成蒙!携手四十载 合作结硕果


一带一路报道 2021年6期


























近年来,成蒙两地的友谊不断升温,合作也取得了新进展;法国赛诺菲集团、法国影思生物扫描设备公司、1001PHARMACIE 线上药房等多个项目进入中国。












2019年11月3日,蒙彼利埃市时任副市长帕斯卡尔· 科让斯基一行走进成都蒙彼利埃小学(以下简称“蒙小”)一年级三班的法语课堂时,学习法语仅2个多月的学生已能够用简单的法语向来宾问好,做自我介绍。

































2019年10月31日至11月3日,来自全球的300余名运动员齐聚成都,参加2019FISE(Festival International des Sports Extrêmes)世界极限运动巡回赛成都站比赛,在小輪车、滑板、轮滑、街舞等项目上演绎世界级对决。其中,小轮车自由式公园赛世界杯作为2020年东京奥运会的奥运积分赛,同时也是东京奥运会积分赛最后一轮比赛,比赛现场格外引人关注。11月3日决赛当天,成都阳光明媚,无数观众聚集到一起观看比赛,运动员惊险刺激的动作、花样百出的技巧,引发现场观众震耳欲聋的尖叫。





各国极限运动员也表达了对成都的喜爱。参加2018年FISE世界极限运动巡回赛成都站的运动员Nick Bruce说:“成都是极限运动的理想之城,每年都会给我带来惊喜,我能从这里汲取到无限的能量。”另一名运动员Cat Fish则表示:“成都有深厚的历史底蕴,丰富的文化活动,单车运动非常受欢迎。来过之后,我理解了她(成都)能成为国际赛事中心的原因。”




多彩活動  多彩生活













Two documents about Montpellier are kept in the Chengdu Archives. One is the stub of the passport of Li Jieren, a renowned Sichuan writer and author of Ripple on Stagnant Water, who studied in France a century ago. The other is the bilingual agreement between Chengdu and Montpellier to form sister city relations 40 years ago. Both of the documents witness the opening-up of Chengdu and its long-standing friendship with Montpellier.

In 1919, Li Jieren went to the University of Montpellier for further studies and became one of the earliest writers to introduce French literature to China.

On June 11, 1981, at the invitation of Georges Frêche, then Mayor of Montpellier, France, Mi Jianshu, then Mayor of Chengdu, led a mission of six members to Montpellier for a friendly visit. On June 22, Mayors of the two cities concluded a sister city protocol. The two cities became the first pair of sister cities in the history of China-France exchanges, and Montpellier became the first one that formed sister city relations with Chengdu.

Chengdu is known as the “Land of Abundance” in western China while Montpellier is a “sun-kissed city” in southern France. As two famous cultural and tourism cities with a history of thousands of years in Asia and Europe, they have been carried out close cooperation in many fields such as economy, culture, education, health and sports.

In recent years, Chengdu has staged several large-scale events, including the EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, China Food and Drinks Fair and Western China International Fair. President and Vice President of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, Mayor of Montpellier and other key leaders have paid visits to Chengdu. The city has also launched a series of projects, such as a China-EU technology and business cooperation platform, a Montpellier wine culture promotion platform and a Montpellier wine culture exhibition and trading center, thus speeding up the cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier.

To promote each other’s language and culture, they have named a school after the other city respectively. The establishment of Chengdu Montpellier Primary School and Chengdu Primary School in Montpellier shows closer cooperation between the two cities in education.

The mutual impact of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine and their integration occur in the process of making breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases. Featuring inclusiveness, mutual learning and win-win cooperation, they have found the right direction for the development of modern medicine — coexistence.

Young people in both cities are full of energy and love for life. They take an active part in sports and enjoy the fun skateboarding and bicycle motocross and the challenging rock climbing and surfing.

Chinese Baijiu is popular in Montpellier to match goose liver while red wine is matched with hotpot in Chengdu. This new fashion broadens the path of business cooperation and cultural exchanges between the two places.

Economy and trade:

Cooperation in “red wine and Chinese Baijiu”

At China Food and Drinks Fair (CFDF) held in Chengdu in 2018, an Australian businessman came for French wine. When asked “why he came to pick French wine in Chengdu”, he said: “There are so many French wine producing regions in the city, so It is the best choice!”

