

上海医药 2021年4期


摘 要 随着慢性病管理工作在社区卫生服务中心的逐步開展,糖尿病诊治已从单纯的药物治疗发展为综合防治。推广以社区临床药师为主导的糖尿病患者管理工作,在保障社区患者用药安全、提升社区药学服务质量方面具有重要意义。社区药学服务提供的干预措施主要包括患者用药教育、定期药学随访、参与患者治疗方案制订和临床用药评价等,这些措施有助于社区糖尿病患者的综合管理,并能有效提升糖尿病患者的治疗效果与生存质量。因此,有必要在社区开展以临床药师为主导的糖尿病患者用药管理。

关键词 社区临床药师;糖尿病患者管理;药学服务

中图分类号:R192.8 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2021)04-0015-03


Analysis of the necessity of community clinical pharmacists participating in diabetes management


(Medicament Department of Lingyun Community Health Service Center of Xuhui District, Shanghai 200237, China)

ABSTRACT With the gradual development of chronic disease management in community health service centers, the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes has developed from simple drug treatment to comprehensive prevention and treatment. It is of great significance to promote the management of diabetic patients with community clinical pharmacists as the leading factor in ensuring the medication safety of community patients and improving the quality of community pharmaceutical care. Intervention measures provided by the community pharmaceutical care mainly include medication education for patients, regular pharmaceutical follow-up, participation in the formulation of patient treatment plan and clinical medication evaluation, etc. These measures are helpful to the comprehensive management of community diabetic patients, and can effectively improve the treatment effect and quality of life of diabetic patients. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out drug administration for diabetic patients with clinical pharmacists as the leading factor in the community.

KEY WORDS community clinical pharmacist; management of the diabetic patient; pharmaceutical care




1 社区临床药师优势


1.1 服务专业性



1.2 服务及时性



研究显示,在药师参与的家庭药学服务中,超过半数以上患者的糖化血红蛋白值和血脂水平得到了改善,药师提供的家庭药学服务使患者平均节省了622~3 356美元的医疗支出[19]。


社区临床药师的管理干预措施主要包括患者用药教育、定期药学随访、参与患者治疗方案制订和临床用药评价等。目前,对糖尿病患者药学干预效果的量化评估指标并未统一,但主要包括糖化血红蛋白值、空腹血糖值、餐后2 h血糖值、血脂水平、体重指数、血压值、糖尿病自我管理能力、服药依从性和饮食情况等[20]。

2.1 1型糖尿病干预效果




2.2 2型糖尿病干预效果







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