

世界建筑 2021年3期

伊拉里亚·詹内蒂/Ilaria Giannetti

朱琳 译/Translated by ZHU Lin









译注/Notes from Translator

i 读音/z"εmpərɪŋ/,英文动词“semper”的现在进行时。在建筑和设计中,指对材料或部件进行的建设性操作,在最终产品上留下有意义的形式痕迹。是来自建筑师戈特弗里德·森佩尔(Gottfried Semper,1803-1879)姓氏的新词。

ii 建筑文化(Baukultur)描述了人类在改变自然或建筑环境方面的成就总和。与建筑学(建筑艺术)不同的是,建筑文化包括建筑环境的所有要素;建筑文化远远超出了单个建筑的建造和设计,还包括诸如城市发展和地方规划,工程师对交通结构的设计,特别是建筑艺术和公共空间的艺术。作为一个延伸的文化概念,建筑文化通常以一个国家或地区的历史和传统为基础。

2011年,位于诺伊德广场上的乌特勒支中央邮局在服务了近一个世纪后,向公众关闭。这座由建筑师约瑟夫·克劳威尔(1885-1962)在1919-1924年间设计和建造的建筑被认为是城市公共生活的象征,在2001年被命名为国家纪念碑[1]。2008年,荷兰瑞恩波特建筑事务所接受委托完成了该建筑的再开发项目,其中包括将其改造成一个带有商店、餐馆和自行车停车场的公共图书馆1)。室内设计由Zecc建筑事务所负责[2]。建筑师们接受了挑战并宣称他们要将该建筑改造成 “城市的客厅”(huiskamer voor de stad)[3]。





1 从诺伊德广场观看乌特勒支中央图书馆外景,2020年7月/Utrecht Central Library, exterior view from the Neude, July 2020



按照第二种方法,阅览室中许多原本隐藏在克劳威尔设计中的桁架部分被暴露出来,从而将这些环境的空间表现力与承重结构的形象联系起来 (图5)。这种操作格外重视原有设计的记忆,因此没有粉刷原本隐藏的桁架部分。钢筋混凝土结构独特的构造细节也以同样的方式处理,柱子和梁之间的连接在改造项目中被揭示并完全暴露出来,成为位于三层的阅览室空间概念的一个组成部分(图6)。





Memory and Regeneration

Column Editors: Alberto Bologna, Michele Bonino, Pierre-Alain Croset

The Actuality of Tectonics in Contemporary Architectural Design Culture

Contemporary design culture identifies the term tectonics as the art of assembly. The critical analysis of an architectural project or, on a methodological level, its setting on the basis of construction issues, is an ancient practice with no geographical boundaries, which finds its theoretical roots in the 19th century Gottfried Semper"s thinking. His ideas and pragmatic operational approach have served as the basis for the definition of an architectural theory which has garnered great critical acclaim over the last two centuries, representing the starting point from where Kenneth Frampton derives the critical and narrative path of his "Studies in Tectonic Culture" - studied also in China thanks to the 2007 translation by Wang Junyang. As demonstrated by the Italian architect Cino Zucchi in the exhibition"Sempering. Process and pattern in architecture and design" he curated in 2016 at the MUDEC Museum in Milan, the topicality of this approach to architectural design can be summed up in eightcritical categories - stacking, weaving, folding,connecting, moulding, blowing, engraving and tiling: they correspond to as many pragmatic design intentions derived from tectonic actions, which have a direct bearing on today"s design culture and which see various applications in compositional and ornamental terms.

It is therefore a theoretical construct that has strong repercussions on professional practice, even when working on existing buildings: the process of analysing and knowledge of a building, starting from the constructive issues which characterise it, before to set up the transformation project, it becomes an essential and propaedeutic path to arrive to formulate conscious design choice, coherent with the material essence of the existing building. Thus, the principles dictated by tectonics can potentially transmit, at the architectural scale, those design instances that identify memory and regeneration in architecture.

The work of Rijnboutt Architects presented here is consistent with this design research line: the identification of the existing building"s construction features has allowed the functional and architectural regeneration of the new building complex. In this way, the existing load-bearing structures have beenexalted and promoted to true spatial devices capable of generating the architectural quality of some significant rooms in the new library. This sensibility to construction issues has led to a renovation project in which the spatial and ornamental quality is obtained by the interaction between structural components and surface finishing materials, new or existing. The tectonic process of assembly generates also the ornamental component of the new façade,which thus declines through the surface cladding of the Semperian category of tiling.