Bai Xindi, representative of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole in China, concluded that although CFDF is also held in other Chinese cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, the fair in Chengdu is most popular one with the largest scale.

Chengdu has brought together numerous French wine brands thanks to the Montpellier wine culture promotion platform set up in 2012. As the main person in charge of this platform, Bai hopes that more people in Sichuan are willing to drink wine while savoring the hotpot in the future.

Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole has more than 200 winegrowers, 53 wineries, seven cooperatives, one wine research center and 13 wine technology and service companies. At present, the Montpellier wine culture promotion platform has gathered 52 wineries. They are committed to providing Chinese consumers with an opportunity to understand and appreciate the wine culture of southern France in a comprehensive and multi-faceted manner. Montpellier wine became another French wine brand to enter China after Bordeaux wine.

In September 2012, Chengdu organized local enterprises of Chinese Baijiu to Montpellier for exchanges and trade negotiations with wine traders there. In 2020, Chengdu signed the Strategic Cooperation Memorandum for Wine Tourism with Montpellier. Since then, an activity for cooperation between the two cities in terms of red wine and Chinese Baijiu has been staged every October. They agreed to set museums for French red wine and Chinese Baijiu in wineries or distilleries of their respective member enterprises.

Sichuan is well-known for producing Chinese Baijiu while Montpellier boasts the world’s largest vineyard, with extremely high production. The similar cultures make red wine and Chinese Baijiu the key to opening the economic and trade cooperation between China and Montpellier.

The delegation of Montpellier’s enterprises has been to Chengdu for consecutive years to participate in large-scale events like China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Fair, EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair, and CFDF.

At the 5th EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair in 2010, there were 18 biological clusters, water clusters, agricultural clusters and enterprises from Montpellier. A tripartite cooperation agreement was signed among Montpellier City Cluster, Management Committee of Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT) and EU Project Innovation Centre (EUPIC). The three sides will join hands to advance the investment and trade industry, and Chengdu and Montpellier decided to jointly build a China-EU technology and business cooperation platform for China-EU exchanges.

During the 6th EU-China Business & Technology Cooperation Fair in 2011, more than 80 enterprises of China and 150 enterprises from Montpellier conducted negotiations and participated in activities like wine tasting and exhibition together.

During the 7th session in 2012, the EUPIC and Montpellier signed a cooperation agreement for the Montpellier wine culture promotion platform. The two sides decided to set up the Montpellier wine culture exhibition and trading center at Chengdu High-tech Comprehensive Bonded Zone. During this session, both sides decide to set up Chengdu Office of Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole promoting exchanges and cooperation in technology, economy and trade.

When attending the 12th session in 2017, Philippe Saurel, then Mayor of Montpellier, said that the two cities can further advance economic and trade exchanges and create more mutually beneficial business cooperation projects. The municipal government of Montpellier encourages the local businesses to visit and invest in Chengdu and makes active efforts to help small and medium-sized enterprises to set up offices in Chengdu. As of now, multiple projects have been launched in China by Sanofi, French Yingsi Biometric Scanning Equipment Co., Ltd., 1001Pharmacies, etc. Chengdu Municipal People’s Government keeps improving its business environment to offer quality services to enterprises from Montpellier. Besides, it encourages powerful enterprises to visit Montpellier and seek cooperation opportunities there.


Pioneer in cultural exchanges between China and France

“Our reunion, which was scheduled for March in Chengdu, had to be postponed until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic prevented us from communicating face to face, our friendship has always been there, and we miss you very much,” wrote in a letter by the Middle School Attached to Sichuan University (No. 12 Middle School, Chengdu, Sichuan) to its sister school Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier in April 2020, when the pandemic was rampant in France. Some students of No. 12 Middle School also shot a video to extend greetings in French to students and teachers of Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier.

As early as in 2011, the two schools signed a friendly cooperation agreement, which marks the beginning of the exchanges of students and teachers between the two schools.

During their visit to No.12 Middle School in 2013, students and teachers from Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier learned the Chinese courses. Teachers from No.12 Middle School also taught them to make sweet rice-flour dumplings, take part in Tai Chi, play the drums and make Chinese knots. Through these activities, they deeply felt the Chinese traditional culture.

In 2015, 17 students and teachers of No. 12 Middle School visited Montpellier. During the 8-day visit, they went to the local museums, experienced the French-style class at Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier, and interacted with the leaders of Montpellier.

