外国驻渝领事官员集中观看两会开幕会 “高质量发展”“成渝地区双城经济圈建设”成关注热点
□ 文/本刊记者 贺煜 图/本刊记者 唐安冰
因疫情防控需要,今年重庆两会现场没有邀请旁听人员,市政府外办邀请并组织了英国、日本、加拿大、荷兰、埃塞俄比亚、匈牙利、白俄罗斯等12个国家驻渝领事官员,以及香港贸易发展局重庆代表处、香港特区政府驻重庆联络处代表等,在外事大楼集中观看开幕会。让他们更好地了解重庆经济社会发展情况,进一步促进重庆与各国间的交流与合作。On January 20 and 21, the Fourth Session of the Fifth Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the Fourth Session of the Fifth Chongqing Municipal People’s Congress successively opened in Chongqing People's Auditorium.
Due to needs of epidemic prevention and control, Chongqing's two sessions this year did not invite observers. Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal People’s Government invited and organized consular officials from 12 countries, such as UK, Japan, Canada, the Netherlands, Ethiopia, Hungary Belarus, and other countries in Chongqing, as well as the representatives from Chongqing Representative Office of Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and Liaison Unit of HKSAR Government in Chongqing, to watch the opening ceremony together at the Foreign Affairs Building, so that they could better understand the economic and social development of Chongqing and further promote exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and their countries.
With the assistance of simultaneous interpretation, consular officials from various countries in Chongqing listened attentively to the work report of the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC Chongqing Committee and the work report of the Chongqing Municipal Government to learn about Chongqing’s outstanding achievements in various fields in 2020 and key task arrangements in 2021. They congratulated the opening of Chongqing's two sessions and highly applauded the city's great achievements in economic and social development, and the remarkable results achieved in the epidemic prevention and control work with much attention to the high-quality development of Chongqing and the construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle. Looking into the future prospect of cooperation with Chongqing, consular officials invariably expressed that they would continue playing the linkage role of consulates, build a friendship bridge between their own country and Chongqing, and bring exchanges and cooperation to a new level.
After the meeting, some consular officials in Chongqing were interviewed by media journalists-
Anteneh Tariku, Consul General of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopian in Chongqing:I have great expectations for Chongqing and hope to continuously promote exchanges and cooperation with the city.
Dmitry Emelyanov, Acting Head of Consulate General of Belarus in Chongqing:Chongqing gives full play to its own advantages to promote the construction of inland opening-up high ground.
Koen Sizoo, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Chongqing:The construction of Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle brings more opportunities for the two places to carry out international exchanges and cooperation.
Czégel Bálint, Deputy Consul General of Hungary in Chongqing:Hungary and Chongqing enjoy great potential for cooperation in automotive and healthcare fields.
Agustina Casavalle Bonilla, Acting Consul General of Uruguay in Chongqing:I hope to join work together with Chongqing to unfold technological innovation and broaden trade exchanges.