It is therefore an approach to architectural design typical of the so-called Central European"Baukultur", which demonstrates the great relevance of design mechanisms aimed to exalt the building"s constructive peculiarities to generate compositional and spatial quality.

These principles are also valid in the case of complex functional regeneration processes of existing architecture which, thanks to the acknowledgement of their material essence"s value, reveal themselves to be the vectors that perpetuate over the time the collective memory, as demonstrated by the case of Utrecht"s former post office. (Alberto Bologna)

In 2011, the main post office of the city of Utrecht,at the Neude square, closed to the public after almost a century of service. The building, designed and built by the architect Joseph Crouwel (1885-1962) between 1919 and 1924 and considered a symbol of the city"s public life, was named a national monument in 2001[1].The redevelopment project of the building, which involves its transformation into a public library with shops, restaurants and a bike parking, was entrusted to the Dutch architectural firm Rijnboutt Architects in 20081). Zecc Architects dealt with interior design[2]. The architects undertook their task by declaring that they wanted to transform the building into "a living room of the city" (huiskamer voor de stad)[3].

The heart of Crouwel"s project, influenced by the Amsterdam School, was the public reception hall of the Post Office that was accessible from the Neude square, featuring an imposing parabolic vaulted ceiling (30 metres long × 18 metres high and a 16-metre span) consisting of the alternation of arches covered in glazed yellow bricks and windowed areas and having robust sculptural ornamental iron inserts, inspired by Egyptian and Assyrian art and made by the sculptor Hendrik van den Eijnde (1869-1939). Around the hall was about 8000 square metres of offices that the public could not access. Finally, the Crouwel complex housed a logistics area - an exit for mail sorting and forwarding - on the historic Oudegracht canal, which is today an integral part of the historic city centre and, therefore, no longer suitable for this technical function.

The redevelopment project focused on enhancing the large vaulted hall, accessible from the Neude, and on the transformation of the large offices into new spaces open to the public.To incorporate the functional programme, it was also necessary to add a new building at the former logistics area overlooking the canal, that houses the auditorium and a series of new commercial services: in this way, the front of the building on the Oudegracht participates in the historicalcultural regeneration of the urban area of the canal, connecting it to the district of the Neude(Fig. 1).

2 乌特勒支中央图书馆主厅,2020年7月/ Main hall of Utrecht Central Library, July 2020(1.2图片来源/Source: Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects, 1.2摄影/Photo: Kees Hummel)

Inaugurated on 14 March 2020, the renovated complex is characterised by the marked integration

3 乌特勒支中央图书馆平面,瑞恩波特建筑事务所和Zecc建筑事务/Floor plans of Utrecht Central Library,by Rijnboutt Architects & Zecc Architects(图片来源/Source:Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects and Zecc Architects)

4 乌特勒支中央图书馆纵剖面,瑞恩波特建筑事务所和Zecc建筑事务所/Longitudinal section of Utrecht Central Library,by Rijnboutt Architects & Zecc Architects(图片来源/Source:Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects)

5.6 乌特勒支中央图书馆阅览室,2020年7月/Reading rooms of Utrecht Central Library, July 2020(图片来源/Source:Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects, 摄影/Photo: Kees Hummel)


1)笔者于2020年12月1日采访了瑞恩波特工作室的建筑师弗雷德里克·维米尔什和建筑师卡里恩·范登布鲁克;瑞恩波特建筑事务所慷慨地分享了本文所发表的项目文件和图片。在采访过程中,我们重点讨论了设计过程中赋予承重结构在新空间的建筑和功能设计中的表现作用;因此,我们重点讨论了新建筑建设中采用的施工方案,与克劳威尔的建筑所呈现的方案一致。/The author interviewed the architect Frederik Vermeesch and the architect Karianne Vandenbroucke of the Rijnboutt studio on 1 December 2020; Rijnboutt Architects generously shared the project documentation and images published in this text. During the interview we focused on the design process discussing the expressive role assigned to the load-bearing structure in the architectural and functional design of the new spaces;therefore, we focused on the construction solutions that were adopted in the construction of the new building, in line with those present in the Crouwel building.