In March 2018, No. 12 Middle School saw a 12-day visit paid by students and teachers from Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier. They learned Chinese calligraphy, kung fu, flower arrangement and paper cutting, as well as the human geography of Sichuan. They also left their footprints in famous scenic spots such as Chengdu Wuhou Shrine, Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Leshan Giant Buddha and Sanxingdui. Colorful activities deepened their understanding of Chinese culture and promoted in-depth exchanges of Chinese and French cultures.


Besides frequent visits and exchanges, No. 12 Middle School has also launched Rabelais Class for French teaching since 2011. Education officials of the Embassy and General Consulate of France in China, head of Montpellier school district, and president of Lycée Jules Guesde Montpellier have visited No. 12 Middle School several times. They attend Rabelais Class and guided the school’s French teaching. Due to its outstanding achievements in French teaching, in 2015, No. 12 Middle School was jointly rated by the ministry of education of China and France as an exemplary school under the “French Class” project. It is also the first school characterized by Chinese-French educational and cultural exchanges at the national level in western China.

In 2012, Chengdu and Montpellier signed a framework agreement on educational exchanges and cooperation. The agreement contains the content of “encouraging more schools to launch the courses and activities in such areas as languages and cultures of both sides”. To further implement this agreement, nine primary and secondary schools in Chengdu have launched “Rabelais Class” and six counterparts in Montpellier have opened the “international Chinese class”.

On November 3, 2019, Pascal Krzyzanski, then Deputy Mayor of Montpellier, and his retinue walked into the French class of Class 3, Grade 1 at Chengdu Montpellier Primary School. Although the students have only been studying French for about two months, they are already able to greet the guests and introduce themselves in French.

In addition to the French class once a week and various related activities, students in the school are also given the opportunity to travel to Montpellier and other cities in France for experiencing French-style education and the local cultural customs every year. The frequent interactions and exchanges among students between the two countries contribute to their close friendship.

“Today, I met Mary’s grandfather in a bamboo forest. He is very kind and we kissed the cheek of each other.” “It’s time to leave Montpellier again. I don’t want to leave.” These words were left by students of Chengdu Montpellier Primary School. They reflect the friendship among students between the two countries.

The achievements of Chengdu Montpellier Primary School in facilitating cultural exchanges between China and France have been highly recognized by the governments of the two countries.

In 2016, the School won the special prize of “China-France Local Governments Cooperation Award” jointly issued by the ministry of foreign affairs of China and France. In that year, only eight units were awarded this honor in total. During the 6th High-Level Forum on China-France Local Governments Cooperation in 2018, the project of Chengdu Montpellier Primary School was included in the Memorandum of Mechanism for High-level People-to-People Exchanges between China and France as a cooperation result of local governments.

At Chengdu Primary School in Montpellier, Chinese slogans and Chinese-style decorations that can be seen all over the school warmed the hearts of the Chinese visitors. It also launched the “Silk Road Chinese Course” together with other primary and secondary schools in Montpellier. Teaching of the course is conducted based on a hand-painted map of the Silk Road. The route on the map starts from Venice of Italy, leads eastward to China’s Kashgar, Dunhuang, Xi’an and Suzhou, a city famous for silk, and ends at Beijing, capital of China. On the map, there are also various patterns like camels and silkworms, which represent the features of different places. Through information sharing about related cities, teachers help students to learn Chinese and better understand the history and culture of countries along the Silk Road.

At François Rabelais Primary School in Montpellier, a Silk Road themed game, which can help learn Chinese, is popular with the students. Based on the characteristics of different cities along the Silk Road, this game comprises different parts with various themes, including the treasure hunt, archaeology, navigation, etc. By integrating the historical and cultural knowledge of the ancient Silk Road, this game has greatly motivated the children to learn Chinese.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the sister city relations between Chengdu and Montpellier, the two cities decided to build Chengdu Montpellier Primary School and Chengdu Primary School in Montpellier respectively in 2011. As 10 years have passed, the path of exchanges between the two schools is increasingly broad. At present, Chinese teaching has been incorporated into the French national education system, and Montpellier has become the first city in France to achieve full coverage of Chinese courses from primary schools to high schools. There are about 400 primary and middle school students studying in the international Chinese class, and many other students have chosen Chinese as the second or third foreign language.

