The Bear熊国


时代英语·高二 2021年1期

V. M. 希利尔 (汤敏 译)

V. M. 希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家, 创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物, 即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的世界地理》。

When I was a boy the story I liked best was one about wolves in Russia. Some Russians in a sleigh were driving across the snow, when they were attacked by a pack of hungry wolves. The men whipped up their horses, but the wolves drew nearer and nearer. When the wolves were just about to spring upon the sleigh the men threw out food, which the wolves stopped a moment to devour, allowing the sleigh to get ahead. But the wolves caught up and again food was thrown out and again and again, till there was no food left. See if you can guess the end of the story, or make up an ending of your own.

Naturally, I used to think of Russia as a land of wolves, though for some reason people call Russia “The Bear.”



Russia is a huge country—it is the largest country in Europe—it is as large as all the other countries of Europe put together, and in the far north there are wolves, snow, and sleighs. But there is also a middle Russia which is not so cold and a southern Russia which is quite warm.

In the north of Russia it is so cold that even in summer when the snow has gone and the ground has thawed out on top, the ground underneath remains frozen stiff, and, though grass and even flowers grow above, the ground below remains hard and icy. These frozen lands are called “tundras”, and there are thousands of miles of such tundras across the north of Russia.

At the top of Russia is a sea called “White” and at the bottom of Russia a sea called “Black”. The White Sea, I suppose, is called “White” because it is frozen over most of the year and covered with snow—and yet, during a few months of the summer when the ice in it has melted, great ships sail into the White Sea, bringing in loads of all sorts of goods to the one great port on this sea—a city called Archangel—a name that makes one think of heaven.




Word Study

sleigh /sle?/ n. 雪橇

devour /d?'va??(r)/ v. 狼吞虎咽地吃光;吞没;毁灭

The big fish continued to devour the little ones.

thaw /θ??/ v. 解冻,融化;变暖

Leave the meat to thaw completely before cooking.

stiff /st?f/ adj. 僵硬的;硬的

tundra /'t?ndr?/ n. 冻原,苔原

melt /melt/ v. 熔化,融化

The snow showed no sign of melting.

You may wonder why people live in such faroff places, why they dont move to other places that are more comfortable. But people live where they can make a living, and cities usually start with a few houses and more and more houses are built until there is a city. But there is a great city farther south than Archangel which was built all at once—to order. It was built by a man named Peter, who was one of the rulers of Russia. They were called “czars”. Peter wanted to live by the water so that he could sail ships, just as you might like to go to the seashore to sail boats, so he built a city by the sea, with streets, shops, houses, and palaces, and then, as he was a czar who could make people do what he wanted, he made people come and live in this city. Peter had been named for St Peter, so he called his city St Petersburg, which meant St Peters City. That was two hundred years ago.


When Russia was fighting in World War I the people of St Petersburg said that they wanted a real Russian name for their city, for “burg” was the German name for city, and they were fighting the Germans, so they called it Petrograd, which was the Russian name for Peters City. But the people got tired of the war and all of a sudden they said they would not fight any more; they had a revolution, killed the czar and set up a government of their own. They wanted the city of Petrograd called for the leader of the revolution, a man named Lenin, so they changed the name of the city again to Leningrad, which meant Lenins City. St Peterburg, Pertrograd, Leningrad was built to be the capital of Russia, but it was so cold there they moved the capital to a city still farther south near the center of Russia that had been the capital before. This city is called Moscow.


Word Study

faroff /'fɑ?r??f/ adj. 遥远的

czar /tsɑ?/ n. 沙皇;独裁者;独揽大权者

revolution /'rev?'lu??n/ n. 革命;巨变;大变革

A revolution in information technology is taking place.