7 从老运河观看乌特勒支中央图书馆外景, 2020年4月/Utrecht Central Library, exterior view from the Oudegracht, April 2020(图片来源/Source: Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects, 摄影/Photo: Kees Hummel)

8 乌特勒支中央图书馆,由皇家马肯陶瓷公司设计的瓷砖车工实物模型,2018年/Utrecht Central Library, mock-up of the ceramic tile carter by Royal Tichelaar, 2018 (图片来源/Source: Courtesy of Rijnboutt Architects)

The Crouwel building was characterised by a pioneering reinforced concrete structure that, at the same time, had "standard" construction solutions that were patented at the time, for the floors and columns in the offices, daring parabolic arches in the central hall, and original details for its integration with the wooden roof truss systems. The use of reinforced concrete, which was completely hidden in the public reception hall, where the arches are covered in glazed yellow bricks and embellished with the independent ornamental scheme, is however visible in the office floor slabs. Even the roof structure, with the wooden trusses of the lofts of the two wings of the building, was mainly hidden in the original project.

In the choices made in the redevelopment project, the reflection on the morphology and image of the load-bearing structure of the existing building assumed, as we have already mentioned, a central role that developed with two complementary approaches. The first approach involved basing the functional definition of the new spaces of the complex on the morphology of the supporting structure of the existing building. The second approach, on the other hand, involved making specific interventions aimed at emphasising the appearance of the load-bearing structure, for example by bringing to light originally hidden portions, in accordance with the spatial and expressive conception of the new spaces.

Following the first approach, the large spans of the parabolic arches of the public lobby transformed this space into the new "covered square", accessible from the Neude (Fig.2) and used as a reception area, and which was obtained by moving all the passageways of the building into the two adjacent side wings (Fig. 3, 4). In the same way, the design of the new reading rooms, on the upper floors, follows the metric of the spans of the pre-existing wooden trusses, emphasising it through the insertion of a series of new windows that provide both the necessary natural lighting for these spaces as well as a new visual relationship between the interior of the building and the surrounding urban environment,contributing to its integration with the city.

Following the second approach, many portions of the trusses that were originally hidden in Crouwel"s design are exposed in the reading rooms,thus linking the spatial expressiveness of these environments to the image of the load-bearing structure (Fig. 5). This operation paid particular attention to the memory of the original design,with the sections of the originally hidden trusses left unpainted. The unique construction details of the reinforced concrete structure were also treated in the same way, concerning the connection between pillars and beams, being revealed in the redevelopment project and, left completely exposed,becoming an integral part of the spatial concept of the reading rooms located on the 3rd floor (Fig. 6).

An integral part of the programme was the design of the new body of the building. The need to build a new body of the building arose as it was unthinkable to fill up the monumental vaulted hall with voluminous objects like an auditorium. The new volume of the building, therefore, is in the former logistics area, facing the Oudegracht, contributing to the redevelopment of the urban area of the canal.

Like the work done on the existing building,ref lection on the tectonic principles that characterised the Crouwel building played a central role in the extension project: analogously to the structural concept of the public reception hall,in which the reinforced concrete structure was completely hidden by the evocative glazed brick cladding, in the new building, the materiality of the load-bearing structure has been separated from the cladding, to which the architectural expressiveness of the whole was entrusted. The new volume of the building is characterised by a mixed load-bearing frame, in wood and steel (Fig. 7), on which a façade has been superimposed, with a wooden structure characterised by an articulated ornamental carter that, consisting of elements made of prefabricated concrete and dark enamelled ceramic tiles, assumes a central role in the appearance of the entire complex on the canal side. The façade has, on a white base consisting of seven glazed portals framed by paired pilasters and striped architraves, the alternation of corrugated elements, made of enamelled ceramic tiles, and glass panelling.

The construction phase, therefore, combined two custom-designed construction solutions. The portals of the basement are made with prefabricated white concrete elements, while the upper extension makes use of special enamelled ceramic tiles,produced by the Royal Tichelaar company, the same company that had made the tiles of the original building 100 years earlier. In this operation,particular attention was paid to the study of the forms and the assembly of the ceramic tiles: through the development of 3D digital models supported by the realisation of a series of mock-ups (Fig. 8) in the workshop, the three types of tiles were designed in this way, with which it was possible to give shape to the ornamental fold of the façade.

This project, an example of successful integration of the characteristics of the original building and its new extension, staged a cultural and technological fusion between history and the 21st century in the heart of the city of Utrecht, providing in a broader perspective, the testimony to how a rigorous consideration of tectonics as the project driving principle, can constitute a worthwhile way of urban regeneration (Fig. 7).□

