 18th century, social media celebrity Milk Ball told the Global Times.

Milk Ball once posted a widely discussed video titled Versailles Literature Open Class on Sina Weibo, which summarized the characteristics of Versailles-style words: through reverse (颠倒的) expressions with simple tones to express the feeling of superiority.

Some Chinese TV and film works would contain “humblebrag” reflected in plots in which the lives of ordinary people are rare, while the rich and wealthy become the mainstream. Whether in urban dramas or in youth romantic dramas, lead characters are usually from rich families or have a high-income job that can afford their comfortable life. The extravagant (奢侈的) lifestyles in these dramas and films, and easy success of lead characters, also provide targets and examples for audiences who are in the middle class.

These unrealistic characters are similar to the humblebrag words posted by the Sina Weibo user Meng Qiqi, who, like many other bloggers, has created an enviable character setting for herself: rich,high-status, having access to high-end places randomly, and also receiving her husband's extreme love, giving audiences a misunderstanding that such “perfection” can be found in real life.

In the past, people directly showed their wealth in real interactions. Now, after the new media came into the public's eyes, more people show off in a roundabout way for comparative psychological advantage, believing that it is smarter and more acceptable, Shi Gang, an expert in psychology at the China Agricultural University, told the Global Times.

Some were envious of Meng Qiqi's description, but other netizens thought it was funny and hypocritical (伪善的).

“At present, many people have a deep inner vanity that cannot be put on the table. Especially in the prevailing Internet economy, some people imagine a wide ‘audience’ and rely on others' watching and promoting them to shape their own identity,” Shi said.

Netizens have set up a Versailles Literature study group on major Chinese media review platform Douban, which currently has more than 34,000 members.

“Every time I read these words, I have mixed feelings, as if I were a poor student. But I have to face a good student who said ‘my grades were terrible as I didn't make much effort’,” said Zhang Yuan, a member of the Versailles Literature study group.

Step 2 理解·文本解读

Ⅰ. Understanding the genre

What is the genre of this article?

Ⅱ. Summarizing the gist

What does this article focus on?

Ⅲ. Analyzing the structure


Introduction Definition & 1._____2._____3. _____4._____

Ⅳ. Sorting out basic facts

1. In what case is Versailles Literature being used by Chinese netizens?Where is the term from?

2. What is the characteristic of Versailles-style words?

3. How many factors contribute to the rise of Versailles-style words? What are they?

4. What did netizens think of Meng Qiqi's description?

5. What is the hidden reason for Versailles-style words' popularity according to Shi Gang?

6. In what way are Versailles-style words likely to influence people according to the article?

【点石成金】在阅读各类文章时,我们都要牢牢把握文章的主要和次要信息。 主要信息是对理解文章主题起到关键作用、不可缺少的信息。 主要信息的残缺会导致对文章主题意义的探究不再完整和深入。 而次要的信息则是对文章主题起不到关键作用的、可有可无的信息。

在不同的文体中,主要信息和次要信息有所不同。 作为一篇时文热评,在阅读本文时,我们应时时聚焦“凡尔赛文学”这一主题,从而在阅读完语篇时能够对“凡尔赛文学”的兴起原因、应用场景、主要特征、重要影响和人们对“凡尔赛文学”的评价有一个比较全面和深入的理解。 这种理解也为后期的读写结合活动做了较为充分和必要的铺垫。

以上所提出的六个问题都聚焦文章的主要信息,形成了较为完整的问题链。 对于不影响理解“凡尔赛文学”的导入部分,并没有提出相关问题。

Ⅴ. Exploring the theme

As Versailles-style words are going viral currently, do you think Versailles-style will exist in the long run? Why?

Step 3 运用·读写整合

Finding a solution

Read the following passage. Supposing you're Li Hua, what would you say to your mother to decrease your growing pains? Please write a letter to your mother.

Growing pains

Li Hua is suffering growing pains these days. He grows up in a single-parent family.Twelve years ago, his father got killed in a traffic accident. Since then, his mother has been bringing him up alone despite many adversities. She has placed all her hope on Li Hua, who is a top student at school and an apple in her eyes at home. His mother is so proud of him and often releases some information about his academic performance on her WeChat Moments, for which Li Hua is under constant pressure. What should he do?

Dear mom,

Yours sincerely,

Your son, Li Hua

【点石成金】本部分的输出环节立足于真实的情境去解决真实的问题。语篇以“Growing pains”为小标题概括了主题,正文部分则为情境概述,包括了人物、事件和矛盾三个基本要素。 而矛盾的解决则需要我们在理解两篇文章的基础上去进行。 学生首先需要理解“Growing pains”究竟是什么,然后再把“Growing pains”与“Versailles-style words”进行关联,进而进行迁移和应用,提出针对性的解决措施。 在提出问题的解决方案时,还需要设身处地地理解母亲的感受与艰辛,让交流得体而富有真情,让说理充分而富有条理。

Step 4 提升·素养建构


凡尔赛宫(法文:Château de Versailles)是巴黎著名的宫殿之一。时下,与凡尔赛宫有一定渊源的“凡尔赛”一词常成为高贵、奢华的代名词。 与其相关的“凡尔赛文学”则指通过先抑后扬、自问自答的方式或第三人称视角,不经意间露出“贵族生活的线索”的“文学”形式,深谙“凡尔赛文学”的人,被称为“凡尔赛人”。

更多关于凡尔赛宫的介绍,请参阅P33 文章A glimpse of Palace of Versailles。


All superiority does not come from appearance, body, knowledge, family, wealth, status,achievements or power; it comes only from the lack of horizons and compassion.

所有的优越感都不是来自容貌、身材、知识、家族、财富、地位、成就和权力,它只来自缺乏见识和悲悯。 (孟非,主持人)

A truly rich man never shows off anything he has. He doesn't tell anyone what books he has read, what car he has driven, where he has been, how many clothes he has, or what jewelry he has bought, because he has no sense of inferiority.

内心真正富足的人,从不炫耀他所拥有的一切。 他不会告诉别人他读过什么书、开过什么车、去过什么地方、有多少件衣裳、买过什么珠宝,因为他没有自卑感。 (亦舒,作家)

There is nothing noble in being superior to some other man. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.

比他人优越并无任何高贵之处。 真正的高贵在于超越过去的自我。 (欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威,美国作家)

A truly strong person does not need to obtain a sense of security from the outside world, nor does he need to rely on the recognition, appreciation or affirmation of others. He will only be down-to-earth,do his best in material life, pursue spiritual prosperity, and constantly improve his inner accomplishment.

真正内心强大的人,不需要从外界获得安全感,也无须依赖于他人的认可、欣赏和肯定。 他只会脚踏实地,对物质生活量力而行,追求精神上的富足,不断完善内在修养。

