樊高罡 潘芳婷 罗粉 王全喜 尤庆敏
摘 要: 泸沽湖是中国第三大深水湖,属典型的高原湖泊,其湖盆形态复杂,多半岛、岛屿与岬湾,生境多样性高,透明度高达12.5 m,水质达国家地表水Ⅰ类标准.对泸沽湖硅藻植物进行了全面调查,共鉴定出111个硅藻分类单位,包括103种8变种,隶属于2纲6目10科51属,其中中国新记录2属2种,分别为:微小暗额藻(Aneumastus minor)、矮小盘状藻(Placoneis humilis).对两个新记录种类的形态特征、生境和分布进行了详细描述.
关键词: 硅藻; 泸沽湖; 中国新记录; 分类学
中图分类号: Q 949 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1000-5137(2021)01-0028-11
Abstract: Lugu Lake is the third largest deep-water lake in China,the lake basin is complex in its shape,with many peninsulas,islets and bays.It has high habitat diversity and transparency which is up to 12.5 m.The water quality reaches Class I levels according to the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838—2002).A comprehensive survey of diatoms was made in Lugu Lake.A total of 111 taxa of diatoms were identified,including 103 species and 8 varieties,which belong to 2 classes,6 orders,10 families and 51 genera.And of these taxa 2 genera 2 species were newly recorded from China,namely Aneumastus minor and Placoneis humilis.For the two newly recorded species,the morphological characteristics,habitats and distributions were described in detail in this article.
Key words: diatoms; Lugu Lake; new records in China; taxonomy
0 引 言
泸沽湖(27°41′~27°45′N,100°45′~100°50′E),位于四川省盐源县与云南省宁蒗县交界处,湖面海拔约2 690 m,是一个天然高原淡水湖泊,属金沙江水系,湖泊略呈北西—东南走向,南北长9.5 km,东西宽5.2 km,湖岸线长约44 km,湖泊面积50.1 km2,最大水深105.3 m,水深超过50 m的湖区面积约占全湖的一半,平均水深为40.3 m,是中国第三大深水湖泊[1].泸沽湖湖盆形态复杂,多半岛、岛屿与岬湾,生境多样,湖水湛蓝色,透明度高达12.5 m,水生植被丰茂,水质保持Ⅰ类标准,生态系统基本处于良性循环状态[2].由于泸沽湖自然生态系统的特征和价值,云南省人民政府于1986年3月批准设置泸沽湖自然保护区.
1 材料与方法
标本收集于50 mL采样瓶中,并用4%(体积分数)甲醛现场固定.在实验室内,利用美国微波消解仪 CEM-MARS对标本进行消解处理,经过蒸馏水数次洗涤后,用95%(体积分数)乙醇保存于1.5 mL的doff管中.取适量已处理样品用Naphrax硅藻封片胶固定,制成永久封片[9].使用日本Olympus BX53光学显微镜对已制作标本进行观察,使用Olympus DP80显微摄影数码相机拍照,使用Photoshop CS6对照片进行编辑处理.种类鉴定参考文献[10-24].
2 结果与讨论
2.1 泸沽湖硅藻的种类组成及特点
2.2.2 矮小盘状藻(图版V:20)
Placoneis humilis Metzeltin,Lange-Bertalot & García-Rodríguez.2005.Diatoms of Uruguay:compared with other taxa from South America and elsewhere.Iconographia Diatomologica 15,p.182,pl.74:11-19.
壳面椭圆形到宽披针形,末端尖圆形.中轴区窄、线形,中央区小,线纹辐射排列.细胞长17 μm,宽8 μm.10 μm内有12条线纹.
生境:湖泊,水草附着.水温:17.2 ℃,pH=8.7.
讨论:本研究中观察到的P.humilis与P.gracilis Metzeltin,Lange-Bertalot & García-Rodríguez相似.两者相比,P.humilis末端的条纹密度更小,在10 μm内有12条线纹;而P.gracilis在10 μm内有20条线纹[24].
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