崇尚共赢 传递希望


一带一路报道 2021年6期





In September, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed that from January to July 2021, Chinese non-financial direct investment in 56 countries along the Belt and Road reached 73.07 billion yuan, up by 1.2% year on year, accounting for 18% of the total amount in the same period. Chinese enterprises signed 2,936 new contracts of projects along the Belt and Road, with the total amount up to 416.94 billion yuan.

Over the past eight years, the Belt and Road has always been a road for cooperation, hope and win-win development. China and relevant countries and international organizations have cooperated in a series of sustainable initiatives or projects. In terms of the concept and direction of co-building the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), China always adheres to policy communication, facilities connectivity, unimpeded trade, accommodation of funds, and people-to-people exchanges.

“Which things are difficult and which are easy in the world? If you take action, a difficult thing becomes easy; if you don’t, an easy thing is difficult.” As the Belt and Road construction entered the new stage of high-quality development, in the face of a complex international situation, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech titled Work Together to Build a Community of Shared Future for Mankind via video link at the opening ceremony of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021. He stressed again, “We welcome any country interested in joining the BRI for co-construction, cooperation and common benefits. Building the Belt and Road is all about pursuing development, advocating win-win cooperation and passing on hope.”

A 哈薩克斯坦:图尔古松水电站投产发电

Kazakhstan: The Turgusun hydropower station has been put into production


In July, all the units of the Turgusun hydropower station in Kazakhstan, contracted by China International Water & Electric Corp., were put into production for power generation. The hydropower station is the first key project in the field of hydropower of China-Kazakhstan capacity cooperation under the framework of the BRI, with a total installed capacity of 24.9 MW and an average annual power generation of 79.8 GWh. After being put into production, it can greatly reduce the local power generation costs and effectively alleviate the local power shortage. At the peak seasons of the project construction, more than 200 local people were hired per month. The employees said, “Our life became better after the Chinese enterprise came. Our effort will pay off. We will work harder.”

B 孟加拉国:科克斯巴扎尔海上机场跑道扩建开工

Bangladesh: Cox’s Bazar offshore airport runway expansion has started construction


On August 29, the commencement ceremony of Bangladesh’s first offshore airport runway expansion project, built by China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) and Changjiang Yichang Waterway Bureau, was held in Cox’s Bazar of the country. After the completion of the project, the total length of the runway will reach 3,300 meters, which allows all kinds of large civil aircraft to take off and land. Prime Minister of Bangladesh Sheikh Hasina attended the ceremony and delivered a speech via video link. She said that it is a major project for public well-being, and that the government will strive to build the Cox’s Bazar region into an international aviation hub to inject new vitality into the local economy.

C 菲律宾:埃潘桥跨河公路桥建成通车

The Philippines: The Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge has been completed and opened to traffic


On July 29, the opening ceremony of the Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge, a cross-river road bridge project aided by China, was held in Manila. Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte attended the ceremony and thanked China for its selfless assistance. He said the completion of the Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge marks another milestone of the “Build, Build, Build” Strategy and will further strengthen the Philippines-China friendship. The Estrella-Pantaleon Bridge is a redevelopment project. The new bridge will achieve an average daily traffic flow of 50,000 vehicles after opened to traffic. It will effectively relieve traffic congestion in Manila, facilitate the circulation of personnel and materials, and contribute to the economic recovery of the Philippines. The bridge was generally contracted by China Road and Bridge Corporation and designed by CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd.

D 贊比亚:肯尼思·卡翁达新航站楼投运

Zambia: A new terminal of Kenneth Kaunda International Airport has been put into operation


A new terminal of Kenneth Kaunda International Airport in Lusaka, capital of Zambia, built by China Jiangxi Corporation for International Economic and Technical Cooperation (CJIC), was put into operation on August 9. The new terminal has a total construction area of about 35,000 square meters, with 25 check-in counters, eight gates, three baggage turntables, one central security check area, etc. After the new terminal was put into operation, the airport got upgraded to an international Class 4E airport. The airport will allow long-range wide-body aircraft such as Airbus to take off and land. Its annual throughput of international and domestic passengers will increase to 3.2 million person times and 400,000 person times respectively. The overall passenger flow will be three times that of today and the annual freight throughput will rise from the current 10,000 tons to 50,000 tons.

E 马尔代夫:维拉纳国际机场水上飞机航站楼交付使用

Maldives: A seaplane terminal of Velana International Airport has been delivered for use


In August, a seaplane terminal of Velana International Airport, built by Beijing Urban Construction Group, finished trial operation after completion and acceptance. Recently, it was formally delivered for use. The terminal has a total construction area of 28,000 square meters with complete water-based facilities. A person in charge of the airport said that China had overcome the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to actively advance project construction and ensure the fulfillment of the contract. He expected that the seaplane terminal would provide new driving forces for the development of tourism in Maldives.

F 埃及:“非洲第一高樓”标志塔封顶

Egypt: The landmark tower of “the tallest building in Africa” has been roofed


On June 17, the topping out ceremony of the landmark tower in the central business district of Egypt’s new administrative capital was launched. It is known as “the tallest building in Africa”. The project is built by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited Egypt Branch. Located about 50 kilometers east of Cairo, capital of Egypt, it covers a total area of about 505,000 square meters The structural height reaches 373.2 meters and the peak of the tower is as high as 385.8 meters. The project consists of 20 single high-rise buildings and supporting municipal works. During the construction period, the landmark tower project set several records of engineering construction, and the construction speed constantly renewed the record. In addition, China actively shared process and technical achievements with Egyptian partners to improve the skills of local workers.


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