
取电池电动势为1.5 V,内阻为0.5Ω,可以算得使用1节电池时,流过线圈的电流约为2.75 A;使用2节电池时,电池电动势变为3 V,但内阻也变为1Ω,代入数据计算,此时流过线圈的电流为2.87 A;使用3节电池时,流过线圈的电流为2.91 A。随着串联电池的增加,导致增加微小电流,自然不会出现教材和教师预想的“电磁铁磁性明显增强”。实际上,很多实验过程中用到的导线截面积远远大于0.2 mm2,电池几乎工作在短路状态,这种情况下,随着串联电池的增加,通过线圈的电流几乎不变,不管串联几节电池,流过线圈的电流都是3 A左右,也不会导致电磁铁磁性的变化。
很简单,用细的漆包线代替那种聚氯乙烯外皮的粗导线就可以了,例如用0.08 mm直径的漆包线(太细容易断)取代直径0.5 mm的导线,长度可以增加到4 m(如果导线太短,电阻太小,电流密度过高,导线会严重发热)。这样,可以算得导线的电阻约为14Ω,这时用1节电池,流过线圈的电流约为0.1 A;用2节电池,流过线圈的电流约为0.2 A,随着电池节数的增加,电流几乎成正比例增加,效果就非常明显了。
The Conductor of Electromagnet Coil is Particular
ZHANG Pingke
ZHANG Pingke
Professor of Physics, Hunan First Normal University
Distinguished Professor of Changsha Normal University
Executive vice President of Hunan Youth Science and Technology Education Association
In primary school science class, one of the main links of "electromagnet" content is to study the rela? tionship between the magnetic strength of electromag? net and the coil number and current intensity. In the experiment, we often judge by the number of needles attracted by electromagnet.
Afterexploring"therelationshipbetweenthe magnetic strength of electromagnet and the number of coils", the teacher put forward a new problem accord? ing to the textbook: through the series connection of batteries,tostudytheinfluenceofincreasingthe number of batteries on the magnet of electromagnet.
However, in actual teaching, the effect is often not obvious - with the increase of the number of bat? teries, the number of pins attracted by electromagnets isalmostunchanged,whichpuzzlesstudentsand makes quite a number of front-line science teachers feel strange. Several front-line teachers reflected the situation to me and asked why and if there was any way to improve the experiment.
Let’s analyze the reason.
Generally,theinternalresistanceofthenew No.1 battery is about 0.5Ω(the specific internal re? sistance is related to the quality of the battery), the older battery is higher. The conductor used in the il? lustrationsofthetextbookisrelativelythick,so make a very conservative estimation. If it is a single corewire,itscorediameterisatleast0.5mm, equivalent to the cross-sectional area is about 0.2 mm2, if the resistivity of copper wire is 1.75×10-8Ω?m. According to the formula of resistivity: [R]=ρLS]
It can be calculated that the wire resistance is about 0.045Ω, according to Ohm’s law of the whole circuit: [i = ER + r]
The electromotive force of the battery is 1.5 V and the internal resistance is 0.5 vΩ,It can be cal? culated that when one battery is used, the current flowing through the coil is about 2.75 a; When two batteries are used, the EMF of the battery becomes 3 V, but the internal resistance also becomes 1 vΩ, The current flowing through the coil is 2.87 a; When using three batteries, the current through the coil is 2.91 a. With the increase of series batteries, result? ing in the increase of small current, it will not ap? pear that the "electromagnet magnetism is significantly enhanced" expected by textbooks and teachers. In fact, the cross-sectional area of wires used in many experiments is much larger than 0.2 mm2, and the batteryalmostworksintheshort-circuitstate.In this case, with the increase of series batteries, the current through the coil is almost constant. No mat? terhowmanybatteriesareinseries,thecurrent through the coil is about 3 A, which will not lead to the change of electromagnet magnetism.
Thetextbookrealizesthatthebatteryalmost works in the short circuit state in this experiment, so in the following content, it is specially reminded that"because the wire used is short, this electromagnet consumes a lot of power, so don’t connect it to the battery for a long time". This is a good reminder, but it is not enough. Battery short circuit is not only the problem of damaging the battery, but also the danger of battery explosion and fire. CCTV has done a special program to explore the performance of dry batteries of different brands after short circuit. In the experiment, some dry batteries with design defects ex? ploded after short circuit for a period of time. If stu? dents develop the habit of short circuiting batteries at will, it is very dangerous, especially for large ca? pacity batteries, such as lead-acid batteries in cars and lithium batteries without protective plates, which will cause serious safety accidents such as explosion and fire.
So how can this experiment be improved?
It’s very simple. It’s OK to replace the thick PVC wire with thin enameled wire. For example, if the 0.08 mm diameter enameled wire (too thin and easy to break) is used to replace the 0.5 mm diame? ter wire, the length can be increased to 4 m (if the wire is too short, the resistance is too small, and the current density is too high, the wire will be seriously heated). In this way, the resistance of the wire can be calculated to be about 14Ω,At this time, with one battery, the current flowing through the coil is about 0.1 a; With two batteries, the current flowing through the coil is about 0.2 A. with the increase of the number of batteries, the current increases almost in a positive proportion, and the effect is very obvi? ous.
In this case, the current flowing through the coil becomessmaller,willtheelectromagnetmagnetism be too weak to affect the experimental results? In fact, it will not. With longer and thinner wires, more turns can be wound on the same iron core (usually with proper size nails or screws). The increase of turns can increase the magnetism of the electromag? net.
In the experiment, it must be emphasized that do not use too thickwire to do this experiment, thick and short wire, almost no obstruction to the cur? rent,thissituationiscalledshortcircuit,battery short circuit is a kind of behavior that not only dam? ages the battery, but also full of danger.
In the teaching of this content, some teachers re? flect that after the power failure of some electromag? nets,thesteelnailscanalsoattractsomepins, which interferes with the students’ understanding of electromagnets. This phenomenon is due to the selec? tion of iron nails or screws with high carbon content as the iron core, which will have residual magnetism afterthepowerfailureofelectromagnetism.When teaching, we can choose nails or screws with low car? bon content, or soft wire with low carbon content. In addition, we can also carry out expansion activities to find the strongest remanence nails.