Besides basic education, Chengdu and Montpellier have also pioneered international cooperation in vocational education and higher education. In October 2007, Chengdu Health Bureau cooperated with the University of Montpellier, Faculty of Medicine, the oldest medical school in Europe, to create the first university diploma in Europe for traditional Chinese medical education. In September 2013, the Confucius Institute co-constructed by the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and the Montpellier 2 University was officially inaugurated. It is the first Confucius Institute co-built by two engineering universities of China and France. In addition, the two cities have regularly exchanged overseas students.  By the end of 2020, both parties have exchanged more than 60 students.

Medical operation:

Diversified cooperation after meeting of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine

In 2006, the Chengdu Municipal Public Health Delegation of six members went to France for a visit to the municipal government of Montpellier and the University of Montpellier, Faculty of Medicine. The two cities had consultation and exchanges on medical treatment, public health, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and other aspects, and signed a framework agreement for health cooperation. Since then, the cooperation between the two cities in the field of health care has been steered on a fast lane.

At the beginning of 2009, Zhao Yu, Associate Senior Doctor of TCM from Chengdu First People’s Hospital, boarded a flight to Montpellier. She worked at the Affiliated Hospital of the University of Montpellier, Faculty of Medicine for three months of medical exchanges, training the local TCM students and conducting outpatient treatment. During her stay, local patients came to Zhao Yu for acupuncture and moxibustion therapy. “To my surprise, traditional Chinese medicine is well received in Montpellier, and many of my patients are young people.” As Zhao Yu recalled, Jacques Duchamp, then Deputy Mayor of Montpellier, and Alain, the French Director of the TCM Exchange and Cooperation Project, all came to her for acupuncture and moxibustion therapy.

In January 2014, Chengdu Municipal Medical Administration signed a memorandum of cooperation on health care with the municipal government of Montpellier and the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU Montpellier). The two cities planned to establish “Chengdu-Montpellier Medical Research Center for Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease” in Chengdu with joint effort, pushing the medical cooperation and exchanges between the two cities to a new stage. In October of the same year, the research center was officially established.

Since then, focusing on these two key cooperation projects, Chengdu and Montpellier have frequently sent doctors to each other for long-term exchanges and study, and continuously deepened their medical exchanges and cooperation.

Since May 2015, Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital has dispatched the management team twice to the CHU Montpellier for short-term study.

From December 2015 to August 2016, Chengdu First People’s Hospital sent two persons to the CHU Montpellier for six-month further study.


For the Alzheimer’s Disease Project in which Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital and Montpellier cooperate, Li Zheng, Attending Physician of Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital, visited Montpellier for exchanges and study in 2017 and 2018. “We mainly observed local experts’ diagnosis and treatment process, and sometimes participated in the discussion.” Li Zheng told the reporter that the two trips to France broadened his international vision. Afterwards, Li Zheng, together with his colleagues, participated many times in the top global Alzheimer conference — Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC).

In October 2018, Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital held a bilateral exchange meeting with the CHU Montpellier. The two sides signed the Framework Agreement on Deep Cooperation of China-France Geriatric Diseases Institutes. Both parties had in-depth discussions on the projects such as the construction of cerebrospinal fluid laboratory, pursuing doctoral degrees in France and the multidisciplinary expansion cooperation, further deepening Chengdu-Montpellier cooperation in geriatric diseases.

Montpellier is a well-known medical city in France. CHU Montpellier has made helpful scientific attempts in the treatment and care for diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease, and has made major achievements in terms of islet cell transplantation, telemetry therapy of insulin pump and drug intervention therapy for Alzheimer’s disease.

Lan Fei and Yang Yanzhi, two physicians from Chengdu First People’s Hospital, applied the experience involving in vivo implanted insulin pumps to the use and management of in vitro insulin pumps domestically according to what they learned in the CHU Montpellier, bringing about good results.

Montpellier has also positively sent doctors to Chengdu for medical exchanges and study. On August 4, 2019, Lucille and Oriane, two first-year graduate students at the CHU Montpellier, ended their one-month clinical internship in Chengdu Fifth People’s Hospital. During their study, the two French medical students witnessed the magic charm of TCM therapy and experienced it in person. Lucille could not help wondering the magic of TCM, while Oriane was very interested in traditional theories on channels and collaterals and some treatments such as “Dong’s acupuncture” and “balanced acupuncture”.

