江西 赖丽霞
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1. cosmology /kɒz΄mɒlədʒi/ n. 宇宙学
2. crutch /krʌtʃ/ n. (脚或腿受伤病人用的)腋杖
3. keen /kiːn/ adj. 热衷的;着迷的
4. accessible /ək΄sesəbl/ adj. 容易理解的
5. defy /dɪ΄faɪ/ v. 违抗;蔑视
Stephen William Hawking grew up in a house where education was very important. His parents were both academics who had studied at Oxford University. Dinner times were often spent reading books silently for the family!
When he was a teenager, Stephen and his friends built a computer out of old clock parts,telephone switchboards and other recycled items. His friends nicknamed him, “Einstein”!When he was 17, he went to Oxford University to study physics and chemistry. He later said that he found his first year very boring! After graduating from Oxford, he went to Cambridge University to further his studies in cosmology (the science of the origin of the universe).
Sadly, when he was 21, Stephen was diagnosed with motor neuron disease (MND) and told that he only had two years to live. MND gradually affects the brain cells that communicate with the body's muscles. Over time,sufferers struggle to walk, talk and even swallow without help. However, it didn't defeat Stephen.He used walking sticks and crutches after his diagnosis, but as his illness got worse he had to use an electric wheelchair to get around.
Stephen made many important contributions to the world of science. He developed theories about how the world began and furthered our understanding of black holes, stars and the universe. He was always keen on his work to be accessible to everyone, not just scientists. He wrote books that explained his theories in simple terms for everyone to understand, including a children's book. His most famous book, A Brief History of Time, sold more than 10 million copies!
In 1985, Stephen developed a lifethreatening infection. He had an emergency operation that saved his life but left him unable to talk. He was given a special computer that talked for him, which he controlled by moving a muscle in his cheek—clever!
Stephen has received many awards for his work including the 1979 Albert Einstein Medal,the Order of the British Empire (Commander) in 1982 and the 1988 Wolf Prize in Physics. He is remembered as an inspiration to many people.He had an amazing mind, incredible determination and didn't let his illness stand in his way. He defied doctors' predictions, living for a further 55 years after his diagnosis.
1. What did Stephen think of his first year in Oxford University?
A. Challenging. B. Uninteresting.
C. Meaningful. D. Tiring.
2. What can we know about MND?
A. It is an infectious disease.
B. It can be cured within two years.
C. It made Stephen feel desperate for a long time.
D. It can influence the communication between brain cells and body muscles.
3. Which of the following words can best describe Stephen?
A. Strongminded. B. Warmhearted.
C. Critical. D. Humorous.
After graduating from Oxford, he went to Cambridge University to further his studies in cosmology (the science of the origin of the universe). 从牛津大学毕业后,他去剑桥大学深造宇宙学(宇宙起源学)。
further v. 促进;增进
e.g. She took the new job to further her career. 她接受了这项新工作以进一步发展她的事业。
MND(motor neuron disease)确切的发病机制至今尚未明确。半数患者首发症状为肢体无力伴肌萎缩(5%)和肌束颤动(4%)。 随着病情的发展,患者逐渐出现典型的上下运动神经元损害的体征, 表现为广泛而严重的肌肉萎缩。约有10%的患者在整个患病过程中仅表现为进行性的肌肉萎缩,而无上运动神经元损害的体征;约30%的患者因脑干的运动神经核受累起病,表现为吞咽困难、构音不清、呼吸困难、舌肌萎缩和纤颤,以后逐渐累及四肢和躯干。 单纯的MND患者一般不会智力减退。