Curie Duchev, Vice President of  the Montpellier Hospital Managernent Center, said that China is the most important country in Montpellier’s foreign cooperation and Chengdu is the most important cooperative city. The results achieved through cooperation of both sides in the field of health care are admirable. It is their great expectation to have more diversified and deeper cooperation, so that the cooperation between the two parties will be raised to a new, higher level.

At present, although the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down the projects related to medical cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier, both parties still believe that “when the epidemic is over, cooperative exchanges will continue”.


City of events meets capital of sports

On April 18, 2019, the football team from Chengdu Montpellier Primary School boarded a flight to France for their participation in the 53rd Montpellier International Youth Football Championship. The young players were looking forward to this trip.

In fact, it is not the first time for Chengdu to send youth football teams to chase after their dream for sports in Montpellier.

In March 2013 and April 2014, Chengdu sent the youth football teams to Montpellier for the 47th and 48th Montpellier International Youth Football Championships.

In April 2017, the football team of 15 members from Chengdu West China Middle School went to Montpellier for the 51st Montpellier International  Youth Football Championship. After eight matches, they finally won the 3rd place and the City Friendship Cup.

In the context of the continuous warming-up of Chengdu-French youth football exchanges, Chengdu Football Association has also sent players to Montpellier Football Club for exchanges and learning.

Chengdu is committed to building a world-famous sports city, and Montpellier is an internationally renowned sports capital. The common enthusiasm for sports enables the two cities to work together to develop the sports cause.

From October 31 to November 3, 2019, more than 300 athletes from all over the world gathered in Chengdu to participate in the 2019 FISE (Festival International des Sports Extrêmes) World Series (Chengdu), demonstrating world-class competitions on bicycle motocross (hereinafter referred to as BMX), skateboard, roller skating, street dancing and other extreme sports. Among them, as the Olympic Credit Competition for 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, BMX Freestyle Park World Cup is also the last round of Tokyo Olympic Credit Competition, so the competition site was the focus of public attention. On the final day (November 3), it was sunny, and numerous spectators gathered together to watch how the players competed for the championship. The adventurous actions and dazzling skills demonstrated by the players kept the audience crazy. Screaming sounds  resounded throughout the match field.

This is the sixth competition of the FISE World Series held by Chengdu in succession. To host this internationally renowned competition, Chengdu cannot do without great support from its sister city Montpellier.

FISE was first held in Montpellier in 1997. As the second largest extreme sports competition in the world and the largest one in Europe, it has a 24-year history. With the increasingly close exchanges and cooperation between Chengdu and its sister city Montpellier, in order to further deepen the friendly exchanges between the two cities in the field of sports, Chengdu was invited by Montpellier to hold the first competition in 2014.

As BMX Freestyle, skateboard, rock climbing and surfing were listed to the 2020 Tokyo Olympuc Games, both the scale and international influence of the FISE World series held by Chengdu are improving. “An increasing number of athletes are participating in the Competition held in Chengdu, which also proves that Chengdu does very well in extreme and urban sports,” said Joseph Vilverayux, Director of Marketing and Communication, Hurricane Extreme Sports Co., Ltd. (France). He is responsible for the operation of the FISE competitions. According to the data, the number of on-site spectators in Chengdu increased from more than 100,000 in 2014 to more than 250,000 in 2019. The number concerning social media engagement exceeded 8.9 million person-time, and the number of international and domestic video views exceeded 12.5 million. The number of domestic and foreign athletes increased from 200 in 2014 to 527 in 2018, and the number of countries involved increased from 20 in 2014 to 38 in 2018.

Pascal Krzyzanski, Deputy Mayor of Montpellier, said that the fact that FISE World Series was held in Chengdu, not only enabled Chengdu’s extreme sports lovers to enjoy the competition to the full, but also facilitated deeper cooperation between Chengdu and Montpellier by virtue of extreme sports.

The FISE World Series was held in Chengdu, which strongly promoted Chengdu to build a world-class city famous for sports events, gradually made Chengdu elements a brilliant Chinese label in this worldwide sports event while the city is built into a culture creation center and an international exchange center in the western regions, and added a new unique overseas publicity channel for Chengdu.

The successful introduction of FISE also helps Chengdu discover and train more talented persons in the field of extreme sports. In December 2018, an extreme sports training college — FISE College, founded by Hurricane Group (France), was introduced in Chengdu. Together with the first international-level comprehensive extreme sports venue constructed by Hurricane Group in Pidu District, Chengdu, the college is open to adolescents and sports lovers for training and competing activities involving freestyle BMX, street skateboarding, street roller skating, street scooter playing, etc.

Culture and tourism:

Colorful activities, colorful life

“Montpellier has a mild climate, with yearly lighting time up to 300 days. Unique urban construction, vitality and innovation, as well as diversified cultural exchanges make it the capital of French-style romantic life. Chengdu and even the whole southwestern regions of China constitute the important sources of our tourists.” At the Promotion Conference on Montpellier Mediterranean Regional Tourism and Wine held in Chengdu in September 2018, Mary Dominic Bellamy, then Deputy Director of Tourism Administration, the Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole, made an introduction on local tourism resources and characteristic tourism routes to the tourism agencies present.

Montpellier, with characteristic of Roman-style architecture, ancient cultural heritage, Mediterranean customs and famous vineyards, attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world every year. Chengdu, as its sister city, is naturally on the focus of attention from Montpellier in the important tourism market.

In September 2013, Montpellier, together with Chengdu, held the event of Southern French Cultural Experience Day in Chengdu. At the site, local residents tasted wine and delicacies while enjoying the wonderful performances, and experienced the pure French style in all respects with the combination of visual, taste and hearing senses. At the end of the event, many local residents were satisfied and cheerful, and some even had an impulse to visit Montpellier.

On October 23, 2014, Chengdu held the “Montpellier Scenic Photography Exhibition”. Nearly one hundred photography works on Monpellier scenery show local residents rich tourism resources and beautiful cultural customs, building a bridge for enhancing the traditional friendship and promoting cultural exchanges and cooperation between two cities.

In November 2017, Montpellier and Chengdu jointly held the event of “Southern Montpellier Mediterranean Metropole Photographic Works Exhibition and French Gourmet Food Month”. The locals of Chengdu enjoyed the beautiful scenery in southern France at home and tasted a pure French dinner.

Chengdu has also attracted the attention from Montpellier citizens in various ways. In May 2016, Chengdu took the 20th anniversary of Montpellier FISE World Series as an opportunity to hold the “Montpellier-Chengdu Sister City Day”, and promoted Chengdu’s profile through various activities such as art performances, food tasting and interaction games, which aroused a warm response locally.

A number of Chengdu elements were carefully set up in Montpellier to increase the attention from Sichuan’s tourists: the famous “Chengdu Street”, “Chengdu Square”, a Sichuan cuisine restaurant with the mark of the giant panda and others have become popular places in Montpellier for the tourists from Sichuan.

The slow lifestyle as well as the optimistic and open character narrow the distance between two cultures and their peoples.

Many old local residents in Chengdu also remembered Montpellier “Friendship Well” which appeared at the intersection of Chunxi Road 16 years ago. This art work, known as “The Third Eye” (multimedia video player that realizes real-time communication through the remote video technology), was placed on the most busy and lively streets of Chengdu and Montpellier. The residents in both cities can see the unique landscape of the other city when lifting the cover of the “Well”.

In June 2012, a rock band from Montpellier — “Le Comptoir des Fous”, which had had more than 100 world tour performances, held two concerts respectively in Eastern Music Park and Tianfu International Community in Chengdu, enriching the summer life of Chengdu citizens.

Artists from Montpellier have come to Chengdu many times for participating in “Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival”. Many wonderful performances including nouveau music, poetry recitation and others have made Chengdu citizens feel the charm of French art culture.

As a bridge for cooperation and exchanges between the two cities — “Montpellier Family” in Chengdu has regularly held activities such as “Chinese-French Literature & Art Dialogue Salon”, “Red Wine Appraisal”, “Film Salon” and “Southern French Life Salon”, providing platforms for friendly exchanges between Chengdu citizens and French residents. Since the launch of the “journey of Chengdu’s Non-governmental Ambassador to Montpellier” in December 2008, “Montpellier Family” has also regularly arranged the travels to Montpellier for Chengdu’s residents for non-governmental friendly exchanges.

